'Wet behind the ears'是耳朵後面還是潮溼的嗎?

經濟 英語 教育 瀚森教育 瀚森教育 2017-09-21

成語 wet behind the ears 直譯是“耳朵後面還是潮溼的”,它的真正含義是“乳臭未乾、初出茅廬”,形容年輕人“少不更事,缺乏經驗”。據說這個成語源於胎生動物,如牛、羊剛生下來的時候全身溼漉漉的;雖然它們的身體很快就幹了,但是耳朵背後卻還是溼的。

(1)Simon has just left school and is still wet behind the ears. 西蒙剛從學校畢業,還沒什麼社會經驗呢。

(2)Sarah knows the theory of the job, but when it comes to practical experience, she’s still wet behind the ears. 莎拉理論上知道這份工作該怎麼幹,但要付諸實踐時,她可沒有什麼經驗可談。

(3)The committee took no notice of what Peter said; obviously they thought he was still wet behind the ears. 委員會對彼得說的話不屑一顧,顯然他們認為他缺少經驗。

“Green shoots”的中文字面意思是“綠芽”,可以理解為“種子開始發芽,顯示出生機”。“Green shoots”這一短語經常用在經濟類文章中,用作複數,形容“經濟狀況顯示出復甦的跡象”。

(1)The stock market is showing signs of green shoots. 股票市場顯示出經濟復甦的跡象。

(2)The chancellor is confident that the green shoots of the economic recovery are already here. 財相充滿自信,認為經濟復甦的跡象已經出現了。

(3)The public is yet to be convinced that the green shoots of recovery are real. 公眾還不能完全相信經濟復甦的跡象是真的。


