
鯉魚 湘江 漢語故事 2019-08-12







前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚既然是鯉魚,肯定就進過洞庭湖,而且從長江裡進入過大海。在湘江的某一個支流裡,在某一條小溪裡,或者說某一個水庫,我誕生了。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Since it was carp, it must have entered Dongting lake and entered the sea from the Yangtze River.

I was born in a tributary of the Xiangjiang River, in a stream or in a reservoir.

在水鄉里,大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米,蝦米吃泥巴。我是那麼弱小,很多大魚把我當作果腹之餐,非常正常。不正常的是,打從我一出生,就有一個神奇的傳說:鯉魚是龍的前身。每一條騰雲駕霧的龍,都是小小的鯉魚變化而來。所以,鯉魚跳龍門,是每一條鯉魚的夢想。自己尋找那條門,再勇敢地跳過去,就是天翻地覆的轉換。很多兄弟姐妹,跟我一樣,都是那麼執著與剛強當然,很多兄弟姐妹們,沒有實現自己的夢幻。In the region of rivers and lakes, big fish swallow little fish, little fish eat shrimps and shrimps eat mud.I was so weak that a lot of big fish considered me as their meal, which was very normal. What was abnormal is that since I was born, there has been a magical legend: carp is the predecessor of the dragon. Every dragon that travels through the clouds and fogs is a small carp. Therefore, the dream of every carp is to jump over the dragon gate. Looking for that dragon gate and jumping bravely through it afterward is a tremendous experience.There was a large number of brothers and sisters who were as persistent and as strong as me.Of course, many of them did not realize their dreams.





前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚既然是鯉魚,肯定就進過洞庭湖,而且從長江裡進入過大海。在湘江的某一個支流裡,在某一條小溪裡,或者說某一個水庫,我誕生了。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Since it was carp, it must have entered Dongting lake and entered the sea from the Yangtze River.

I was born in a tributary of the Xiangjiang River, in a stream or in a reservoir.

在水鄉里,大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米,蝦米吃泥巴。我是那麼弱小,很多大魚把我當作果腹之餐,非常正常。不正常的是,打從我一出生,就有一個神奇的傳說:鯉魚是龍的前身。每一條騰雲駕霧的龍,都是小小的鯉魚變化而來。所以,鯉魚跳龍門,是每一條鯉魚的夢想。自己尋找那條門,再勇敢地跳過去,就是天翻地覆的轉換。很多兄弟姐妹,跟我一樣,都是那麼執著與剛強當然,很多兄弟姐妹們,沒有實現自己的夢幻。In the region of rivers and lakes, big fish swallow little fish, little fish eat shrimps and shrimps eat mud.I was so weak that a lot of big fish considered me as their meal, which was very normal. What was abnormal is that since I was born, there has been a magical legend: carp is the predecessor of the dragon. Every dragon that travels through the clouds and fogs is a small carp. Therefore, the dream of every carp is to jump over the dragon gate. Looking for that dragon gate and jumping bravely through it afterward is a tremendous experience.There was a large number of brothers and sisters who were as persistent and as strong as me.Of course, many of them did not realize their dreams.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。在我還沒有找到自己那條門之前,我遊歷過水塘、田邊地頭、小溪小河,最後進入了湘江。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Before I found my dragon gate, I had traveled through ponds, fields, streams and finally into the Xiangjiang River.

閃閃發光的鱗片,為我的努力得到了很多的獎賞。我成了同類中的英雄模範,似乎也好像已經飛黃騰達,卻成了漁民追殺的頭號食物。很多人想把我蒸、煮、烤、燒,做成一盤精美的佳餚,然後,慢慢品嚐。命運總在關鍵時刻拐彎,我在混淆黑白的水裡,躲躲閃閃,規避開一切陷阱,脫逃掉一切捕撈,回絕了一切釣餌。我的生存故事,可以寫成一部很厚的神話小說,迷倒一批又一批的粉絲。The glittering scales have won many awards for me thanks to my efforts.I became a model hero in my category. Although I have blossomed out I was the number one food for these fishermen. A lot of people wanted to steam, boil, roast or burn me to make a delicious dish and then slowly taste it.Fate always turns at the critical moment. I evaded all the traps, escaped all fishing nets and didn't fall for the baits.My survival story could be written into a very thick mythical novel that fascinates groups of fans.





前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚既然是鯉魚,肯定就進過洞庭湖,而且從長江裡進入過大海。在湘江的某一個支流裡,在某一條小溪裡,或者說某一個水庫,我誕生了。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Since it was carp, it must have entered Dongting lake and entered the sea from the Yangtze River.

I was born in a tributary of the Xiangjiang River, in a stream or in a reservoir.

