

摘要 :銀屑病為一種免疫介導的炎症性皮膚病。代謝綜合徵是一組相互關聯的代謝異常疾病。流行病學研究顯示銀屑病與代謝綜合徵有相關性,且兩者之間可能是相互作用、相互促進發展的關係。本文就銀屑病與代謝綜合徵相關性及相互作用的分子機制、臨床意義做一綜述。

關鍵詞 :銀屑病 ;代謝綜合徵 ;系統性炎症

A review of psoriasis and metabolic syndrome

WANG Rui, LI Chengxin, LI Hengjin

Department of Dermatology, Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing100853, ChinaCorresponding author: LI Hengjin.

Abstract: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, and metabolic syndrome is a combination of central obesity, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance and elevated blood pressure. Many epidemiological surveys have revealed the association between psoriasis and metabolic syndrome. These evidences suggest the presence of each of the two diseases may promote the progression of the other. Herein, we review the association between psoriasis and metabolic syndrome, the possible mechanism of mutual effect of these two diseases, and suggestion for clinical practice of dermatologists.

Keywords: psoriasis; metabolic syndrome; systemic inflammation

銀屑病是一種以炎症細胞浸潤、表皮細胞過度增殖、毛細血管擴張為特點的慢性複發性皮膚病,其患病率為 0.1% ~ 3%,發病率有種族差異。目前認為其發病機制是在遺傳和環境因素共同作用下,由先天性免疫和獲得性免疫共同介導引起炎症[1]。代謝綜合徵是一組代謝異常性疾病。世界衛生組織將一組包括肥胖、血脂異常、高血壓、糖耐量異常等可引起心血管疾病和糖尿病的代謝異常稱為代謝綜合徵[2]。流行病學研究顯示銀屑病與代謝綜合徵具有相關性,但兩者間的具體聯繫尚不清楚。本文對銀屑病與代謝綜合徵的相關性研究進行綜述,並討論這種相關性的具體機制及臨床意義。



王 睿,李承新,李恆進解放軍總醫院 皮膚科,北京 100853

