
馬雲 財富 芝加哥小熊 方濟各 滬江英語 2017-04-11

Fortune magazine this month named Jack Ma one of the world’s greatest leaders for 2017.本月《財富》雜誌把馬雲評為2017年度世界上最偉大的領導者之一。

A key takeaway from Fortune‘s coverage is that “Ma issuing his new platform in unexpected, invigorating ways, positioning himself as a champion of both free trade and philanthropy — and arguing that open digital marketplaces like Alibaba’s can power the world’s economy by enabling small businesses to reach an ever-expanding pool of customers.”《財富》雜誌報道中的重要信息就是“馬雲以一種出人意料又激勵人心的方式發佈了他的新平臺,並把他自己定位為自由貿易與慈善事業的佼佼者,他還主張像阿里巴巴這樣的開放數字市場可以通過使小企業接觸到不斷擴大的顧客群體而推動全球經濟。”


Ma is in lofty company, ranking number two, right under Chicago Cubs executive Theo Epstein, and just above Pope Francis. Epstein who ended the Major League Baseball team’s 108-year drought by winning the 2016 World Series, and Pope Francis is, well, just the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics around the world.馬雲在一群仁人志士中排名第二,僅次於芝加哥小熊棒球隊執行官西奧·愛普斯坦,並恰好排在方濟各教皇之前。愛普斯坦(帶領小熊棒球隊)贏得了2016年世界職業棒球大賽,結束了大聯盟棒球隊108年的失利,而方濟各教皇是全球12億天主教徒的精神領袖。

Ma’s style — he once greeted World Trade Organization President Jim Kim wearing prayer beads and sandals — is decidedly different from his peers, but just as effective in creating what Fortune calls “the dominant force in Chinese e-commerce, a company with a market value of $264 billion and some 450 million customers.”馬雲曾戴著念珠、穿著涼鞋迎接世貿組織主席金勇,他的風格顯然不同於與他同等地位的人,但他卻正如《財富》雜誌所描述的那樣引人注目,創造了“一個市值2640億美元的公司,擁有4.5億客戶,成為中國電商界的主導力量。”

Fortune notes that Ma is more than just a corporate helmsman. The magazine calls him “a global ambassador for Chinese business, he spent 800 hours aloft last year — visiting princes, Presidents, and Prime Ministers and lots of mere business people too.”《財富》雜誌特別提到,馬雲不只是一位公司掌舵人,還稱他為“中國企業全球大使,去年他有800個小時都在當空中飛人,忙著拜訪王孫貴族、總統、總理以及許許多多純粹的商人。”



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