

The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.



The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.





  • 民航組織總部設在加拿大蒙特利爾,制訂國際空運標準和條例,是191個締約國(截止2011年)在民航領域中開展合作的媒介。
  • 2013年9月28日,中國在加拿大蒙特利爾召開的國際民航組織第38屆大會上再次當選為一類理事國。


  • 協調國際民航關係。努力在國際民航的各領域協調各國的關係及做法,制訂統一的標準,促進國際民航健康、有序地發展;
  • 解決國際民航爭議。多年來,國際民航組織充當協調人,在協調各國關係上發揮過不可替代的作用;締結國際條約。國際民航組織不僅參與國際條約的制訂,還以條約締約方的身份簽訂國際條約;
  • 特權和豁免。國際民航組織各成員國代表和該組織的官員,在每個成員國領域內,享有為達到該組織的宗旨和履行職務所必須的特權和豁免。
  • 參與國際航空法的制訂。在國際民航組織的主持下,制訂了很多涉及民航各方面活動的國際公約,從《芝加哥公約》及其附件的各項修正到制止非法干擾民用航空安全的非法行為,以及國際航空私法方面的一系列國際文件。

——— 資料來自《百度百科》

3)Some form of Aviation English is commonly used by many people working in the industry. But pilots and air traffic controllers must also learn a special form of English to communicate with each other by radio and -- more recently -- by computer.


4)This coded language is a combination of technical terms and plain English. For example, the term "Roger" means "message received" and "Wilco" means "I will comply." The good news is that there are only around 300 such terms.


plain English:淺顯易懂的英語

5)Aviation English differs from Standard English in a few other important ways. For example, it typically avoids question forms and negative forms. There is also almost no use of modal verbs, such as the word "can." And, since this language is made of short, direct commands and responses, subject pronouns, such as "you" and "I," are not used.


6)Few pilots know this specialized language better than Clarence "Clyde" Romero.

很少有飛行員能比Clarence "Clyde" Romero更熟悉這門專業性很強的語言。

7)A native of New York City, he worked as a pilot for 38 years before retiring in 2015. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force, first as a pilot then a flight instructor. Later, he became a commercial airline pilot and captain with Piedmont Airlines, followed by U.S. Airways and American Airlines.

Clarence "Clyde" Romero是土生土長的紐約市人,他當了38年的飛行員,2015年退休了。他最初在美國空軍先當飛行員,而後當上了飛行教官。後來他成了商業航空公司的飛行員和機長,先在彼得蒙航空、後來在全美航空和美國航空公司工作。

彼得蒙航空 ( Piedmont Airlines ): 全美航空在1980年代末期先後收購太平洋西南航空(PSA, Pacific Southwest Airlines)以及彼得蒙航空(Piedmont Airlines)。


The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.





  • 民航組織總部設在加拿大蒙特利爾,制訂國際空運標準和條例,是191個締約國(截止2011年)在民航領域中開展合作的媒介。
  • 2013年9月28日,中國在加拿大蒙特利爾召開的國際民航組織第38屆大會上再次當選為一類理事國。


  • 協調國際民航關係。努力在國際民航的各領域協調各國的關係及做法,制訂統一的標準,促進國際民航健康、有序地發展;
  • 解決國際民航爭議。多年來,國際民航組織充當協調人,在協調各國關係上發揮過不可替代的作用;締結國際條約。國際民航組織不僅參與國際條約的制訂,還以條約締約方的身份簽訂國際條約;
  • 特權和豁免。國際民航組織各成員國代表和該組織的官員,在每個成員國領域內,享有為達到該組織的宗旨和履行職務所必須的特權和豁免。
  • 參與國際航空法的制訂。在國際民航組織的主持下,制訂了很多涉及民航各方面活動的國際公約,從《芝加哥公約》及其附件的各項修正到制止非法干擾民用航空安全的非法行為,以及國際航空私法方面的一系列國際文件。

——— 資料來自《百度百科》

3)Some form of Aviation English is commonly used by many people working in the industry. But pilots and air traffic controllers must also learn a special form of English to communicate with each other by radio and -- more recently -- by computer.


4)This coded language is a combination of technical terms and plain English. For example, the term "Roger" means "message received" and "Wilco" means "I will comply." The good news is that there are only around 300 such terms.


plain English:淺顯易懂的英語

5)Aviation English differs from Standard English in a few other important ways. For example, it typically avoids question forms and negative forms. There is also almost no use of modal verbs, such as the word "can." And, since this language is made of short, direct commands and responses, subject pronouns, such as "you" and "I," are not used.