在水鄉里,大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米,蝦米吃泥巴。我是那麼弱小,很多大魚把我當作果腹之餐,非常正常。不正常的是,打從我一出生,就有一個神奇的傳說:鯉魚是龍的前身。每一條騰雲駕霧的龍,都是小小的鯉魚變化而來。所以,鯉魚跳龍門,是每一條鯉魚的夢想。自己尋找那條門,再勇敢地跳過去,就是天翻地覆的轉換。很多兄弟姐妹,跟我一樣,都是那麼執著與剛強當然,很多兄弟姐妹們,沒有實現自己的夢幻。In the region of rivers and lakes, big fish swallow little fish, little fish eat shrimps and shrimps eat mud.I was so weak that a lot of big fish considered me as their meal, which was very normal. What was abnormal is that since I was born, there has been a magical legend: carp is the predecessor of the dragon. Every dragon that travels through the clouds and fogs is a small carp. Therefore, the dream of every carp is to jump over the dragon gate. Looking for that dragon gate and jumping bravely through it afterward is a tremendous experience.There was a large number of brothers and sisters who were as persistent and as strong as me.Of course, many of them did not realize their dreams.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。在我還沒有找到自己那條門之前,我遊歷過水塘、田邊地頭、小溪小河,最後進入了湘江。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Before I found my dragon gate, I had traveled through ponds, fields, streams and finally into the Xiangjiang River.

閃閃發光的鱗片,為我的努力得到了很多的獎賞。我成了同類中的英雄模範,似乎也好像已經飛黃騰達,卻成了漁民追殺的頭號食物。很多人想把我蒸、煮、烤、燒,做成一盤精美的佳餚,然後,慢慢品嚐。命運總在關鍵時刻拐彎,我在混淆黑白的水裡,躲躲閃閃,規避開一切陷阱,脫逃掉一切捕撈,回絕了一切釣餌。我的生存故事,可以寫成一部很厚的神話小說,迷倒一批又一批的粉絲。The glittering scales have won many awards for me thanks to my efforts.I became a model hero in my category. Although I have blossomed out I was the number one food for these fishermen. A lot of people wanted to steam, boil, roast or burn me to make a delicious dish and then slowly taste it.Fate always turns at the critical moment. I evaded all the traps, escaped all fishing nets and didn't fall for the baits.My survival story could be written into a very thick mythical novel that fascinates groups of fans.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。我跳過龍門化身成仙的時候,肯定已經逛蕩過汪洋大海。海是龍家鄉。我已記不清那驚天動地的一跳,從驚濤駭浪裡升起一條金色的鯉魚,翻過高高的龍門,春暖花開,朝氣蓬勃,成了神祕的巨龍,掌管風雨雷電。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.When I jumped over the dragon gate to become an immortal, I must have sailed through boundless seas.The sea is the dragon’s home.I don’t remember the earth-shaking jump. A golden carp rose from the stormy waves and climbed over the tall dragon gate. Spring is warm and blooming, full of vigor and vitality since it became a mysterious dragon in charge of lightning and storm.

幸福的日子,千萬年如一刻,讓我恍若隔世。因為愛情,因為雄心壯志,因為很多我知道的和不知道的,這一輩子我來到了人間。因為我的前生是鯉魚,所以我喜歡走遍千山萬水,喜歡到處流浪,喜歡自找苦吃,苦中作樂。因為我知道有一個神奇的傳說。痛苦和挫折,是變身成功的必要措施;失敗和打擊,是轉世換代的必要條件。我在淚水和歡笑裡,追根溯源,也在忙忙碌碌的塵世中,瞻望前程。Happy days make me feel that thousands of years are just a moment. It seemed as if a generation had passed.Because of love, because of ambition, because of lots of things I know and don't know, this time I came to this world in this life.Since my previous life was a carp, I like traveling around the mountains and rivers, wandering around, looking for trouble and finding pleasure in it. Because I know there is a magic legend.Pain and frustration are necessary measures of success. Failure and blow are necessary conditions of reincarnation. I trace my roots in tears and laughter and look forward to the future in the busy world.

我明白,上一輩子,這一輩子,還有下一輩子,我都是一尾金色的鯉魚,先要體驗魚化龍的艱難困苦,才能享受成功之路的輝煌燦爛。I understand that in the last life, in this life and in the next life I am a golden carp. First I must experience the hardships of turning from a fish into a dragon before I enjoy the splendor of the road to success.






前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚既然是鯉魚,肯定就進過洞庭湖,而且從長江裡進入過大海。在湘江的某一個支流裡,在某一條小溪裡,或者說某一個水庫,我誕生了。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Since it was carp, it must have entered Dongting lake and entered the sea from the Yangtze River.

I was born in a tributary of the Xiangjiang River, in a stream or in a reservoir.

