
全球人力資源市場觀察 2017-05-21





“工作與生活的平衡在全球各地員工心目中的重要性日益上升,這已經不是什麼祕密了,”任仕達新加坡、中國香港和馬來西亞董事總經理Michael Smith說。“然而,這些地區的員工一直對薪酬和福利表現出更高的重視程度。今年是我們第一次注意到這種情緒上的重大轉變。”



Randstad :Work-life balance preference at an all-time high

(May 19, 2017, /staffingindustry.com/)Employees in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia still have a high preference for salary and benefits when looking for an employer, but work-life balance preference is now at an all-time high, according to research from Randstad.

Randstad’s Employer Brand Research shows that Hong Kong employees aged between 25 and 44 have now become the first demographic in all three countries to have placed work-life balance as their highest priority, surpassing salary preference for the first time.

In Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, the importance of work-life balance has continued to rise to take the position of second most important attractiveness factor in all three markets.

Singapore’s preference for work-life balance grew by 4% compared to the same time last year. The data showed that 64% of employees preferred salary and benefits over work-life balance, which stood at 61%. In Hong Kong, work-life balance stood at 52%, up 2% from last year’s figures but 2% below the preference for salary and benefits. In Malaysia, 63% preferred salary and benefits compared to 47% who preferred work-life balance. The 47% figure was up from 43% last year.

“It’s no secret that work-life balance has been of growing importance for employees around the world,” Michael Smith, Managing Director, Randstad Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia, said. “However, the region has always had a much higher importance placed on salary and benefits. This year is the first time that we are noticing such a major shift in sentiment.”

Meanwhile, job security jumped in the rankings to become the third most important attractiveness factor in Singapore and Hong Kong. Job security in Malaysia dropped 9% from last year when it came in as the third most attractive factor.


