戛納電視節落幕 18國影視企業齊聚杭州

法國 美國 加拿大 教育 浪潮新聞 2017-05-30

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,首屆戛納電視節中國論壇在杭州落幕。論壇期間,來自美國、法國、西班牙、俄羅斯、加拿大、日本、印度、新加坡等18個國家和地區的80家中外影視企業進行了1對1商務洽談,133家影視製作機構的251位中外代表出席了專業論壇,杭州天雷動漫與歐洲三大動畫企業之一的法國Millimages公司進行了現場簽約。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the first MIPTV China Forum ended in Hangzhou. During the forum, 80 foreign and Chinese film and television enterprises from 18 countries and regions, including the United States, France, Spain, Russia, Canada, Japan, India, Singapore and so on, carried out 1 to 1 business talks, 251 Chinese and foreign representatives of 133 film and television production institutions attended the professional forum, Thunder Animation and Millimages from France, which is one of the top three animation companies in Europe, were signed on the spot.

戛納電視節落幕 18國影視企業齊聚杭州

法國戛納電視節主辦方——瑞得集團娛樂事業部總監勞琳·加魯德(Laurine Garaude)表示:杭州與戛納有很多相似之處,都擁有美麗的風景、獨具魅力的都市文化,兩座城市都精巧、典雅、迷人。

France MIPTV sponsor -Reid Group entertainment department’s director Laurine Garaude said, there are many similarities between Hangzhou and Cannes. They all have beautiful scenery and charming urban culture. The two cities are exquisite, elegant and charming.

戛納電視節落幕 18國影視企業齊聚杭州


France MIPTV is the largest and most influential film and television content fair in the world, attracting TV elites and content agents from more than 100 countries and regions every year.


Deputy Secretary-General of the Hangzhou municipal government Xia Jingge said, MIPTV has chosen to hold special events in Hangzhou, it’s not only the recognition of the development of Hangzhou's cultural and creative industries, but also the affirmation of the internationalization process of Hangzhou after the G20 summit. With the holding of international famous exhibitions, Hangzhou has also increased its popularity and reputation, and has constantly accelerated the pace of the construction of world famous cities.

戛納電視節落幕 18國影視企業齊聚杭州


It is understood that the value added of Hangzhou cultural and creative industry’s GDP has accounted for 23% of the city's GDP, and has became one of the important pillar industries of Hangzhou's economy. In addition, more than 300 film and television enterprises registered in Hangzhou, 8 of them were listed, at the forefront of the country.

(中國網見習記者 張雲鬆 綜合報道 翻譯 黃璐)

