
英語 不完美媽媽 紐約 Panda每日分享 2019-07-31


1. life in the fast lane 競爭激烈、忙碌而快節奏的生活方式。

上過高速公路的人都知道,最左邊的那條車道是快車道。在這條車道上行駛你能超過別的車道上的車輛而遙遙領先,但是你也必須一刻不停地高速前進,否則後面的千軍萬馬就會衝你而來。所以,life in the fast line就是比喻“快節奏的,競爭激烈的、馬不停蹄的生活”。

for example:

bill used to enjoy life in the fast lane in new york, but his family didn't. now he's happier living a quiet life in a small town with his wife and two kids.


 2. go nowhere fast 毫無進展

nowhere這個詞是由no和where兩個詞組成的,所以go nowhere意思當然是“哪兒都不去”。而fast這個詞的意思是“快”。go nowhere fast比喻費了九牛二虎之力去做一件事,卻毫無進展。

for example:

i've been working on this problem all evening and i'm going nowhere fast! could you help me out, because i just don't know how to do it.


3. to play fast and loose 不負責任、不靠譜

從字面上來解釋,to play就是:玩,fast就是:快,loose用在這裡,它的意思就是:輕率的,不在意的。要是說一個人play fast and loose,那這個人就是不負責任的,靠不住的,因為他對周圍的人毫不關心,要是信任這樣的人那就是大錯特錯了。to play fast and loose這個習慣用語往往用在男女之情方面。比如說,談戀愛的一方對對方並不十分真誠,而只是想利用對方。這種情況就可以說是to play fast and loose。

for example:

i feel sorry for mary - jim has been playing fast and loose with her affections too long. why doesn't she make up her mind once and for all, and just get rid of the man?


4. hard and fast 嚴格的規矩、規則

hard and fast這個習慣用語最初是形容一艘離開了水的船。船有的時候是因為碰到了石塊,有的時候是為了維修而被停泊到乾的船塢裡而離開了水。大家都知道,fast這個字一般是指行動得很快。而這裡的意思是停在一個地方動不了了。那麼hard(嚴格的)跟fast(不可動搖的)兩個詞放在一起,就可以想象是多麼嚴格的規則了。

for example:

at our house there's a hard and fast rule against us kids hanging out downtown late at night. we all have to be home by ten o'clock. and no exceptions, either!