在水鄉里,大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米,蝦米吃泥巴。我是那麼弱小,很多大魚把我當作果腹之餐,非常正常。不正常的是,打從我一出生,就有一個神奇的傳說:鯉魚是龍的前身。每一條騰雲駕霧的龍,都是小小的鯉魚變化而來。所以,鯉魚跳龍門,是每一條鯉魚的夢想。自己尋找那條門,再勇敢地跳過去,就是天翻地覆的轉換。很多兄弟姐妹,跟我一樣,都是那麼執著與剛強當然,很多兄弟姐妹們,沒有實現自己的夢幻。In the region of rivers and lakes, big fish swallow little fish, little fish eat shrimps and shrimps eat mud.I was so weak that a lot of big fish considered me as their meal, which was very normal. What was abnormal is that since I was born, there has been a magical legend: carp is the predecessor of the dragon. Every dragon that travels through the clouds and fogs is a small carp. Therefore, the dream of every carp is to jump over the dragon gate. Looking for that dragon gate and jumping bravely through it afterward is a tremendous experience.There was a large number of brothers and sisters who were as persistent and as strong as me.Of course, many of them did not realize their dreams.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。在我還沒有找到自己那條門之前,我遊歷過水塘、田邊地頭、小溪小河,最後進入了湘江。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Before I found my dragon gate, I had traveled through ponds, fields, streams and finally into the Xiangjiang River.

閃閃發光的鱗片,為我的努力得到了很多的獎賞。我成了同類中的英雄模範,似乎也好像已經飛黃騰達,卻成了漁民追殺的頭號食物。很多人想把我蒸、煮、烤、燒,做成一盤精美的佳餚,然後,慢慢品嚐。命運總在關鍵時刻拐彎,我在混淆黑白的水裡,躲躲閃閃,規避開一切陷阱,脫逃掉一切捕撈,回絕了一切釣餌。我的生存故事,可以寫成一部很厚的神話小說,迷倒一批又一批的粉絲。The glittering scales have won many awards for me thanks to my efforts.I became a model hero in my category. Although I have blossomed out I was the number one food for these fishermen. A lot of people wanted to steam, boil, roast or burn me to make a delicious dish and then slowly taste it.Fate always turns at the critical moment. I evaded all the traps, escaped all fishing nets and didn't fall for the baits.My survival story could be written into a very thick mythical novel that fascinates groups of fans.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。我跳過龍門化身成仙的時候,肯定已經逛蕩過汪洋大海。海是龍家鄉。我已記不清那驚天動地的一跳,從驚濤駭浪裡升起一條金色的鯉魚,翻過高高的龍門,春暖花開,朝氣蓬勃,成了神祕的巨龍,掌管風雨雷電。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.When I jumped over the dragon gate to become an immortal, I must have sailed through boundless seas.The sea is the dragon’s home.I don’t remember the earth-shaking jump. A golden carp rose from the stormy waves and climbed over the tall dragon gate. Spring is warm and blooming, full of vigor and vitality since it became a mysterious dragon in charge of lightning and storm.

幸福的日子,千萬年如一刻,讓我恍若隔世。因為愛情,因為雄心壯志,因為很多我知道的和不知道的,這一輩子我來到了人間。因為我的前生是鯉魚,所以我喜歡走遍千山萬水,喜歡到處流浪,喜歡自找苦吃,苦中作樂。因為我知道有一個神奇的傳說。痛苦和挫折,是變身成功的必要措施;失敗和打擊,是轉世換代的必要條件。我在淚水和歡笑裡,追根溯源,也在忙忙碌碌的塵世中,瞻望前程。Happy days make me feel that thousands of years are just a moment. It seemed as if a generation had passed.Because of love, because of ambition, because of lots of things I know and don't know, this time I came to this world in this life.Since my previous life was a carp, I like traveling around the mountains and rivers, wandering around, looking for trouble and finding pleasure in it. Because I know there is a magic legend.Pain and frustration are necessary measures of success. Failure and blow are necessary conditions of reincarnation. I trace my roots in tears and laughter and look forward to the future in the busy world.

我明白,上一輩子,這一輩子,還有下一輩子,我都是一尾金色的鯉魚,先要體驗魚化龍的艱難困苦,才能享受成功之路的輝煌燦爛。I understand that in the last life, in this life and in the next life I am a golden carp. First I must experience the hardships of turning from a fish into a dragon before I enjoy the splendor of the road to success.







前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚既然是鯉魚,肯定就進過洞庭湖,而且從長江裡進入過大海。在湘江的某一個支流裡,在某一條小溪裡,或者說某一個水庫,我誕生了。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Since it was carp, it must have entered Dongting lake and entered the sea from the Yangtze River.

