
Are you still there? 你還在嗎?
一、If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.如果你獨處時感到寂寞,說明你沒有把...
雞湯 教育 2017-04-06
How are you?你還在答覆Fine, thank you. and you嗎?
由於工作原因,會接觸到一些外國客戶。初次見面時,總是避免不了相互介紹和寒暄。一大部分的外國客戶會開頭會說,Hello, i'm XX, very glad...
'晨讀|You are what you think.'
"晨讀| You are what you think. 雙語美文 英漢對照讀美文,感悟語言的藝術Some people go through life standing at the excuse counter.有些人的一生都在藉口中度過。They say they’d...
you and me,you and I,到底有什麼區別?
什麼時候應該用 you and me,什麼時候應該用 you and I,很多人搞不清楚這問題。先看個句子: You and I should have ...
英語 教育 2017-06-13
'美文分享《You Are Stronger than You Think》'
"You Are Stronger than You ThinkWhat is Strength?Strength is not always about pure physical strength.Rather,it is about willpower,discipl...
i like you but just like you
老師教了我們一句英文i like u but just like u剛想說這句不錯,老師又告訴我們它的翻譯。縱然萬劫不復,縱然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,...
「WHO ARE YOU」你,還是你自己嗎?
'“你行你上啊”英文翻譯是“you can you up”嗎?漲知識了'
英語 2019-08-25
I live for you, you exist because of me.
Don’t spend time with someone who doesn’t care spending it with you不要把時間花在一個不在乎與妳一起分享的人身上.Maybe god mants you to meet many wrong people b...
被央視隱藏的網紅段子手 主播界的泥石流一直以來,央視主播,尤其是新聞聯播的主持人,就備受人們關注,他們在人們心中的刻板印象就是普通話標準、說話字正腔圓,且...
'美文分享《Are You Rich?》《你富有嗎?》'
"Are You Rich?They huddled inside the storm door-two children in ragged coats.“Any old papers,lady?”I was busy.I wanted to say no-until I...
when you
When you choose to be a sunny, happy person, a rainstorm becomes just another excuse to 一旦選擇做一個陽光,快樂的人,那風雨也只會是讓你起舞的理由。
Another 教育 2017-06-09
雙語閱讀:You 超凡卓越的你(MP3)
You 超凡卓越的你Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, ther...
讀書 宇宙 藝術 MP3 2019-07-06
You're chicken可不是“你是雞”!
更多精彩,微信公眾號搜索“華爾街英語”大家約下班後玩密室逃脫只有助理毛毛不去外教Peter 笑著說Don't be such a chicken!我是雞?...
文章 2019-04-21
No easy to meet you!遇見你不容易!
一、Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go;they merely det...
Another 雞湯 教育 2017-04-01
Who are you?黑河有你才精彩!
'A Letter to You 一封給你的信'
"Dear Arizona:親愛的亞利桑那:My friend is moving in a month——and not just to a different neighborhood, but to a whole different country! I’m so ...
倫敦 英國 2019-08-11
'你淘氣又大氣 You are cheeky but not cheesy'
"You are cheeky but not cheesy 你淘氣又大氣You are healthy and vibrant, playful but serious.你健康有活力,頑皮卻又嚴肅。Your cheeky challenge to me nearly de...
戀愛 2019-09-08