
自行車 休斯敦 德克薩斯 S.H.E 21世紀英文報 2019-09-14











A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.







A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.









A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓






A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓








A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓





就像一位歪果仁網友所說的,遇上一位騎這種路線都能忍你的好姑娘,就趕快娶了吧~ (If she played along with that bonkers route she's a keeper for sure.)






A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓





就像一位歪果仁網友所說的,遇上一位騎這種路線都能忍你的好姑娘,就趕快娶了吧~ (If she played along with that bonkers route she's a keeper for sure.)








A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓





就像一位歪果仁網友所說的,遇上一位騎這種路線都能忍你的好姑娘,就趕快娶了吧~ (If she played along with that bonkers route she's a keeper for sure.)




來源:Daily Mail






A couple of cycling enthusiasts got engaged after a lengthy bike ride — after the man showed his girlfriend that he'd secretly had them spell out the words 'marry me' with their route.

In March, Jon Blaze from Houston, Texas invited his girlfriend Thau Nguyenon a 15.7-mile bike ride through the city. This wasn't so unusual for the romantic pair, who frequently ride and have even done races together.

But something was different about this route: The pair frequently turned around and doubled back, taking a very strange path across town — which Jon later revealed was spelling out 'marry me' for his future bride.





果然,當天的騎車路線十分曲折,在大街小巷裡七拐八拐,兩人騎了一個多小時之後,終於騎回了出發點。正當肖正要向喬恩抱怨發作時,喬恩突然單膝跪下,向她求婚,並且打開了手機上記錄騎車路線的地圖 —— marry me ↓↓↓





就像一位歪果仁網友所說的,遇上一位騎這種路線都能忍你的好姑娘,就趕快娶了吧~ (If she played along with that bonkers route she's a keeper for sure.)




來源:Daily Mail


