
英語 教育 零基礎每日學英語 零基礎每日學英語 2017-10-14


1: 這是我的女朋友

錯: This is my lover.(有情人,情婦的含義)

對: This is my girlfriend.

2: 新辦公室很寬敞

錯:The new office is very wide.

對:The new office is very spacious.


錯: I got this computer from bargain.

對: I got this computer on sale.

4: 他很有趣

錯: He's so interesting.

對:He's so funny.

5: 我喜歡濃咖啡

錯:I like heavy coffee.

對: I like strong coffee.

6: 能給我減價嗎?

錯: Price down?

對: Can I get a discount?

7: 他是個感情細膩的人

錯: He is emotional(情緒化)

對:He is sensitive.

8; 我是免費得到的

錯: I got it without money.

對:I got it for free.

9: 我們初次見面

錯:It's our first time to meet.

對:We've never met before.

10 晚上我想和朋友出去玩

錯: I want to play with my friends tonight.

對: I want to hang out / go out with my friends tonight.


錯: She came here newly.

對:She's new here.

12: 我化妝

錯:I make my face.

對: I put on my makeup.


錯:He drank all of his soup.

對:He ate all of his soup.

在英語中,soup也是food的一種,所以很少用drink, 更多用eat或have。


錯:I can’t find my keys somewhere.

對:I can’t find my keys anywhere.


錯:I was waiting by 3:00.

對:I was waiting until 3:00.

16: 你有多少巧克力

錯:How many chocolates do you have? (特指單獨包裝的巧克力塊)

對:How much chocolate do you have?

17: 能借我點錢嗎?

錯:Could you borrow some money to me?

對:Could you lend some money to me?

18: 我把他錯當成別人了

錯: I mistook him.

對:I mistake him for someone else.

19:: 我很無聊

錯: I’m boring.

對: I’m bored.

20: 我厭倦了那個電視節目。

錯: That TV show is tired.

對:I’m tired of that TV show.

21: 你覺得怎麼樣

錯: How do you think?

對: What do you think?


錯:Which do you select?

對: Which do you choose?

23: 你是做什麼工作的

錯: What is your job?

對:What do you do for a living?

24: 我下星期領薪水

錯:I’ll receive my salary next week.

對:I’ll get paid next week.

25: 上車吧(轎車)

錯: Get on the car.

對:Get in the car

26: 上車吧(公共汽車)

錯誤:get in the bus

對:get on the bus

27: 他狀態良好

錯::He is in good condition.

對:He is in good shape.

28: 那兒非常偏僻

錯:It’s very far.

對: It’s very remote.

29: 他的體溫下來了

錯: His temperature went down.

對: His temperature came down.

30: 今天的報紙有他的文章

錯: Today's newspapers have his articles.

對: Today's newspapers carry his articles.

