


VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed00=你在呼喚我? /// You called?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed01=有什麼問題嗎? /// Is something amiss?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed02=我還在等候那份永恆的獎賞……也不知道,還要等多久? /// I'm still awaiting that eternal reward, you know.... what's taking forever?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed03=十年前我還是個無名小卒。後來,我開創了自己的教派。如今,我有座輝煌的浮空要塞。不用羨慕!只要你讀了我的書——《巫妖致富指南:速成篇》,你也能做到! /// Ten years ago I was a nobody. Then, I started my own religion. Now I have a glorious floating citadel and you could too if you'd just read my book: "Striking it Lich! (dark)...the Easy Way."

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed04=如今,詛咒教派已經有了許多的狂熱粉絲。 /// At this point, the Cult of the Damned is a cult classic.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed05=你們這些“英雄”只顧著爭奪什麼“T7套裝”,完全忘記了我的護命匣。<laugh>一群蠢貨。 /// You "heroes" were so busy looting your precious "tier 7", you completely forgot to look for my phylactery. <laugh> Fools.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed06=什麼,除了巫妖王,還有個骷髏王?啊,要我從工作和生活中二選一,實在是頭疼! /// Wait, there's a Lich King AND a Skeleton King? Ugh. I hate having to choose between my job and my home-life!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed07=巫妖王曾經為我鑄造了一把劍,名叫什麼……“血湧,某人的苦痛之劍”。老實說,這名字有點太言過其實了,就讓他自己留著了。 /// King Arthas once forged a blade in my honor. He named it "Bloodsurge, the Blade of Agony." Honestly, it was a little much, I let him keep it.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed08=黑暗指引著我。<beat>畢竟只有他才有GPS。 /// The darkness guides me. <beat> He's the only one with GPS after all.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed09=以前散播瘟疫可容易了,可如今什麼都要“不含谷蛋白”。 /// Spreading the plague was a lot easier back before everything went all "gluten free."

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed10=當巫妖最大的好處是什麼?就是可以隨時凍結我的呼吸。<Exhaling: HAhhhh.>真棒。 /// The best part of being a lich? Seeing my breath freeze whenever I want. <Exhaling: HAhhhh.> Neat.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed11=一開始,要40個英雄才能戰勝我。可我聽說阿爾薩斯被區區10個人打敗了。你們說誰才是真正的巫妖王呢? /// Originally, it took 40 heroes to defeat me. I heard Arthas got beaten by 10. Makes you question who the REAL Lich King is, doesn't it?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed12=<SFX: Cat meow.> (talking cutesy to the cat)啊,別擔心,比格沃斯先生。(back to normal)這次我不會再讓任何人傷害你。 /// <SFX: Cat meow.> (talking cutesy to the cat)Oh, now, don't you worry, Mr. Bigglesworth. (back to normal)I won't let ANYONE harm you this time.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed13=你居然敢戳我!我可是納克薩瑪斯的大巫妖!瘟疫之地的巫妖領主,恐懼浮空城的指揮官!詛咒神教的創始人和領袖…… /// How dare you poke the Archlich of Naxxramas! Lich Lord of the Plaguelands, Commander of the Dread Necropolis! Master and founder of the Cult of the Damned...

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed14=六人議會的前成員……汙染者阿克蒙德的召喚者!人性的背叛者!《爐石傳說》死忠玩家,巫妖王的管理者,克爾蘇~加德。 /// Formerly of the Council of Six... Summoner of Archimonde the Defiler! The Betrayer of Humanity! Hearthstone Enthusiast, and Majordomo to the Lich King himself, KEL'THU-freaking-ZAD.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Pissed15=哦,等一下,我忘了說憎惡的創造者!我們可以從頭再錄一遍嗎?<beat>你說什麼,不行?<slightly longer beat>好吧……但你要為此付出你的靈魂! /// Oh wait, I forgot creator of the abomination! Can we take it again from the top? <beat> What do you mean, no? <slightly longer beat> Fine... but I'm taking your soul for this!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSelect00=僕從們,奴僕們,所有黑暗與寒冷的戰士們……聽從克爾蘇加德的召喚! /// Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark... obey the call of Kel'Thuzad!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSelectPlayer00=你是……我?我還以為自己獨一無二呢! /// Are you... me? And I thought I was one of a kind!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSelectPlayer01=萊斯·霜語?是你嗎?不是?還是雷基·冬寒?這裡太高,我看不清。 /// Ras Frostwhisper? Is that you? No? Maybe Rage Winterchill? It's hard to see from up here.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSelectPlayer02=你是克總粉絲團的成員嗎?難怪。 /// Member of the KT fan club are you? Who can blame you.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSlain00=我什麼時候說過你可以去死的? /// I don't recall permitting you to die.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadA/HeroSlain01=我會把你的護命匣準備好。 /// I'll ready your phylactery.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/AI_Uhoh01=巫妖王一定會知道的。 /// The Lich King will hear of this.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/AI_Uhoh02=我周圍全都是廢物。 /// I am surrounded by failure.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Attack06=在克爾蘇加德面前跪下! /// Bow before Kel'Thuzad!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Healed00=做得很好,我的僕人。 /// Well done, my servant.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Healed01=你把你的主人服侍得不錯。 /// A fitting tribute to your master.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/Healed02=繼續服侍好我,僕從! /// Continue your service, minion!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/MrBigglesworth00=不!!!詛咒你,入侵者,我詛咒你! /// No!!! A curse upon you, interloper!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_Lockin00=聽從我的召喚…… /// Obey the call...

