
人力資源 EGO 教育 中國日報網 2017-05-26



Some ambitious office workers will stop at nothing to get ahead. 一些有野心的辦公室職員會為了晉升不擇手段。

And the use of email has provided an entire new box of dirty tricks for employees hoping to climb the career ladder. 電子郵件的使用就給了那些想往上爬的職員們一個耍花招的新渠道。

Pushy office workers keen to impress bosses are increasingly using ‘ego mail’ as a way to get ahead of their colleagues. 愛出風頭的員工熱衷於討好老闆,而且越來越頻繁地使用“郵件自薦”以趕超其他同事。

And it seems men are the worst offenders. 在這場角逐中,男性職員好像更加肆意妄為。

Showing off – or showing a colleague up - by copying management into an email thread is becoming more common, according to a study from a Cambridge scholar. 一位劍橋學者表示,通過把郵件抄送給管理人員,從而推銷自己或把某位同事比下去的方式,已越來越普遍。

Professor David De Cremer, of Cambridge University’s Judge Business School, found that workers who regularly CC, or ‘carbon copy,’ their boss into email replies do so to unsettle their co-workers. 劍橋大學賈奇商學院的教授大衛•德•克萊莫發現,有職員經常把郵件抄送給老闆是為了給其他同事使絆兒。

‘This finding suggests that when your co-workers copy your supervisor very often, they may be doing so strategically, as they consciously know what the effect will be on you,’ he wrote in the Harvard Business Review. “這說明,當你的同事經常把郵件抄送給老闆,他們也許是在耍手段,因為他們知道這樣做會對你產生什麼樣的影響”,克萊莫在《哈佛商業評論》上寫道。

Men who ‘have no shame’ are far more likely to engage these underhand tactics than women, according to Professor Tom Jackson of Loughborough University. 拉夫堡大學教授湯姆•傑克遜說道,“寡廉鮮恥”的男性比女性更有可能採取這些不正當的詭計。

‘Anecdotally from our research I would say that males are much more focused on doing this. Females might know how to do it but maybe stop short of actually doing it. “從我們的研究來看,我想說,男性更執著於這些勾當,女性可能知道怎麼去做,但是她們在真的要這麼幹的時候可能就停手了。”

‘Males have no shame - they just go ahead and do it,’ he said.“男性沒有負罪感——他們想做就做了,”傑克遜說。

The method does seem to work, he added, because managers often remember pushier employees when promoting members of staff. 他還說,由於在提拔員工時,管理者往往記住的是那些更愛出風頭的員工,所以“郵件自薦”這個辦法似乎管用。

The ego email tactics could mean that women are missing out on promotions that are instead handed to male colleagues less embarrassed about using messages to show off. 郵件自薦策略意味著女性會錯失晉升機會,而男同胞會取而代之,因為他們在採取這個策略時,並不覺得難堪。

Some office workers go out of their way to email bosses at anti-social hours to show their commitment to the job. The study found that many would schedule messages to be sent to management late at night or early in the morning to make it appear they are working even when they are not. 一些辦公室員工會費盡心思地在非正常時間段內發郵件給上司,以表明自己對工作的熱愛。研究發現,許多員工會把發送信息的時間設定在深夜或清晨,這樣就好像他們一直在工作,然而並不是。

This sort of behaviour could increase illness and stress in the workplace, according to experts. 專家稱這種行為會增加工作環境裡的疾病和壓力。

David D’Souza, of human resources organisation the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said ego emailing was a sign of an unhealthy working environment in which employees were ‘fearful’ for their jobs. 人力資源機構人事開發特許協會的大衛•蘇沙說,郵件自薦標誌著一種不健康的工作環境,在這種環境下,員工會對自己的工作產生恐懼感。

‘It’s very important for organisations to make their decisions based on competence, not levels of self-promotion,’ he warned. 大衛•蘇沙警告說:“各個機構要根據能力做出決策,而不是看‘自我推銷’的水平,這很重要。”


