
TheBrain 心理學 教書匠阿倫 2019-09-03






The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory








The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.





The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.






The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.








The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.









The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







H. 韋伯,德國生理學家和心理學家。1795年6月24日生於維騰貝格,1878年1月26日卒於萊比錫。1815年在萊比錫大學獲博士學位並留校工作,1818年任解剖學和生理學助理教授,1821年任教授。直至1871年才退出教學工作。韋伯的主要研究在生理學方面,包括循環系統、耳、眼、肝臟,特別是皮膚方面。1834年,他用拉丁文寫了《觸覺論》,詳細報道了皮膚的壓覺、觸覺、溫覺、冷覺、位置覺以及肌覺、痛覺、關節覺等。著名的韋伯定律即發表於此。1846年為R.瓦格納編的《生理學詞典》寫了著名的《觸覺與一般感覺》一文。




The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







H. 韋伯,德國生理學家和心理學家。1795年6月24日生於維騰貝格,1878年1月26日卒於萊比錫。1815年在萊比錫大學獲博士學位並留校工作,1818年任解剖學和生理學助理教授,1821年任教授。直至1871年才退出教學工作。韋伯的主要研究在生理學方面,包括循環系統、耳、眼、肝臟,特別是皮膚方面。1834年,他用拉丁文寫了《觸覺論》,詳細報道了皮膚的壓覺、觸覺、溫覺、冷覺、位置覺以及肌覺、痛覺、關節覺等。著名的韋伯定律即發表於此。1846年為R.瓦格納編的《生理學詞典》寫了著名的《觸覺與一般感覺》一文。



- 人的七種情感普遍存在,快樂、悲傷、蔑視、恐懼、厭惡、驚訝和憤怒

- 社交溝通時,使用這七種情緒的圖片溝通最為有效(表情包)


- 舉例,肉毒桿菌,可以舒緩肌肉,減少皺紋,經常注射肉毒桿菌的人無法通過肌肉運動表達情感,從而也無法感知情感

- 大腦映射情感,之前提過的鏡像神經元,能促使人們感同身受




























The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







H. 韋伯,德國生理學家和心理學家。1795年6月24日生於維騰貝格,1878年1月26日卒於萊比錫。1815年在萊比錫大學獲博士學位並留校工作,1818年任解剖學和生理學助理教授,1821年任教授。直至1871年才退出教學工作。韋伯的主要研究在生理學方面,包括循環系統、耳、眼、肝臟,特別是皮膚方面。1834年,他用拉丁文寫了《觸覺論》,詳細報道了皮膚的壓覺、觸覺、溫覺、冷覺、位置覺以及肌覺、痛覺、關節覺等。著名的韋伯定律即發表於此。1846年為R.瓦格納編的《生理學詞典》寫了著名的《觸覺與一般感覺》一文。



- 人的七種情感普遍存在,快樂、悲傷、蔑視、恐懼、厭惡、驚訝和憤怒

- 社交溝通時,使用這七種情緒的圖片溝通最為有效(表情包)


- 舉例,肉毒桿菌,可以舒緩肌肉,減少皺紋,經常注射肉毒桿菌的人無法通過肌肉運動表達情感,從而也無法感知情感

- 大腦映射情感,之前提過的鏡像神經元,能促使人們感同身受


























1984,永不再來 ——讀奧威爾《1984》

喬治 奧威爾:多一個人讀《一九八四》,這世界上就多了一個自由的靈魂

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣







好萊塢愛上日漫! 熱門IP要拍成美國大片!

與常春藤院校學生相比, 普通大學的學生少讀了哪些書?




The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







H. 韋伯,德國生理學家和心理學家。1795年6月24日生於維騰貝格,1878年1月26日卒於萊比錫。1815年在萊比錫大學獲博士學位並留校工作,1818年任解剖學和生理學助理教授,1821年任教授。直至1871年才退出教學工作。韋伯的主要研究在生理學方面,包括循環系統、耳、眼、肝臟,特別是皮膚方面。1834年,他用拉丁文寫了《觸覺論》,詳細報道了皮膚的壓覺、觸覺、溫覺、冷覺、位置覺以及肌覺、痛覺、關節覺等。著名的韋伯定律即發表於此。1846年為R.瓦格納編的《生理學詞典》寫了著名的《觸覺與一般感覺》一文。



- 人的七種情感普遍存在,快樂、悲傷、蔑視、恐懼、厭惡、驚訝和憤怒

- 社交溝通時,使用這七種情緒的圖片溝通最為有效(表情包)


- 舉例,肉毒桿菌,可以舒緩肌肉,減少皺紋,經常注射肉毒桿菌的人無法通過肌肉運動表達情感,從而也無法感知情感

- 大腦映射情感,之前提過的鏡像神經元,能促使人們感同身受


























1984,永不再來 ——讀奧威爾《1984》

喬治 奧威爾:多一個人讀《一九八四》,這世界上就多了一個自由的靈魂

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣







好萊塢愛上日漫! 熱門IP要拍成美國大片!

與常春藤院校學生相比, 普通大學的學生少讀了哪些書?



