
心臟病 護膚 心血管病 科普 中國日報網 中國日報網 2017-09-30



Swilling mouthwash each morning could raise your risk of heart disease, one of the world's leading experts claims. 一位世界頂尖的專家稱,每天早上用漱口水漱口會增加患心臟病的風險。

Dr Nathan Bryan, based at the University of Texas, Austin, studies the role nitric oxide - which helps cells communicate - plays in the body's vital organs. 來自奧斯丁德克薩斯大學的內森•布萊恩博士是研究一氧化氮的專家。一氧化氮有助於促進細胞間交流,在人體重要器官中發揮著作用。

He said daily rinsing and gargling, which is meant to eliminate bad breath, also rids the body of the important molecule. 他表示,每天用漱口水漱口和清潔口腔是為了消除口臭,但這也減少了體內的一氧化氮含量。

The bacteria it kills provide the body with a constant supply of nitric oxide, which controls and regulates blood pressure. 漱口水在人體內殺死的細菌會為人體提供源源不斷的一氧化氮,而一氧化氮有助於控制和調節血壓。

Controlling blood pressure is known to be key to preventing cardiovascular disease - the world's leading killer, and strokes. 控制血壓是預防心血管疾病和中風的關鍵,而心血管疾病是世界頭號健康殺手。

But Dr Bryan also said that poor oral hygiene, such as not using mouthwash, also disrupts the production of nitric oxide. 但布萊恩博士表示,糟糕的口腔衛生,比如不使用漱口水,也會影響一氧化氮的產生。

He made the claim in a lecture at the American Naturopathic Medical Association's 36th Annual Convention in Las Vegas. 他在拉斯維加斯舉行的美國自然療法醫學協會第36屆年會上發表了這一聲明。

Dr Bryan told attendees: 'Recent discoveries reveal that oral bacteria provide the human body with continuous sources of nitric oxide. 布萊恩博士告訴參會者:“最近的研究發現,口腔細菌會持續向人體提供一氧化氮。”

'Nitric oxide is one of the most important molecules produced in the human body. It controls and regulates blood pressure and is a major factor in preventing CVD.' “一氧化氮是由人體產生的重要分子之一,它可以控制和調節血壓,並且可預防心血管疾病。”


He added: 'Poor oral hygiene, the use of antiseptic mouthwash or antibiotics can kill these commensal bacteria and disrupt nitric oxide production putting patients at risk for CVD,' News Medical reports. 據《新聞醫學》報道,布萊恩博士補充道:“糟糕的口腔衛生,使用抗菌漱口水或抗生素可以殺死這些共生菌,並擾亂體內一氧化氮的產生過程,從而增加患上心血管疾病的風險。”

The rise in blood pressure can be as much as 26 mmHg - which could send someone from being deemed healthy to suffering hypertension. 同時,用漱口水漱口也會使血壓升高26毫米汞柱,這會使一名健康的人從此患有高血壓。

Each two-point rise in blood pressure raises the risk of dying from heart disease by seven percent and from stroke by 10 percent, according to separate research. 另一項研究表明,血壓每升高2個百分點,死於心臟病的風險就會增加7%,而死於中風的風險則會增加10%。


Dr Bryan's claims back up findings from 2014 which showed using mouthwash is a 'disaster' for cardiovascular health. 布萊恩博士的觀點支持了一項2014年所作的研究,該項研究發現用漱口水漱口對心血管健康來說是個“災難”。

Swilling kills off ‘good’ bacteria that help blood vessels relax – so increasing blood pressure, Queen Mary University of London researchers said. 倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院的研究人員表示,漱口水殺死了一些有助於血管舒張的有益菌,從而使血壓升高。

This effect ‘appeared within one day’ of using the mouthwash, researchers wrote in the journal Free Radical Biology And Medicine at the time. 在學術期刊《自由基生物學與醫學》發表的論文中,研究人員表示,漱口水對血壓的影響在“用後一天之內就出現了”。

More than half of British adults regularly use mouthwash, creating a market worth £180 million a year. In the US it tops almost $1.5 billion. 在英國,有超過一半的成年人會經常使用漱口水,每年創造1.8億英鎊(約合15.5億元人民幣)的市場價值。而在美國,這一數字達到近15億美元(約合97.9億元人民幣)。


