
移動支付 美國 教育 趴趴走 2017-04-25


Quanzhou has a rich variety of foods, so donot be misled by the Chinese restaurant in your country, the test always cannot reach the standard of them in Quanzhou.


You will amazedly find that it's no deed to bring cash when you go out in Quanzhou. Wechat, alipay are the main method in Quanzhou which has a highly developement on moblie payment. only one mobilephone, you can pay in any stores, bus stations, even a small roadside market.


Especially the bullet train , which can depart on time and won't break your any plan, so that you don't need to kate much time for waiting. in Quanzhou, the bullet train is faster than airplan sometimes, while in USA, even you get the teckets, you need to worry for taking off the plan cause the oversold teckets.


In some cities in USA, you need to step up your vigilance at night, no one can ensure if the oncoming person will take out a gun in suddenly, because it's legal to have guns in USA. But in Quanhzou, even in whole areas of China, even knifes are controled strictly.


Due to some western medias always uglify China, some persons have a bad impression in China. But your will find that some western " big cities" cannot compared to Quanzhou when you come here for experience.


Many people come to Quanzhou from different cities, but this small town can still show harmonious and united. You even can eat all kinds of food from different cities here which is so difficult in your country.