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_Purchase00=聽到了嗎,比格沃斯先生?輪到我們了。 /// Hear that, Mr. Bigglesworth? It's our turn now.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_WaitLocked00=你知道我的耐心可是有限的。 /// My patience IS limited, you know.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_WaitLocked01=我等這一刻已經很久了。別讓我再等了。 /// I have been waiting a LONG time for this. Don't make me wait any longer.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_WaitPurchased00=你為什麼要浪費我的時間?如實招來,僕從! /// Why are you wasting my time? Explain yourself, minion!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/UI_WaitPurchased01=是誰膽敢侵入神聖的……我這是在哪兒? /// Who dares violate the sanctity of... wherever I am?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Anubarak00=啊,叛變國王。你準備好讓天災大軍毀滅這個生者的世界了嗎,阿努巴拉克? /// Ah, the Traitor King. Are you ready to scourge this realm of life, Anub'arak?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Arthas00=吾王,讓我們用天災軍團征服時空樞紐的生靈吧。 /// My king, let us scourge the Nexus of the living.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_BarbarianDK00=死亡騎士,不要心慈手軟。 /// Death Knight, show them no mercy.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Demon00=天災軍團再也不侍奉你們這些惡魔了。 /// The Scourge serve your kind no longer demon.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_HearthStone00=我們終於見面了。 /// We finally meet.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Jaina00=吉安娜,巫妖王身邊還有你的位置…… /// Jaina, you know the Lich King still offers you a place by his side...

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_JainaDread00=為你的主人戰鬥、殺戮、獻身!不留活口! /// Fight, kill and die for your master! Let none survive!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Murky00=抱歉……你迷路了嗎? /// I'm sorry... Are you lost?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Stukov00=你身上的感染與我喜歡的那種瘟疫太相似了。 /// This infestation of yours is too similar to the plague for my liking.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Sylvanas00=叛徒希爾瓦娜斯……我得留心背後,否則就會中箭。 /// Sylvanas the traitor... I'll have to watch my back. Lest I find an arrow in it.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Undead00=機會只有一次。順我者昌逆我者亡。 /// I offer you this one opportunity. Follow, or be destroyed.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_Uther00=啊,烏瑟爾,我一直都想謝謝你的那個骨灰甕。作為護命匣實在是太合適了。 /// Ah, Uther. Always meant to thank you for the urn. It's made a quite the phylactery.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroQuestion_ZagaraCrypt00=地穴之母扎加拉,我正需要你的力量。 /// Cryptmother Zagara, I am counting on your strength.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Anubarak00=是的,一起來撕碎他們。 /// Yes, to tear THEM apart.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Arthas00=只要巫妖王一下令,他們就都得死。 /// Then, by the will of the Lich King, they shall be destroyed.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_BarbarianDK00=然後……他們會開始效忠…… /// And then... their service begins...

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Demon00=我只侍奉巫妖王。 /// I serve only the Lich King.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Forsaken00=你們遲早也會被天災軍團趕出這個世界。 /// You too shall be scourged from this realm in time.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Jaina00=啊,安東尼達斯的走狗。他身體怎麼樣?(dark)還躺在棺材裡呢? /// Ah, Antonidus's lapdog. How is he by the way? (dark)Still dead?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_JainaDread00=但願你能說到做到。你的族類因為出爾反爾而臭名昭著,惡魔。 /// And so it had best remain. Your kind's penchant for betrayal is no secret, demon.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Lunara00=你的好奇心會害死你。 /// Your curiosity will be the death of you.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Murky00=你的好奇心會一次又一次地殺死你,奔波爾霸。 /// Your curiosity will be the death of you, Murky. Over and over again.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Sylvanas00=你的痛苦(dark)還沒開始呢。 /// Your suffering has (dark)yet to begin.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Undead00=為了巫妖王! /// For the Lich King!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Uther00=你想說什麼,聖騎士?所有通靈師的嗓音都差不多? /// What are you implying, paladin? That all Necromancers sound alike?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_Valeera00=好,我,會,的。 /// Okay. I. Will.(VoiceOver/ValeeraBase/IntroQuestion_Kelthuzad00=注,意,背,後。)

