'「日常英語口語8000句」16-1 生氣時:不滿牢騷常用口語句子'

英語 花瓣中小學教育 2019-08-14

  • 啊呸!真見鬼! Oh, heck! *heck表示有點灰心和失望。

Oh, heck! I failed the test. (噢,見鬼!沒考及格。)

= Oh, darn!

= Oh, no!

  • 什麼! Shucks!


Where is your homework? (你的作業在哪兒呢?)

Shucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家裡了。)

  • 真見鬼! Shoot!


Shoot! I Missed the train. (真見鬼!我沒趕上電車。)

= Sheesh!

  • 他媽的! Shit!


  • 啊!糟了! Uh-oh.


Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的書帶來了嗎?)

Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)

  • 有的事是行不通的。 Not everything is logical.

*logical “合邏輯的”、“合乎道理的”。

= Everything isn't always logical.

= Not everything follows the rules of logic.

  • (金錢)全都浪費了。 It went down the drain.

*drain “排水管”。

How was the investment? (投資的那個項目怎麼樣?)

It went down the drain. (全都白搭了。)

  • 就差那麼一點兒。 I almost made it.


The train just left. (電車剛走。)

I almost made it. (就差那麼一點兒。)

= I was almost on time.

= I was just a little late. (就晚了那麼一點兒。)

  • 想點兒辦法吧! Do something!

Our house is a mess? (我們的家真亂。)

So, do something! (那,你就收拾收拾吧。)

= Do something about it!

= Please do something about it.(請想點兒辦法吧!)

Please take care of it for me.(請為我處理一下兒吧。)

  • 我忙得要命。 I'm so busy.

I'm so busy today. (我今天忙得要命。)

How about tomorrow? (那明天怎麼樣?)

= I'm too busy.

= I'm as busy as a bee. *短語,“像蜜蜂一樣忙碌”。

  • 這項工作對我來說太重了。 This task is too much for me.

* task表示“作為任務分派給人的工作”。

This task is too much for me. (這項工作對我來說太重了。)

Please don't give up yet. (請你別放棄。)

I can't complete this task alone. (我一個人無法完成這項工作。)

= This is too much for me to handle.

  • 這麼點兒薪水我怎麼夠活呀! I can't make ends meet on my small salary.

= I can't live on my low pay.

= I can't get along on my scanty pay.

= I find it impossible to make ends meet on my small salary.

  • 我再也忍不下去了。 This is the last straw.

*last straw 表示“再也無法承受的負擔和困難上又新加的痛苦”。

Your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?)

Yes. This is the last straw. (是的。我再也忍不下去了。)

= That's it.

= I've had it up to here.

= I can't take it any more.

  • 你的答覆我接受不了。 Your response is unacceptable.

*unacceptable 表示“接受不了”。

= I'm not satisfied with what you say.

= Your answer is unsatisfactory.

  • 我不滿意他的回答。 I'm not satisfied with his answer.

*be satisfied with... “對……感到滿意”。

= I'm dissatisfied with his answer.

= His answer didn't satisfy me.

  • 他今天一副挑釁的樣子。 He's got a chip on his shoulder today.


  • 公平點兒! Play fair!

= Play fairly!

= Don't cheat! (不許搞鬼。)

  • 多費時費錢呀! What a waste of time and money!

What a waste of time and money! (費時又費錢。)

Don't say that. (你別那麼說呀!)

= You're wasting your time and money!

  • 你太慷慨了。 You're too generous.

*在送給別人相當有價值的東西等場合時使用。generous “慷慨的”、“不吝惜的”、“寬大的”、“度量大的”。

I'd like you to have this. (我想送你這個。)

You're too generous. Thank you very much. (你太慷慨了。謝謝。)

= You're too kind.

  • 他把一切都告訴了我。 He told me all about it.

= He told me everything.

  • 怎麼花這麼長時間? What's taking so long?

= Why is it taking so long?

  • 10分鐘怎麼也來不及。 I can't make it in ten minutes.

I need more time. (我還需要點兒時間。)

It'll take me longer than ten minutes. (要花10分鐘以上。)

Ten minutes isn't enough time. (10分鐘太倉促了。)

  • 他看不起我。 He looks down on me.

= He despises me.

He respects me. (他尊重我。)

  • 你什麼忙也幫不了。 You're good for nothing.

  • 簡直快讓我瘋了。 It drives me crazy.

I hate that noise. (我真討厭那種聲音。)

It drives me crazy. (它簡直快讓我瘋了。)

= It makes me crazy.

= It drives me up the wall.

  • 就這些嗎? Is that all?

I'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要這個和那個。)

Is that all? (就這些嗎?)

= Is that it?

= Anything else? (還要別的嗎?)

  • 這太少了。/這不夠。 That's not enough.


I'll give you 10% off. (我給你便宜10%。)

That's not enough. How about 20% off? (這太少了。20%怎麼樣?)

I'd like more. (我還想要點兒。)

I need more. (我需要再多一點兒。)

  • 他對我不公平。 He's unfair to me.

*unfair “不公平的”、“不合理的”。

= He treats me unfairly.

= He doesn't treat me fairly. (他對待我不公平。)


