
美國 英語 考研 一戰 老張考研英語 2017-06-24

# 時 間 不 會 等 你 #











背景音樂:「Fortunate Son」,《阿甘正傳》40分40秒,阿甘坐直升機到達越南前線的背景歌曲,是不是很粗狂。這首歌內容是反戰的,用在這裡當然有所指:“有些人繼承了一雙慧眼/他們卻把你送到了戰場....”片中還有時至今日依舊很多非常經典的歌曲,大家可以搜來聽聽。

The Rise to Power


The United States became the world's leading industrial power at the turn of the 20th century due to an outburst of entrepreneurship in the Northeast and Midwest and the arrival of millions of immigrant workers and farmers from Europe. The national railroad network was completed with the work of Chinese immigrants and large-scale mining and factories industrialized the Northeast and Midwest. Writer Mark Twain called the period The Gilded Age because the rise of huge industry, big cities, and commerce looked golden.

Mass dissatisfaction with corruption, inefficiency and traditional politics stimulated the Progressive movement, from the 1890s to 1920s, which led to many social and political reforms. In 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed women's suffrage (right to vote). Initially neutral during World War I, the US declared war on Germany in 1917 and later funded the Allied victory the following year.

After a prosperous decade in the 1920s, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 marked the onset of the decade-long worldwide Great Depression. Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt ended the Republican dominance of the White House and implemented his New Deal programs for relief, recovery, and reform. FDR used optimistic raido chats to persuade listeners that, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” The New Deal, which defined modern American liberalism, included relief for the unemployed, support for farmers, Social Security and a minimum wage. It created the Ametican welfare state---a stark contrast to the long-standing Jeffersonian maixm that “the government which governs best, governs least.”

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States entered World War II along with Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and the smaller number of Allied nations. The U.S. financed the Allied war effort and helped defeat Nazi Germany in the European theater. Its involvement culminated in using the newly invented nuclear weapons on Japanese cities that helped defeat Imperial Japan in the Pacific theater.


The United States and the Soviet Union emerged as rival superpowers after World War II. During theCold War, the US and the USSR confronted each other indirectly in the arms race, the Space Race, proxy wars, and propaganda campaigns. US foreign policy during the Cold War was built around the support of Western Europe and Japan along with the policy of containment, stopping the spread of communism. The US joined the wars in Korea and Vietnam to try to stop its spread. In the 1960s, in large part due to the strength of the civil rights movement, another wave of social reforms were enacted by enforcing the constitutional rights of voting and freedom of movement to African-Americans and other racial minorities. The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union officially dissolved in 1991, leaving the United States as the world's only superpower.


After the Cold War, the United States focused on international conflicts around the Middle East in response to the Gulf War in the early 1990s. The beginning of the 21st century saw the September 11 attacks by Al-Qaeda in 2001, which would later followed by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2008, the United States had its worst economic crisis (Subprime mortgage crisis) since the Great Depression, which has been followed by slower than usual rates of economic growth during the 2010s.

Key Words:

The Gilded Age

the Progressive movement


Great Depression

The New Deal

the policy of containment

proxy wars

Gulf War

Subprime mortgage crisis