6)Few pilots know this specialized language better than Clarence "Clyde" Romero.

很少有飛行員能比Clarence "Clyde" Romero更熟悉這門專業性很強的語言。

7)A native of New York City, he worked as a pilot for 38 years before retiring in 2015. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force, first as a pilot then a flight instructor. Later, he became a commercial airline pilot and captain with Piedmont Airlines, followed by U.S. Airways and American Airlines.

Clarence "Clyde" Romero是土生土長的紐約市人,他當了38年的飛行員,2015年退休了。他最初在美國空軍先當飛行員,而後當上了飛行教官。後來他成了商業航空公司的飛行員和機長,先在彼得蒙航空、後來在全美航空和美國航空公司工作。

彼得蒙航空 ( Piedmont Airlines ): 全美航空在1980年代末期先後收購太平洋西南航空(PSA, Pacific Southwest Airlines)以及彼得蒙航空(Piedmont Airlines)。


8)“There’s a phonetic alphabet that you have to be familiar with. So, in other words, you never say "a" over the radio, you say, "Alpha." You never say "z" over the radio, you say "Zulu." If you have to spell something out, that's how you spell it.”


a phonetic alphabet: [ə fəˈnetɪk ˈælfəbet] :音標字母

9)“You’re very specific when you say numbers and when you speak because you have to make sure the other person really understands it. You would say "niner" instead of "nine," and then, if you had to say "19," you don't say "19" over the radio, you say "Roger that. It's one-nine.””

當你說數字和說話的時候,你得非常詳細又準確,因為你得確保(無線電或電腦)對面的人是真的聽懂了你的意思。用航空英語說數字“9”時,你得說“niner”而不是白話英語“nine”;說“19”時,你不能說白話“nineteen”,你得說“Roger that. It's one-nine. 收到,收到,是1-9”.

specific:detailed and exact 詳細又準確;明確的;具體的


The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.





  • 民航組織總部設在加拿大蒙特利爾,制訂國際空運標準和條例,是191個締約國(截止2011年)在民航領域中開展合作的媒介。
  • 2013年9月28日,中國在加拿大蒙特利爾召開的國際民航組織第38屆大會上再次當選為一類理事國。


  • 協調國際民航關係。努力在國際民航的各領域協調各國的關係及做法,制訂統一的標準,促進國際民航健康、有序地發展;
  • 解決國際民航爭議。多年來,國際民航組織充當協調人,在協調各國關係上發揮過不可替代的作用;締結國際條約。國際民航組織不僅參與國際條約的制訂,還以條約締約方的身份簽訂國際條約;
  • 特權和豁免。國際民航組織各成員國代表和該組織的官員,在每個成員國領域內,享有為達到該組織的宗旨和履行職務所必須的特權和豁免。
  • 參與國際航空法的制訂。在國際民航組織的主持下,制訂了很多涉及民航各方面活動的國際公約,從《芝加哥公約》及其附件的各項修正到制止非法干擾民用航空安全的非法行為,以及國際航空私法方面的一系列國際文件。

——— 資料來自《百度百科》

3)Some form of Aviation English is commonly used by many people working in the industry. But pilots and air traffic controllers must also learn a special form of English to communicate with each other by radio and -- more recently -- by computer.


4)This coded language is a combination of technical terms and plain English. For example, the term "Roger" means "message received" and "Wilco" means "I will comply." The good news is that there are only around 300 such terms.


plain English:淺顯易懂的英語

5)Aviation English differs from Standard English in a few other important ways. For example, it typically avoids question forms and negative forms. There is also almost no use of modal verbs, such as the word "can." And, since this language is made of short, direct commands and responses, subject pronouns, such as "you" and "I," are not used.


6)Few pilots know this specialized language better than Clarence "Clyde" Romero.

很少有飛行員能比Clarence "Clyde" Romero更熟悉這門專業性很強的語言。

7)A native of New York City, he worked as a pilot for 38 years before retiring in 2015. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force, first as a pilot then a flight instructor. Later, he became a commercial airline pilot and captain with Piedmont Airlines, followed by U.S. Airways and American Airlines.

