
浙江大學 大學 教育 浪潮新聞 2017-06-06

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,記者從浙江省委組織部獲悉,在已公佈的第十三批國家“千人計劃”名單中,浙江省共有106人入選。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, the reporter learned from the Organization Departments of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committees that a total of 106 people of Zhejiang were selected in the published 13th batch of national "Program of Global Expert" list.


It is understood that 99 innovative talents were selected through the declares of enterprise entities all over China, and 29 of them were from Zhejiang, accounting for 29.3%; 14 people of enterprises were selected to Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts, and Zhejiang has 9, accounting for 64.3%; career-creating talents are 47 people, 9 from Zhejiang, accounting for 19.1%.These 3 indicators ranked first in the country. In addition, 55 people of colleges and universities throughout the province were selected, 43 in Zhejiang University, which ranked first in universities across the whole country.



Up to now, a total of 662 people in Zhejiang have been selected to the national "Program of Global Expert", and the number of new entrants and the cumulative number of candidates rank fourth in the country.

(中國網見習記者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 杜依依/譯)

