'「日常英語口語8000句」14-2 在街上時:乘交通工具常用口語句子'

英語 交通 Line 花瓣中小學教育 2019-08-12

  • 請給我一張地鐵圖。 A subway map, please.

= Could I have a subway map, please?


  • 售票處在哪兒? Where's the ticket counter?

  • 到新宿多少錢? How much is the fare to Shinjuku?

How much is the fare to Shinjuku? (到新宿多少錢?)

I'll find out for you. (我看一下。)

= What is the fare to Shinjuku?

= How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku?

= What's the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?

= How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?

  • 150日元。 It's one hundred fifty yen.

  • 到新宿,我該坐哪趟車? Which train should I take to Shinjuku?

Which train goes to Shinjuku? (哪趟車到新宿?)

Which train stops at Shinjuku? (哪趟車在新宿停?)

Which train is going toward Shinjuku? (哪趟車開往新宿?)

  • 我該在哪站換車? Where am I supposed to change?

*be supposed to...“應該做……”。

Where am I supposed to change? (我應該在哪站換車?)

At Shinjuku. (在新宿。)

= Where do I change trains?

= Where should I change trains?

= Where am I supposed to transfer?

= At what station should I change?

  • 我要到荻窪在哪兒下車? Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?

  • 到新宿換乘JR的中央線。 You can change to the JR Chuo Line at Shinjuku.

  • 在哪兒能坐上快車? Where can I catch an express train?

*特快是a limited express, 每站都停的車是a local train。

  • 到第二站臺。 Go to track number two.

= Go to track two.

Take this train. (坐這趟車。)

Take the orange train. (坐那輛黃色的車。)

Take the Chuo Line. (坐中央線。)

  • 電車多長時間來一趟? How often do the trains come?

How frequently do the trains come? *frequently 表示頻繁程度,“不時地,頻繁地”。

How many trains run in an hour? (一個小時有幾趟車?)

When do the trains come? (車什麼時候來?)

  • 10分鐘一趟。 The trains come every ten minutes.


The trains run six times an hour. (一個小時有6趟車。)

The trains come very often. (一會兒一趟。)

The trains come five times a day. (一天5趟車。)

  • 下趟快車是幾點? When is the next express?

When is the next express? (下趟快車是幾點?)

At 1∶10. (1點10分。)

  • 到調布的末班車是幾點? What time is the last train to Chofu?

What time is the last train to Chofu? (到調布的末班車是幾點?)

I'm not sure. Probably around midnight. (不清楚,大概是夜裡12點吧。)

  • 下趟車是快車嗎? Is the next train an express?

  • 這趟車在調布停嗎? Does this train stop at Chofu?

Does this train stop at Chofu? (這趟車在調布停嗎?)

Yes, it does. (停。)

= Will this train stop at Chofu?

= Does this train go to Chofu? (這趟車去調布嗎?)

  • 從這裡數第4站。 It's the fourth stop from here.

How far is it to Shinjuku? (到新宿有多遠?)

It's the fourth stop from here. (從這到那兒有4站地。)

= There are four more stops to Shinjuku.

= There are four more stops before Shinjuku.

  • 下下站。 After the next stop.

The second stop. (第2個站。)

Two more stops. (還有兩站。)

  • 到新宿還有幾站? How many stops are there to Shinjuku?

How many stops are there to Shinjuku?(到新宿還有幾站?)

There are four more stops to Shinjuku.(到新宿還有4站。)

  • 下站是哪兒? What's the next stop?

What's the next station?

Could you tell me what the next station is? (您能告訴我下站是哪兒嗎?)

Would you tell me what the next stop is? (請告訴我下站到哪兒了?)

I was wondering what the next station is. (我不知道下站是哪兒。)

Is the next station Chofu? (下站是調布嗎?)

  • 下站是調布。 The next stop is Chofu.

  • 我在哪兒可以打到車? Where can I get a taxi?

Where can I get a taxi? (我在哪兒可以打到車?)

There's a taxi stand up ahead. (前面就有出租汽車站。)

Where can I catch a taxi?

Do you know where I can get a taxi? (您知道哪兒有出租汽車站嗎?)

Where's a taxi stand around here? (這附近哪兒有出租汽車站?)

  • 出租車站在哪兒? Where's the taxi stand?

= Where's the cabstand?

  • 請幫我叫輛出租車。 Call me a taxi, please.

Call me a taxi, please. (請幫我叫輛出租車。)

Certainly. Where to, sir? (好的,您去哪兒?)

Can you get me a taxi, please? (您能幫我叫輛出租車嗎?)

= Taxi, please.

= Hail a taxi, please.

*hail 表示“大聲叫、叫住(船、車、人等)”。

= Ring me a taxi, please.


  • 到市中心得多長時間? How long does it take to get downtown?

  • 要花多少錢? How much does it cost?

= How much will it cost?

= How much do you charge?

  • 您去哪兒? Where to?

= Where're you going?

= Where would you like to go? (您想去哪兒?)

  • 請到華爾街。 To Wall Street, please.

  • 請到這個地址。 To this address, please.

= Take me to this address, please.

= I'd like to go to this address.

= Please take me here. (請帶我到這兒。)

  • 我有急事。 I'm in a hurry.

I'm in a hurry. (我有急事。)

May I ask why? (怎麼了?)*有禮貌的問法。

  • 請走最近的路。 Take the shortest way, please.

  • 請您在這兒稍等一下。 Could you wait for me, please?

  • 請在這兒停吧。 Stop here, please.

  • 您能幫我拿一下行李嗎? Could you help me carry my bag?

  • 到那兒的話要花多少錢? How much would it cost to get there?


= How much will it cost?

  • 公共汽車站在哪兒? Where's the bus stop?

  • 有去機場的大巴嗎? Is there a bus to the airport?

Is there a bus to the airport? (有去機場的汽車嗎?)

No, I'm afraid not. (恐怕沒有。)

  • 美術館是第幾站? How many stops to the museum?

  • 下趟到成田機場的車是幾點? When is the next bus to Narita?

When is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田機場的車是幾點?)

It's at 4∶10. (4點10分。)

When does the next bus to Narita leave? (下趟到成田的車幾點開?)

How long do I have to wait for the next bus to Narita? (還得等多長時間才能有到成田機場的車?)

What time is the next bus to Narita?

How soon is the next bus to Narita? (下趟到成田的車多久才能來?)

  • 這輛車是去機場的嗎? Does this bus go to the airport?

  • 麻煩您到站時告訴我一聲。 Could you tell me when to get off?

Could you tell me when to get off? (麻煩您到站時告訴我一聲。)

No problem. (沒問題。)

  • 汽車剛走。 The bus has just left.


= The bus just left.

= We just missed our bus. (就在剛才,我們錯過了那趟汽車。)


  • 汽車沒有準時來。 The buses don't come on time.

*on time“正點,按時間”。

= The buses are not punctual.

= The buses don't come as scheduled.

= The buses are always late. (汽車總是晚點。)

  • 這兒有人坐嗎? Is this seat taken?

Is this seat taken? (這兒有人坐嗎?)

No, it's not. (沒人坐。)

Is anyone sitting here? (有人坐這兒嗎?)

Can I sit here? (我可以坐這兒嗎?)

Do you mind if I sit here? (我坐這兒可以嗎?)

= Is this seat free?

  • 路上是不是很堵車? Isn't the traffic heavy?

= Isn't it crowded?

= Isn't the road congested?


