
英語 美國 教育 英語老師覃冠平 英語老師覃冠平 2017-10-17



home 和 family的區別?

《英語世界》雜誌2017年翻譯大賽漢譯英中,有一句是說男女組成家庭的,參考譯文說 a home is formed by two lives because of love

home是家,是住人的地方,兩個人如何組成住人的地方呢?這是不對的。home是要花錢買的,老美不是常說buy a home, home builder or buyer嗎?

而family是有小孩的家庭才能這麼說,do you have a family?你有小孩嗎?不是,你成家了嗎


1. Money can buy a house. Money can buy a home,too.,because a home is a house, but a house may not be a home.But you think money can buy a family?Without money, you can do nothing, but money is not everything.

2. A house is a building, a shelter. A home is a building a shelter, too. This is where they overlap,or cross into each other in meaning, but a home is where our loved ones live, our parents, our siblings, someone who has a relationship with us.A home is where we belong to. A hotel is a house,but it is not our home.Our loved ones dont live there.So a house is only a building, a house is a house.

3. Yes Americans say buy a home, not a house because it is a home for us, for our loved ones to live in. This is what they mean when they say they buy a home, not buy a house.But even for Americans, I mean an American investor or a speculator, they will choose to say they buy a HOUSE, not a home.

中國人也一樣,說“買房子”,實際指“買住房,自用房”buy a home 這就是我們多聽到美語buy a home的原因,而同樣是中國炒房客說“買房”,實質是“買房子”的 buy a house,一個人,中國人美國人英國人是買不了那麼多home的,一套足矣!這是聽到說buy a home不說buy a house的原因。買房,買住房乎?買房子乎?英語亦然。

So we can buy a house for more houses or more money in the future, but we buy a home for our family, for our loved ones to live together.

3.A family is about people.It is about people with blood relations,or biological ties who live together in a home, not a house, i think, unless we live in a makeshift, or a refugee house in emergency like an earthquake ir in wartime.A family is about people.A family is not about bricks and motars and cold walls.怎麼會“混搭”在一起?<br />

4. A home is formed by two lives because of love你確定你沒“抄錯”高手們寫的“英語”?

Dont think a home IS FORMed.I repeat it.You can not FORM a home, but you can form,or rather make a family.A home is where loved ones LIVE.

5. A morale, a lesson 啟示錄:


