'雙語擴展閱讀:Don't Be a Mortgage Slave 不當房奴'

讀書 讓夢發生 銀行 Panda每日分享 2019-09-16
雙語擴展閱讀:Don't Be a Mortgage Slave 不當房奴

School teacher Shana Richey misses the play room she decorated with Glamour Girl decals for her daughters. Fireman Jay Fernandez misses the custom putting green he installed in his back yard.


But ever since they quit paying their mortgages and walked away from their homes, they've discovered that giving up on the American dream has its benefits.


Both now live on the 3100 block of Club Rancho Drive in Palmdale, where a terrible housing market lets them rent luxurious homes -one with a pool for the kids, the other with a golf -course view -for a fraction of their former monthly payments.

現在,他們兩家都住在加利福尼亞州帕姆代爾市Club Rancho Drive道的3100街區。在這一地區,樓市的不景氣使得他們可以租下豪華的房子——一座帶游泳池供孩子們玩,另外一座可以看到高爾夫球場上的風景——而現在的房租都只相當於過去月供的很小一部分。

"It's just a better life. It really is,"says Ms. Richey. Before defaulting on her mortgage, she owed about $230,000 more than the home was worth.


People 's increasing willingness to abandon their own piece of America illustrates aparadoxical change wrought by the housing bust: Even as it tarnishes the near -sacred image of home ownership, it might be clearing the way for an economic recovery.


Thanks to a rare confluence of factors -mortgages that far exceed home values and bargain -basement rents-a growing number of families are concluding that the new American dream home is a rental.


Some are leaving behind their homes and mortgages right away, while others are simply halting payments until the bank kicks them out. That's freeing up cash to use in other ways.


Ms. Richey's family of five used some of the money to buy season tickets to Disneyland, and plans to take a Carnival cruise to Mexico in March. Mr. Fernandez takes his girlfriend out to dinner more frequently. "We're saving lots of money," Ms. Richey says.


The U.S home-ownership rate has charted its biggest decline in more than two decades, falling to 67.6% as of September from a peak of 69.2% in 2004. And more renters are on the way: Credit firm Experian and consulting firm Oliver Wyman said that "strategic defaults" by homeowners who can afford to pay have exceed one million in 2009, more than four times 2007's level.

美國的住房自有率創下了二十多年來的最大降幅,截至9月份,住房自有率是 67.6%,而2004年,這二比例最高為69.2%。此外,還會出現更多租房住的人:益伯利信貸公司和奧緯諮詢公司說,那些有能力支付房貸月供,卻選擇"戰略"生違約"的房主2009年已超過100萬人,較2007年的數字高出4倍多。


