
讀書 勝利退出演藝圈 Panda每日分享 2019-09-07

1. Speak Less, Ask More


Those who are great with people don’t necessary have the gift-of-gab, but rather, are great at asking questions. One of the most important social skills you can develop is the ability to ask questions; not in an interrogating way, but in the way that will help you understand people better and strengthen your relationship with them. People love talking about themselves, so asking questions that trigger memories; cause them to give their opinion; or ask for advice, will put you in the driver’s seat by allowing them to be the center of the conversation.


2. Celebrate Their Wins


When someone shares great news with you, instead of dismissing it, sharing good news of your own, or even bashing their good news — celebrate their win by being genuinely excited for them.


3. Lock-in On Group Settings


For many, the group setting is the perfect opportunity to pull back, check their phone, and zone out of the conversation–but not you. Pay close attention in a group setting, you’ll be able to learn how to connect with others by what they say, how they say it, and even what people choose not to say. Be aware of who likes to lead the conversation, what people like to talk about, and if someone is being excluded from the conversation.


4. Make Eye Contact — Or Not


On a daily basis you are bombarded with distractions competing for one of your most precious resources–your attention. Making eye contact with the person you are speaking with face-to-face is an outward expression that you are confident and fully engaged with that person. However, if someone isn’t looking making eye contact with you, before you jump to conclusions, be aware that it may be culturally unacceptable for them to do so; they are intimidated by you; or it makes them uncomfortable.


5. Show Positive Body Language


You can project confidence, kindness, and leadership just by the way you carry yourself. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and chest out. We learn from Dr. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are“, that how you carry yourself can impact how you think and feel about yourself–so get big!


6. Pay Attention To The Little Things


Life is hard. And many people are going through life in quiet desperation with little or no support from family or friends. The problem is, people are so good at hiding it, that they give off the impression that everything is good in their life and they don’t need help. Keep in mind that people have lives outside of work, school, and other places you seed them. A simple awareness of others’ body language, behavior, and facial expressions will give you insight into how things are really going for them.

生活是困難的。許多人在安靜的絕望中與很少或沒有家人和朋友的支持中經歷生活。問題是,人們善於隱藏 ,他們給人的印象是,他們的生活一切好,他們不需要幫助。記住,人們工作,學習以外的生活,你可以在其他地方發現蹤跡。對別人的肢體語言,行為,和麵部表情的一個簡單的認識會給你瞭解事情的真相。

7. Praise People’s Strengths


One way to bring the best out of someone is to praise their strengths. Could you imagine how you would respond if someone came up to you and said, “Just so you know, your ability to [insert strength] is incredible. I wish I was more like that.” Giving praise to someone else is a sign of confidence on your part, and a tremendous confidence builder for the other person.



