'Speak of the devil |“說曹操曹操到”用英文怎麼說?'

英語 曹操 每日英語小知識 2019-08-16

Speak of the devil

The phrase ‘speak of the devil’ means by coincidence that the one you are talking about unexpectedly arrives at the scene.“說到魔鬼”這個短語的意思是很碰巧,你正在談論的人意外地來到了現場。



Here’s Alexis. Speaking of the devil, we were just talking about you.


Speaking of the devil, here he comes.


Hey, Alex. Speaking of the devil, I was just telling Jim about your new job.



Speak of the devil

The phrase ‘speak of the devil’ means by coincidence that the one you are talking about unexpectedly arrives at the scene.“說到魔鬼”這個短語的意思是很碰巧,你正在談論的人意外地來到了現場。



Here’s Alexis. Speaking of the devil, we were just talking about you.


Speaking of the devil, here he comes.


Hey, Alex. Speaking of the devil, I was just telling Jim about your new job.


Speak of the devil |“說曹操曹操到”用英文怎麼說?

The phrase ‘speak of the devil’ was commonly known by the 17th century. The first recorded version of the phrase was written by Giovanni Torriano in contemporary English, in Piazza Universale, 1666. “The English say, talk of the devil and he’s presently at your elbow.” The phrase originated many many years ago, as it appears in Old English and various Latin from the 16th century. It was believed that it was dangerous to mention the devil’s name, but not all people would have believed this conspiracy. Shakespeare used the devil’s name often. However, many still considered it better to avoid using the devil’s name. Dean of Westminster wrote “Talk of the devil and he is bound to appear” in 1956, which contains a very stern warning about attracting the appearance of the devil.

在17世紀時,”speak of the devil”這個短語就已廣為人知。這個短語的當代英語形式最早記錄在Giovanni Torriano於1666年寫的書Piazza Universale中。“英國人說,一提到魔鬼,他就會馬上來到你身邊。”


This phrase is commonly used throughout the English language to this day. It is good to get an understanding of certain phrases like this one, so you know what people mean when they are talking.在英語中,這個短語一直使用到今天。大家學會了這樣的短語,就能知道人們在說些什麼。


1. speak of the devil 說曹操,曹操到

2. by coincidence 碰巧

3. contemporary 當代的;現代的

4. presently 馬上

5. at your elbow 在旁邊

6. conspiracy 密謀

7. bound 一定會

8. stern 嚴厲的