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/IntroResponse_ZagaraCrypt00=合適?別忘了你效忠的是誰,地穴之母。 /// Suitable? Remember who you serve, Cryptmother.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillArthas00=吾王,歸去吧。 /// Return soon, my king.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillBarbarianDK00=你的使命結束了,死亡騎士。 /// Your services are no longer required, Death Knight.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillDemon00=天災軍團再也不侍奉惡魔了! /// The Scourge serves demons no longer!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillJainaDread00=你的背叛並不讓我意外,恐懼魔王。 /// Your betrayal is not a surprise, dreadlord.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillKael00=你的鳳凰會成為比格沃斯的美餐! /// There's only room for one KT around here!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillLeoric00=哈!該跪下的是你! /// No! YOU kneel!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillSpreeEnd00=那傢伙囂張了好一陣子……呵,不過如此。 /// That one was on a killing spree... Heh. "Was."

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillTyrael00=那隻瓦格里怎麼沒臉? /// Was that val'kyr missing a face?

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillUndead00=我絕不容忍叛徒。 /// I have no tolerance for traitors.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillUther00=啊,這讓我想起了往事。 /// Ahh, now that takes me back.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillWarcraftIII00=啊,勾起了我的回憶。 /// Ah, nostalgia.

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillZagaraCrypt00=滾回墳墓裡去吧,地穴之母! /// Back to your grave, Cryptmother!

VoiceOver/KelthuzadBase/KillZerg00=別忘了提醒我事後復活幾隻異蟲。 /// Remind me to resurrect one of these zerg later.


VoiceOver/JainaA/HeroSelectPlayer00=那是……我嗎?太奇怪了,我記得我沒有施放鏡像啊。 /// Is... Is that me? Strange, I don't recall casting mirror image.

VoiceOver/JainaA/HeroSelectPlayer01=準備戰鬥……呃……是我。<sigh>大法師從沒有在我們的研究中提及過這種事。 /// Get ready for battle... uh... me. <sigh> The archmagi never covered THIS in our studies.

VoiceOver/JainaA/HeroSelectPlayer02=嗯,請問……這位法師……您是——?算了,我不想知道。 /// Uhm, excuse me... sorceress... are you-- Actually, I don't want to know.







VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Arthas00=把他們全殺光,阿爾薩斯。我站在你這邊。 /// Kill them all, Arthas. I'll be right beside you.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Garrosh00=你和你的部落已經對我沒用了。我現在有新的玩偶了。 /// You and your Horde are no longer necessary. We have new puppets now.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Kael00=凱爾薩斯,效忠我,我可以賜予你想要的復仇。 /// Kael'thas, serve me and I will grant you your vengeance.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Kelthuzad00=我聽從您的調遣,克爾蘇加德大人。 /// My counsel is yours, Lord Kel'Thuzad.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Medivh00=守護者?怎麼會?你不是死了嗎? /// The guardian? How? You are supposed to be dead.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Murky00=魚人……未開化的古神僕從。 /// Murlocs... unwitting servants of the Old Gods.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Sonya00=這位戰士,你身上的板甲都不剩幾塊了……居然還活著? /// You are out of armor, soldier... And... alive?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_SonyaDK00=死亡騎士,你知道該做什麼。 /// Death knight, you know what to do.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Thrall00=你無法改變你的族人,獸人。他們的命運早已註定。 /// You cannot change your people, orc. Theirs is a destiny of blood.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Uther00=一個玩聖光的。真是少見。 /// A weilder of the light. How quaint.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Varian00=醞釀你的怒火,瓦里安。盡情地釋放吧! /// Give into your rage, Varian. Let it free!

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_Zagara00=你出什麼事了,扎加拉?你看起來……很虛弱。 /// What happened to you, Zagara? You look... weak.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroQuestion_ZagaraCrypt00=是時候進食了,地穴之母! /// It is time to feed, Cryptmother!

