情態動詞 had better 和 would rather

英語 莊冬昕 吱吱英語 2019-06-29
大家好,這裡是,吱吱英語。零基礎語法 的 第27課,【情態動詞4】。關注【吱吱英語】每天都可以學到新東西哦~~

1.had better 表示“最好做某事”,had雖然是過去式,但不表徵過去,had better後面接動詞原形。

(1) He had better eat more. 他最好是多吃點。

解析:had better 翻譯為“最好做某事”,這裡具體翻譯為“最好多吃點”;had better 接動詞原形,eat。

(2)You'd better finish it right now.你最好立即完成它。

解析:had better 翻譯為“最好做某事”,這裡具體翻譯為“最好立即完成”;you'd better = you had better 接動詞原形,finish。

2.would rather 表示“寧願、寧可、最好,還是......為好”,語感上比“had better”要輕。would rather 後面也接動詞原形。

(1)You would rather deal with it now. 你現在還是把它處理了為好。

解析:這裡would rather翻譯為“還是......為好”,後面接動詞原形 deal,deal with 翻譯為“處理某事”。


  • had better not + 動詞原形
  • would rather not+動詞原形

(1)He had better not eat more. 他最好別再吃了。

解析:had better not,否定形式,接動詞原形 eat。

(2)You would rather not deal with it now.你最好現在別處理這件事兒。

解析:would rather not,否定形式,接動詞原形 deal 。


  1. You ______ _______ stay here. 你最好待在這兒。
  2. I _____ ______ not say it. 我還是不說的好。
各位小夥伴,今天我們的課程就到這兒。咋們下節課再見。下節課的內容是【情態動詞5】。歡迎關注 【吱吱英語】,不經意間,你就變得無與倫比的優秀。
情態動詞 had better 和 would rather


  1. had better
  2. would rather

