
英語 我依是行人 2019-08-28

66. make a killing 大撈一筆

67. take one's position 就位

68. curl up a ball 縮成一團

69. look around 環顧四周

70. run a legitimate operation 合法經營

71. make a long story short 總而言之

72. didn't do anything wrong 無辜的

73. make it up to sb 補償

74. do a play-by-play 實況轉播

75. just in time for 剛好趕上

76. be a little jealous 有點眼紅

77. throw something together 東拼西湊

78. lame costumes 蹩腳裝扮

79. a glow stick 熒光棒

80. there is a catch 另有企圖

81. squirm out of 擺脫

82. make up one's mind 打定主意

83. rule out 排除

84. make a point 大發議論

85. take off 獨立幹大事

86. use the bathroom 方便一下

87.get messy 出亂子

88. head home 打道回府

89. slam on the brakes 急剎車

90. get cocky 有恃無恐

91. the same general idea 差不多

92. make a run for it 逃難

93. sneak out 開溜

94. paid the price for it 付出代價

95. on the bright side 從好的方面

96. get the hang of it 摸到竅門