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Arthas00=是的,我的愛人。我在這裡。現在,幫我消滅我所有的敵人吧。 /// Yes, my love. I'm here. Now, help me destroy my foes.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Garrosh00=我不知道你在說什麼,凡人。 /// I don't know what you're talking about, mortal.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Kael00=嗯,當然。但你知道我想要的回報……艾澤拉斯。 /// Mm, of course. But you know what I desire in return... Azeroth.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Kelthuzad00=我會聽你的,巫妖領主。做好你分內的事情就行。 /// I will serve, Lich Lord. Just play your part.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Medivh00=希望不會把你的惡魔們都趕跑了,叛徒。 /// Hope will not drive your demons away, traitor.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Murky00=邪惡的生物。 /// Vile creature.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Sonya00=你殺不了我的,就像你殺不死黑夜一樣。 /// You can no more slay me than you can slay the night.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_SonyaDK00=他們一定會的。 /// Indeed they shall.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Thrall00=誰更適合讓這個世界屈服呢? /// Who better to bring this world to its knees?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Uther00=你們聖騎士向來不容易愚弄。我很高興阿爾薩斯殺了你。 /// You paladins never were easy to fool. Makes me glad Arthas killed you.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_Varian00=然而你選擇與部落結盟。結果他們卻選擇讓你死。 /// Yet you chose to ally with the Horde. While they chose to let you die.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/IntroResponse_ZagaraCrypt00=客套話我們就免了,直接開殺吧。 /// Let's skip the pleasantries and get right to the slaughter.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillArthas00=被騙到死的蠢貨。 /// Deluded until the end.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillDemon00=滾回虛空去吧……哪怕只是一會兒。 /// Return to the nether... for now.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillDreadJaina00=一會兒見,妹妹。 /// See you soon, sister.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillHorde00=你們部落全都是怪物和壞蛋。 /// Monsters and vermin, the lot of you.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillJaina00=去另一個世界和你珍愛的塞拉摩相會吧。 /// Join your precious Theramore in the dark.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillKael00=失敗者。 /// Failure.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillMuradin00=你還是老老實實地當個死人吧。 /// You should have stayed dead.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillMurky00=哪怕是納斯雷茲姆都沒這麼頑強。 /// Not even Nathrezim are so persistent.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillOverwatch00=嗯,你到底是從什麼樣的鬼地方來的? /// Hmm, where in the great dark were you from?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillRagnaros00=就算是古神的僕從也別想逃過火焰的懲罰。 /// No servant of the Old Gods is spared the flame.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillThrall00=薩爾這個名字真的太適合你了。 /// Thrall always was a good name for you.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillUndead00=你竟然想反抗你們的主子? /// You think to rebel against your masters?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillVarian00=你真該肢解部落的,小狼。 /// You should have dismantled the Horde, little wolf.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/KillWizard00=他們都說你魔法天才? /// And they consider you a prodigy?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed00=什麼事,凡人? /// What, mortal?

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed01=我必須馬上開始追捕! /// I must hunt soon!

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed02=嗯?我?一個恐懼魔王?我不知道你在什麼。 /// Hmm? Me? A dreadlord? I don't know what you're talking about.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed03=我總是在講,要小心你信任的人。 /// I always did say to be careful of who you trust.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed04=聯盟和部落註定是要毀滅對方的。我只是一直在協助這一必然結果的到來。 /// The Alliance and the Horde are destined to destroy each other. I'm only helping the inevitable along.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed05=我侍奉巫妖領主,克爾蘇加德。目前是這樣。 /// I serve the Lich Lord, Kel'thuzad. For now.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed06=翅膀、蹄子,頭上還有角……我真的不是一個迪亞波羅皮膚嗎?……好吧,隨你怎麼想。 /// Wings, hooves, and horns... and we're one hundred percent certain I'm not a Diablo skin? ...all right, if you say so.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed07=呃! <clears throat>抱歉,納斯雷茲姆的舊習慣。 /// Bleh! <clears throat> Sorry, an old Nathrezim habit.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed08=納斯雷茲姆和奈拉齊姆完全不是一回事。雖然我們都喜愛陰影以及使用發著綠光的武器,但這一切純屬巧合。 /// The Nathrezim and the Nerazim are totally different. Any resemblance between our shadowy nature and green glowing weapons is merely coincidence.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed09=*sniff sniff*你聞到了嗎?噢,不……我的軍團在燃燒! /// *sniff sniff* Do you smell that? Oh, no... My Legion is burning!

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed10=你問我當一名女性恐懼魔王是什麼感覺?我要說和男性恐懼魔王沒什麼不同,唯一的區別就是我能成事。 /// What's it like being a female Dreadlord? Exactly like being a male, only I actually accomplish my goals.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed11=真心話,我就是想把部落大卸八塊。一塊一塊地切。 /// Personally, I just want to dismantle the Horde. Piece, by piece.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed12=一、二、三!艾澤拉斯被入侵了三次!啊哈哈! /// One, two, three! Three invasions of Azeroth! Ah ah ah!