■ SAT精英課程(在線小班)

■ 託福寫作/SAT寫作/GRE寫作批改服務(48h內回覆)

*更多TOEFL丨SAT丨AP | GRE實用的提分祕籍和有趣好玩的視頻課程,關注微信公眾號"SATPEDIA"。




The Senses


Sensation is the process by which physical energy from objects in the world or in the body stimulates the sense organs. The brain interprets and organizes this sensory information in a process called Perception. Psychophysics is the study of how the physical properties of stimuli relate to people’s experience of stimuli. Research in psychophysics has revealed much information about the acuity of the senses.



Measuring the Senses


Psychologists assess the acuity of the senses in three ways:

Measuring the absolute threshold

Measuring the difference threshold

Applying signal detection theory






The Absolute Threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation required for a person to detect the stimulus 50 percent of the time. The Difference Threshold is the smallest difference in stimulation that can be detected 50 percent of the time. The difference threshold is sometimes called the Just Noticeable Difference (Jnd), and it depends on the strength of the stimulus.




If someone were comparing two weak stimuli, such as two very slightly sweet liquids, he’d be able to detect quite a small difference in the amount of sweetness. However, if he were comparing two intense stimuli, such as two extremely sweet liquids, he could detect only a much bigger difference in the amount of sweetness.



Weber’s Law


Nineteenth-century psychologist Ernst Weber proposed a principle demonstrating the fact that we can’t detect the difference between two stimuli unless they differ by a certain proportion and that this proportion is constant. In other words, the just noticeable difference for a stimulus is in a fixed proportion to the magnitude of a stimulus. Weber’s Law holds true except in the most extreme kinds of stimulation.



The Senses


Researchers use Signal Detection Theory to predict when a weak signal will be detected. This theory considers the fact that the ability to detect a signal depends not only on the strength of the signal but also on the perceiver’s experience, motivation, expectation, and degree of alertness. Different people respond differently to the same signal, and the same person may detect a particular signal at one time but not another. Furthermore, people can often detect one type of signal in a sensory modality such as hearing or vision but be oblivious to other types of signals in the same sensory modality.



Sensory Adaptation


When people walk into a restaurant, they probably notice food smells right away. However, as they sit in the restaurant, the smells gradually become less noticeable. This phenomenon occurs because of sensory adaptation. Sensory Adaptation is the decrease in sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus. The smells don’t disappear—the people just become less sensitive to them.



Development of the Senses


Babies have all the basic sensory abilities and many perceptual skills, but these abilities develop and grow more sensitive over time. Babies can recognize the difference between a human voice and other sounds, and they can locate a sound’s origin. They can recognize the difference between smells and, very early on, can recognize their mother’s particular smell. As for taste, they can differentiate between sweet and salty. Babies also have fairly adept visual abilities. Soon after birth, they can distinguish objects of different colors and sizes. When they are just a few weeks old, they begin to differentiate among contrasts, shadows, and patterns, and they can perceive depth after just a few months.



Sensitive Periods


Even innate perceptual skills need the right environment to develop properly. A lack of certain experiences during sensitive periods of development will impair a person’s ability to perceive the world.




People who were born blind but regain their vision in adulthood usually find the visual world confusing. Since these adults were blind in infancy, they missed the sensory experiences necessary for their visual system to develop fully.







H. 韋伯,德國生理學家和心理學家。1795年6月24日生於維騰貝格,1878年1月26日卒於萊比錫。1815年在萊比錫大學獲博士學位並留校工作,1818年任解剖學和生理學助理教授,1821年任教授。直至1871年才退出教學工作。韋伯的主要研究在生理學方面,包括循環系統、耳、眼、肝臟,特別是皮膚方面。1834年,他用拉丁文寫了《觸覺論》,詳細報道了皮膚的壓覺、觸覺、溫覺、冷覺、位置覺以及肌覺、痛覺、關節覺等。著名的韋伯定律即發表於此。1846年為R.瓦格納編的《生理學詞典》寫了著名的《觸覺與一般感覺》一文。



- 人的七種情感普遍存在,快樂、悲傷、蔑視、恐懼、厭惡、驚訝和憤怒

- 社交溝通時,使用這七種情緒的圖片溝通最為有效(表情包)


- 舉例,肉毒桿菌,可以舒緩肌肉,減少皺紋,經常注射肉毒桿菌的人無法通過肌肉運動表達情感,從而也無法感知情感

- 大腦映射情感,之前提過的鏡像神經元,能促使人們感同身受


























1984,永不再來 ——讀奧威爾《1984》

喬治 奧威爾:多一個人讀《一九八四》,這世界上就多了一個自由的靈魂

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣

【經典重讀】殺死一隻知更鳥 | 即使結局註定失敗, 也不能放棄開始的勇氣







好萊塢愛上日漫! 熱門IP要拍成美國大片!

與常春藤院校學生相比, 普通大學的學生少讀了哪些書?



■ SAT精英課程(在線小班)

■ 託福寫作/SAT寫作/GRE寫作批改服務(48h內回覆)

*更多TOEFL丨SAT丨AP | GRE實用的提分祕籍和有趣好玩的視頻課程,關注微信公眾號"SATPEDIA"。



