
英語 AllenWoo 2019-09-16

一、announce 是指首次公開或正式宣佈人們所關心的某件事,含有預告的意思,有“鄭重其事”之意;


1.to officially tell people about something, especially about a plan or a decision宣佈,宣告,公佈

例句:At the end of their meeting, it was announced that an agreement had been reached. 會議最後宣佈已達成一項協議。

2.to say something, especially something that other people will not like, in a loud and confident way 鄭重地說,大聲而肯定地說〔尤指別人不喜歡的事〕

例句:‘I’m not going to their party,’ Maggie announced. “我不會去參加他們的聚會。”瑪吉鄭重地說。

3.to give information to people using a loudspeaker or microphone , especially at an airport or railway station 廣播通知〔尤指在機場或火車站〕

例句:We arrived just as they were announcing the arrival of Flight 207 from Minneapolis. 我們到的時候正在廣播來自明尼阿波利斯的207次航班已經到達的消息。

二、declare 強調“明確地,公開地”宣告某事,如戰爭、和平或意見等,有“斷言、聲稱”之意。


1.to state officially and publicly that a particular situation exists or that something is true 宣佈,聲明

例句:A state of emergency has been declared. 已宣佈進入緊急狀態。

2.to say publicly what you think or feel 聲稱,宣稱

例句:‘It’s not fair,’ Jane declared. “這不公平。” 簡宣稱道。


  1. declare war on sb/sth 對......宣戰
  2. delare against sb/sth 聲明反對
  3. declare for sb/sth 聲明贊成

四、練習:用announce 或declare的正確形式填空。(評論回覆答案)

"The result will be ( ) in a few days," she ( ).