Clarence "Clyde" Romero是土生土長的紐約市人,他當了38年的飛行員,2015年退休了。他最初在美國空軍先當飛行員,而後當上了飛行教官。後來他成了商業航空公司的飛行員和機長,先在彼得蒙航空、後來在全美航空和美國航空公司工作。

彼得蒙航空 ( Piedmont Airlines ): 全美航空在1980年代末期先後收購太平洋西南航空(PSA, Pacific Southwest Airlines)以及彼得蒙航空(Piedmont Airlines)。


8)“There’s a phonetic alphabet that you have to be familiar with. So, in other words, you never say "a" over the radio, you say, "Alpha." You never say "z" over the radio, you say "Zulu." If you have to spell something out, that's how you spell it.”


a phonetic alphabet: [ə fəˈnetɪk ˈælfəbet] :音標字母

9)“You’re very specific when you say numbers and when you speak because you have to make sure the other person really understands it. You would say "niner" instead of "nine," and then, if you had to say "19," you don't say "19" over the radio, you say "Roger that. It's one-nine.””

當你說數字和說話的時候,你得非常詳細又準確,因為你得確保(無線電或電腦)對面的人是真的聽懂了你的意思。用航空英語說數字“9”時,你得說“niner”而不是白話英語“nine”;說“19”時,你不能說白話“nineteen”,你得說“Roger that. It's one-nine. 收到,收到,是1-9”.

specific:detailed and exact 詳細又準確;明確的;具體的



The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.





  • 民航組織總部設在加拿大蒙特利爾,制訂國際空運標準和條例,是191個締約國(截止2011年)在民航領域中開展合作的媒介。
  • 2013年9月28日,中國在加拿大蒙特利爾召開的國際民航組織第38屆大會上再次當選為一類理事國。


  • 協調國際民航關係。努力在國際民航的各領域協調各國的關係及做法,制訂統一的標準,促進國際民航健康、有序地發展;
  • 解決國際民航爭議。多年來,國際民航組織充當協調人,在協調各國關係上發揮過不可替代的作用;締結國際條約。國際民航組織不僅參與國際條約的制訂,還以條約締約方的身份簽訂國際條約;
  • 特權和豁免。國際民航組織各成員國代表和該組織的官員,在每個成員國領域內,享有為達到該組織的宗旨和履行職務所必須的特權和豁免。
  • 參與國際航空法的制訂。在國際民航組織的主持下,制訂了很多涉及民航各方面活動的國際公約,從《芝加哥公約》及其附件的各項修正到制止非法干擾民用航空安全的非法行為,以及國際航空私法方面的一系列國際文件。

——— 資料來自《百度百科》

3)Some form of Aviation English is commonly used by many people working in the industry. But pilots and air traffic controllers must also learn a special form of English to communicate with each other by radio and -- more recently -- by computer.


4)This coded language is a combination of technical terms and plain English. For example, the term "Roger" means "message received" and "Wilco" means "I will comply." The good news is that there are only around 300 such terms.


plain English:淺顯易懂的英語

5)Aviation English differs from Standard English in a few other important ways. For example, it typically avoids question forms and negative forms. There is also almost no use of modal verbs, such as the word "can." And, since this language is made of short, direct commands and responses, subject pronouns, such as "you" and "I," are not used.


6)Few pilots know this specialized language better than Clarence "Clyde" Romero.

很少有飛行員能比Clarence "Clyde" Romero更熟悉這門專業性很強的語言。

7)A native of New York City, he worked as a pilot for 38 years before retiring in 2015. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force, first as a pilot then a flight instructor. Later, he became a commercial airline pilot and captain with Piedmont Airlines, followed by U.S. Airways and American Airlines.

Clarence "Clyde" Romero是土生土長的紐約市人,他當了38年的飛行員,2015年退休了。他最初在美國空軍先當飛行員,而後當上了飛行教官。後來他成了商業航空公司的飛行員和機長,先在彼得蒙航空、後來在全美航空和美國航空公司工作。

彼得蒙航空 ( Piedmont Airlines ): 全美航空在1980年代末期先後收購太平洋西南航空(PSA, Pacific Southwest Airlines)以及彼得蒙航空(Piedmont Airlines)。


8)“There’s a phonetic alphabet that you have to be familiar with. So, in other words, you never say "a" over the radio, you say, "Alpha." You never say "z" over the radio, you say "Zulu." If you have to spell something out, that's how you spell it.”


a phonetic alphabet: [ə fəˈnetɪk ˈælfəbet] :音標字母

9)“You’re very specific when you say numbers and when you speak because you have to make sure the other person really understands it. You would say "niner" instead of "nine," and then, if you had to say "19," you don't say "19" over the radio, you say "Roger that. It's one-nine.””

