用英語學英語口語:hotel check in 辦理入住手續

英語 酒店 旅遊 英語老師覃冠平 英語老師覃冠平 2017-10-18

用英語學英語口語:hotel check in 辦理入住手續

用英語學英語口語:hotel check in 辦理入住手續

hotel check in不僅有中文的意思,即“辦理酒店入住手續”,更有英語的意思。關鍵是你除了能用中文說“辦理入住”,你同樣能用英語說嗎?你會用到哪些你學過的英語來說?

1) URead 體驗英語:

At hotels,guests are usually required to check in (also called register or sign-in).They must report their arrival at the hotel before they can go to their guest room.This is hotel check-in.

Hotel check-in includes showing the guests' personal information and showing a signature.

In some countries guests must also sign a register (or a registration card) and some also require them to provide identification documents, such as a passport or drivers licence, or ID card, which the hotel can copy and retain for its records.

這段英語裡出現了足夠多的用英語表達hotel check-in的關鍵詞彙。我們只要能把它們用上、積累起來,今後就算我們表達hotel check-in時不必出現check-in這個詞,我們同樣可以把check-in表達出來與人交流。


2) UTalk 自己跟自己說英語,使用英語:

1. 讀到At hotels,guests are usually required to check in (also called register or sign-in)時,使用英語:

Well we have many ways to say hotel check-in.We can say hotel check-in, or to check in at the hotel.We can also say we report our arrival at the hotel,or register, or sign in at the hotel.

為什麼不能用這些英語來記check in而非要中文“入住”呢?

They must report their arrival at the hotel before they can go to their guest room.This is hotel check-in.

2. 讀到Hotel check-in includes showing the guests' personal information and showing a signature時,使用英語:

When we check in, we must show our personal information ,such as our ID card, or our passport,or our driver's licence,and we must sign our name,too.

In some countries guests must also sign a register (or a registration card) and some also require them to ptovide identification documents, such as a passport or drivers licence, or ID card, which the hotel can copy and retain for its records.


