“任何事情,任何事物” 如何正確使用Anything

英語 考研 S.H.E 教育 瀚森教育 瀚森教育 2017-08-01

“任何事情,任何事物” 如何正確使用Anything


1. 作為不定代詞,表示任何事物 (用於含有否定意義的陳述句中)

1) We can't do anything. 我們什麼也做不了。

2) She couldn't see or hear anything at all. 她根本什麼也看不見、聽不見。

2. 作為不定代詞,表示某事物 (用於疑問句和條件分句中)

1) What happened, is anything wrong? 發生什麼了,有什麼問題嗎?

2) Did you find anything? 你發現什麼了嗎?

3. 作為不定代詞,表示任何…的事物 (接後置修飾語) [PRON cl/group]

1) More than anything else, he wanted to become a teacher. 比起任何別的職業,他更想當老師。

2) Anything that's cheap this year will be even cheaper next year. 今年任何便宜的東西明年甚至會更便宜。

4. 作為不定代詞,表示任一事物,起強調作用

例:He is young, fresh, and ready for anything. 他年輕、未經世故,任何事都願意嘗試。

5. 作為不定代詞,用於 anything near, anything close to 以及 anything like to 表示任何 (接近、像…的) 事物 [PRON prep] [強調]

例:Doctors have decided the only way he can live anything near a normal life is to give him an operation. 醫生們已經確定了他能過任何接近正常生活的惟一方法是給他做個手術。

6. 作為不定代詞,表示(某範圍的) 任何事物 [PRON 'from' n 'to' n, PRON 'between' n 'and' n]

例:...Chinese herbs that have cured anything from colds to broken bones.


7. 用於短語“anything but”表示絕對不 [強調]

例:There's no evidence that Christopher told anyone to say anything but the truth.


8. 用於短語“would not do something for anything”表示決不會做某事/決不會是某事 [非正式,口語]

例:I wouldn't want to move for anything in the world. 說什麼我也不會搬走。

9. 用於短語“if anything”表示如果有什麼的話

例:I never had to clean up after the lodgers. If anything, they did most of the cleaning.


10. 用於短語“or anything”在句子或從句的末尾表示或什麼的 [非正式,口語]

例:Listen, if you talk to Elizabeth or anything make sure you let everyone know, will you.



1) anything but 決不,並沒有,根本不,一點也不,絲毫不,遠不,遠非 | 單單不,恰恰不,除…之外什麼都

2) anything for a quiet life 只要能安寧度日,一切都可以答應

3) anything goes [口語] | (服飾、言行、舉止等)可以接受的;可允許的;可忍受的;隨時可見的 | 什麼都可以幹出來;無所不為

4) anything is at your service 請隨便使用,供你使用

5) anything like 多少有點像,像…那樣的事(物),性質或數量相似的事物 | 全然(不),根本(不),不論如何(不),壓根兒,終歸;不論在哪方面[用於否定問、疑問句或條件句]

6) anything of 很少,一點兒 | 一點…的味兒;多多少少,多少[用於疑問句或條件句]

7) anything of the kind 像這樣(或這類)的事物

8) anything to do with 與…有關係

9) anything up to (在衡量時間、數量、重量等上)大約高到(或達到)…;多到…,達…

10) as anything [口語]非常,很,極其;無比地;…像什麼似的

11) as easy (或 fast, strong etc.) as anything [俚語]非常容易;快得(或強得)不得了

12) beat anything (或everything) [美國英語]超過一切,壓倒一切

13) for anything 無論如何[用於否定句] | [口語]過分地;極度地

14) for anything someone cares 與某人沒什麼相干,不關某人什麼事

15) for anything someone knows 與某人所知相反,也未可知,說不定

16) good for anything 對一切都適用;能做各種工作

17) if anything 要說(或如果)有任何區別的話,如果有什麼不同的話 | 甚至正相反;甚至還不如說 | [美國英語]甚至可能…,甚至於還…

18) like anything [俚語、口語][用以加強語勢]像什麼似的;以全力;拼命地;非常迅猛地;無比地;非常,極

19) never(或not)come to anything 徹底失敗,毫無成效

20) not able to make anything out of something [口語]不能理解(某事)

21) not feel like anything [美國俚語]覺得身體不舒服

22) not have anything on [口語]赤身裸體

23) not make (或think) anything of 認為…不重要

24) of anything 或者其他別的事,或其他什麼的

25) see anything [委婉語](女子)見潮紅,來例假[系“有喜了”的委婉說法]