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed13=既然有翅膀,為什麼我只能行走? /// Dreadlords don't sparkle. We scintillate.

VoiceOver/JainaDreadlord/Pissed14=一天,瓦里安、加爾魯什和一位恐懼魔王走進一間酒吧。吧檯服務生說“我們不會為你服務的。”然後我怒了,我說“我也不會為你們人類服務!”然後殺了那傻瓜! /// So Varian, Garrosh and a Dreadlord walk into a bar. The bartender says "We don't serve your kind." then I say, (aggro)"I don't serve your kind either!" and slaughter the fool!

VoiceOver/JainaModern/IntroQuestion_Garrosh00=加爾魯什……你奪走的每一條命都必須十倍償還,你這個雙手沾滿鮮血的懦夫! /// Garrosh... you will pay tenfold for every life you took, you murderous coward!

VoiceOver/JainaModern/IntroQuestion_Thrall00=薩爾……你不是把那把錘子丟在一個大洞裡的什麼地方了嗎? /// Thrall... shouldn't you be dropping that hammer in a hole somewhere?

VoiceOver/JainaModern/IntroResponse_Garrosh00=你,只是一條該被打死的瘋狗! /// YOU are a rabid dog who will be put down!



Mount/Info/MountHorseDead=死馬當活馬騎。 /// Beats a dead horse every time.


Mount/Name/MountHorseDead=幽靈馬 /// Undead Horse


Skin/Info/BarbarianDeathKnightFemale=桑婭在時空樞紐中四處流浪,一心渴望為逝去的族人們復仇。克爾蘇加德提供的力量值得她付出一切代價,就算是要把她的靈魂永遠奉獻給天災軍團也在所不惜。 /// Sonya wandered the outskirts of the Nexus, desperately seeking a way to avenge her fallen people. The power Kel'Thuzad offered was worth any price, even binding her soul to the Scourge for eternity.

Skin/Info/BarbarianDeathbringerFemale=克爾蘇加德的大軍橫掃了一個又一個世界,無數英雄接連倒在了他最寵愛的死亡騎士的怒火面前。瑟瑟發抖的倖存者們只敢低聲說出一個夢魘般的名字:死亡使者桑婭,克爾蘇加德的首席騎士。 /// As Kel'Thuzad's army marched across the realms, hero after hero fell before his favored death knight's fury. The survivors will only whisper her name in fear: Deathbringer Sonya, the first horseman of Kel'Thuzad.

Skin/Info/JainaDreadlord=就連阿爾薩斯也無法獨自打敗時空樞紐的英雄們。克爾蘇加德必須從內部攻破敵人的團結,讓他們互相猜疑……問題是他能信任一個恐懼魔王多久呢? /// Even Arthas could not defeat the heroes of the Nexus alone. Kel'Thuzad would need to break their ranks, make them question who they can trust... but how long can he trust a Dreadlord?

Skin/Info/ModernJaina=塞拉摩的毀滅讓吉安娜徹底崩潰。她已經給過加爾魯什和他的部落足夠多的和平機會。她再也不會那麼天真了。 /// The destruction of Theramore shook Jaina to her core. Garrosh and his Horde had enough opportunites for peace. She would never be so naive again.

Skin/Info/ZagaraCryptQueen=時空樞紐裡有無窮個宇宙,也有無窮多的亡靈可被招募加入巫妖領主的大軍。如今,地穴女王扎加拉已成為天災軍團的終極活體攻城武器。 /// Within the Nexus are an infinite number of universes and an infinite number of undead to recruit into the Lich Lord's army. Crypt Queen Zagara now serves as the ultimate living siege weapon of the Scourge.



VoiceLine/Name/JainaDreadlord_VoiceLine03=Ash Nath Kimbatuul!



VoiceLine/Name/ZagaraCryptQueen_VoiceLine01=蟲群之怒 /// Fury of the Swarm

VoiceLine/Name/ZagaraCryptQueen_VoiceLine02=到媽媽這兒來 /// Come to Mama

VoiceLine/Name/ZagaraCryptQueen_VoiceLine03=正如我之前說過的那樣 /// Just as I Envisioned

VoiceLine/Name/ZagaraCryptQueen_VoiceLine04=你死定了! /// Now You Die!

VoiceLine/Name/ZagaraCryptQueen_VoiceLine05=蟲群生生不息 /// The Swarm Endures