I was born in a tributary of the Xiangjiang River, in a stream or in a reservoir.

在水鄉里,大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米,蝦米吃泥巴。我是那麼弱小,很多大魚把我當作果腹之餐,非常正常。不正常的是,打從我一出生,就有一個神奇的傳說:鯉魚是龍的前身。每一條騰雲駕霧的龍,都是小小的鯉魚變化而來。所以,鯉魚跳龍門,是每一條鯉魚的夢想。自己尋找那條門,再勇敢地跳過去,就是天翻地覆的轉換。很多兄弟姐妹,跟我一樣,都是那麼執著與剛強當然,很多兄弟姐妹們,沒有實現自己的夢幻。In the region of rivers and lakes, big fish swallow little fish, little fish eat shrimps and shrimps eat mud.I was so weak that a lot of big fish considered me as their meal, which was very normal. What was abnormal is that since I was born, there has been a magical legend: carp is the predecessor of the dragon. Every dragon that travels through the clouds and fogs is a small carp. Therefore, the dream of every carp is to jump over the dragon gate. Looking for that dragon gate and jumping bravely through it afterward is a tremendous experience.There was a large number of brothers and sisters who were as persistent and as strong as me.Of course, many of them did not realize their dreams.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。在我還沒有找到自己那條門之前,我遊歷過水塘、田邊地頭、小溪小河,最後進入了湘江。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.Before I found my dragon gate, I had traveled through ponds, fields, streams and finally into the Xiangjiang River.

閃閃發光的鱗片,為我的努力得到了很多的獎賞。我成了同類中的英雄模範,似乎也好像已經飛黃騰達,卻成了漁民追殺的頭號食物。很多人想把我蒸、煮、烤、燒,做成一盤精美的佳餚,然後,慢慢品嚐。命運總在關鍵時刻拐彎,我在混淆黑白的水裡,躲躲閃閃,規避開一切陷阱,脫逃掉一切捕撈,回絕了一切釣餌。我的生存故事,可以寫成一部很厚的神話小說,迷倒一批又一批的粉絲。The glittering scales have won many awards for me thanks to my efforts.I became a model hero in my category. Although I have blossomed out I was the number one food for these fishermen. A lot of people wanted to steam, boil, roast or burn me to make a delicious dish and then slowly taste it.Fate always turns at the critical moment. I evaded all the traps, escaped all fishing nets and didn't fall for the baits.My survival story could be written into a very thick mythical novel that fascinates groups of fans.


前世我肯定是一尾金色的鯉魚。我跳過龍門化身成仙的時候,肯定已經逛蕩過汪洋大海。海是龍家鄉。我已記不清那驚天動地的一跳,從驚濤駭浪裡升起一條金色的鯉魚,翻過高高的龍門,春暖花開,朝氣蓬勃,成了神祕的巨龍,掌管風雨雷電。I must have been a carp with a golden tail in a previous life.When I jumped over the dragon gate to become an immortal, I must have sailed through boundless seas.The sea is the dragon’s home.I don’t remember the earth-shaking jump. A golden carp rose from the stormy waves and climbed over the tall dragon gate. Spring is warm and blooming, full of vigor and vitality since it became a mysterious dragon in charge of lightning and storm.

幸福的日子,千萬年如一刻,讓我恍若隔世。因為愛情,因為雄心壯志,因為很多我知道的和不知道的,這一輩子我來到了人間。因為我的前生是鯉魚,所以我喜歡走遍千山萬水,喜歡到處流浪,喜歡自找苦吃,苦中作樂。因為我知道有一個神奇的傳說。痛苦和挫折,是變身成功的必要措施;失敗和打擊,是轉世換代的必要條件。我在淚水和歡笑裡,追根溯源,也在忙忙碌碌的塵世中,瞻望前程。Happy days make me feel that thousands of years are just a moment. It seemed as if a generation had passed.Because of love, because of ambition, because of lots of things I know and don't know, this time I came to this world in this life.Since my previous life was a carp, I like traveling around the mountains and rivers, wandering around, looking for trouble and finding pleasure in it. Because I know there is a magic legend.Pain and frustration are necessary measures of success. Failure and blow are necessary conditions of reincarnation. I trace my roots in tears and laughter and look forward to the future in the busy world.

我明白,上一輩子,這一輩子,還有下一輩子,我都是一尾金色的鯉魚,先要體驗魚化龍的艱難困苦,才能享受成功之路的輝煌燦爛。I understand that in the last life, in this life and in the next life I am a golden carp. First I must experience the hardships of turning from a fish into a dragon before I enjoy the splendor of the road to success.






Axe, published: Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House; Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt", The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC); A short and medium story collection, "The extinct edition of love between Swan under the Moon and Zhu Tang", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house; A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...


