用英語學英語口語:手機流量可以expire和roll over是什麼意思?

英語 智能手機 教育 英語老師覃冠平 英語老師覃冠平 2017-11-02

用英語學手機英語口語:手機流量可以expire和roll over是什麼意思?

用英語學英語口語:手機流量可以expire和roll over是什麼意思?

如果問你一句:What happens to your smartphone data if it is unused at the end of the month?


1) URead:在“英語語言環境”中體驗英語,學習英語:

Here’s what happen to your unused mobile data quota.

In the US and in most other countries when you pay for data each month, you lose what you don’t use with most carriers. This is a major source of annoyance for just about everyone who has a mobile phone with a data plan. If you pay for something and don’t use it all, you should get to keep that data. AT&T and other carriers in the US do allow you to roll over unused data to the coming month.

The catch(the rule)is that your extra data expires if you don’t use it. That’s not how it works with a carrier in New Zealand called 2degrees

2) UTalk, 自己跟自己說英語:


1. 流量滾存:

If you pay for data and don’t use it all, you should get to keep that data. AT&T and other carriers in the US do allow you to roll over unused data to the coming month.

roll over unused data to the coming month就是“用不完的流量可以滾存到下月使用”。

現在可以回答剛才的問題“What happens to your smartphone data if it is unused at the end of the month?”了嗎?


Well I can roll over(也可以說carry over) my unused data to next month.


What is unused data?

就是文中所說的extra data啊!

Well your unused data is your extra data at the end of the month.

1) URead:在“英語語言環境”中體驗英語,學習英語:

The catch(the rule)is that your extra data expires if you don’t use it. That’s not how it works with a carrier in New Zealand called 2degrees

注意,裡面的your extra data(unused data) expires就是“手機流量清零(過期)”的意思!

2. 流量清零(過期):

Your extra data(unused data) expires

現在可以回答剛才的問題“What happens to your smartphone data if it is unused at the end of the month?”了嗎?


用英語學英語口語:手機流量可以expire和roll over是什麼意思?

Well my unused data/extra data will expire if I don't use it all/and I can't keep it.


What is Data will expire?

也可以說:When we say the data will expire,we can also say the data disappears, or I will lose the unused data,

OR, my data allowance resets.