當你說數字和說話的時候,你得非常詳細又準確,因為你得確保(無線電或電腦)對面的人是真的聽懂了你的意思。用航空英語說數字“9”時,你得說“niner”而不是白話英語“nine”;說“19”時,你不能說白話“nineteen”,你得說“Roger that. It's one-nine. 收到,收到,是1-9”.

specific:detailed and exact 詳細又準確;明確的;具體的





The Language of Air Travel




導讀:英語是全世界國際航空公司的通用語言。但與我們平時使用的英語有所不同,航空英語不用模稜兩可的有毛病的說法、以及否定形式;情態動詞和人稱代詞也是不用的。為了讓無線電或電腦對面的塔臺工作人員或飛行員清晰精準地收到指令或回覆,航空英語裡的字母的發音是有特殊規定的、某些數字也是有獨特發音的,如“19”不念“nineteen”, 而是單個讀“one-nine”.

1) Believe it or not – Aviation English is one of the most in-demand forms of English around the world. Why? Because English is the language of the skies.


2)The International Civil Aviation Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations. In 2003, the organization set a deadline of March 2008 for pilots and air traffic controllers at international airports to pass English proficiency exams. A high level knowledge of English continues to be required in international aviation today.





  • 民航組織總部設在加拿大蒙特利爾,制訂國際空運標準和條例,是191個締約國(截止2011年)在民航領域中開展合作的媒介。
  • 2013年9月28日,中國在加拿大蒙特利爾召開的國際民航組織第38屆大會上再次當選為一類理事國。


  • 協調國際民航關係。努力在國際民航的各領域協調各國的關係及做法,制訂統一的標準,促進國際民航健康、有序地發展;
  • 解決國際民航爭議。多年來,國際民航組織充當協調人,在協調各國關係上發揮過不可替代的作用;締結國際條約。國際民航組織不僅參與國際條約的制訂,還以條約締約方的身份簽訂國際條約;
  • 特權和豁免。國際民航組織各成員國代表和該組織的官員,在每個成員國領域內,享有為達到該組織的宗旨和履行職務所必須的特權和豁免。
  • 參與國際航空法的制訂。在國際民航組織的主持下,制訂了很多涉及民航各方面活動的國際公約,從《芝加哥公約》及其附件的各項修正到制止非法干擾民用航空安全的非法行為,以及國際航空私法方面的一系列國際文件。

——— 資料來自《百度百科》

3)Some form of Aviation English is commonly used by many people working in the industry. But pilots and air traffic controllers must also learn a special form of English to communicate with each other by radio and -- more recently -- by computer.


4)This coded language is a combination of technical terms and plain English. For example, the term "Roger" means "message received" and "Wilco" means "I will comply." The good news is that there are only around 300 such terms.


plain English:淺顯易懂的英語

5)Aviation English differs from Standard English in a few other important ways. For example, it typically avoids question forms and negative forms. There is also almost no use of modal verbs, such as the word "can." And, since this language is made of short, direct commands and responses, subject pronouns, such as "you" and "I," are not used.


6)Few pilots know this specialized language better than Clarence "Clyde" Romero.

很少有飛行員能比Clarence "Clyde" Romero更熟悉這門專業性很強的語言。

7)A native of New York City, he worked as a pilot for 38 years before retiring in 2015. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force, first as a pilot then a flight instructor. Later, he became a commercial airline pilot and captain with Piedmont Airlines, followed by U.S. Airways and American Airlines.

Clarence "Clyde" Romero是土生土長的紐約市人,他當了38年的飛行員,2015年退休了。他最初在美國空軍先當飛行員,而後當上了飛行教官。後來他成了商業航空公司的飛行員和機長,先在彼得蒙航空、後來在全美航空和美國航空公司工作。

彼得蒙航空 ( Piedmont Airlines ): 全美航空在1980年代末期先後收購太平洋西南航空(PSA, Pacific Southwest Airlines)以及彼得蒙航空(Piedmont Airlines)。


8)“There’s a phonetic alphabet that you have to be familiar with. So, in other words, you never say "a" over the radio, you say, "Alpha." You never say "z" over the radio, you say "Zulu." If you have to spell something out, that's how you spell it.”


a phonetic alphabet: [ə fəˈnetɪk ˈælfəbet] :音標字母

9)“You’re very specific when you say numbers and when you speak because you have to make sure the other person really understands it. You would say "niner" instead of "nine," and then, if you had to say "19," you don't say "19" over the radio, you say "Roger that. It's one-nine.””

當你說數字和說話的時候,你得非常詳細又準確,因為你得確保(無線電或電腦)對面的人是真的聽懂了你的意思。用航空英語說數字“9”時,你得說“niner”而不是白話英語“nine”;說“19”時,你不能說白話“nineteen”,你得說“Roger that. It's one-nine. 收到,收到,是1-9”.

specific:detailed and exact 詳細又準確;明確的;具體的








