
藝術 英語 教育 silkroadpost絲路郵報 2017-06-11


An exhibit of Guangzhou's intangible cultural heritages was kicked off at the Guangzhou Library on June 2. This exhibition is part of a series of "Approaching-Sharing" activities for Guangzhou's intangible cultural heritages.


The highlight of the activities is that the city's over 30 intangible cultural heritage sites, including arts masters studio, Cantonese style storytelling platform, martial arts schools and Lingnan style guqin association, will be opened free to the public on June 10 and 11.

Through face-to-face interaction with those masters, attending training classes and workshops and buying heritages' products, visitors could have a better understanding of Cantonese embroidery, sculpture, enamel and kungfu.

Additionally, a metro heritage trip, a trip to Shawan ancient town, a Xiguan heritage youth trip and a Xiguan heritage family trip will be organized by Guangzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center from June 12 to 18.


Below are some of the highlights of the activities. All require reservations.

Cantonese Enamel

Cantonese Enamel is known for its brilliant colors and exquisite paintings. It can be divided into daily-use porcelain and art porcelain. The Cantonese Enamel exhibition will offer visitors lessons about painting the porcelain. The exhibition also features brief English introduction, and foreign visitors are welcome to participate.

Time:10 a.m.-6 p.m., June 10-11

Venue: Heli Fen Cantonese Enamel Hall

Address: 252 Yihe Square, Huadi Xique Lu, Liwan district

Booking: 13602869727

Cantonese Embroidery

Cantonese Embroidery, also called Yue Embroidery, is one of the four well-known styles of Chinese embroidery - Su Embroidery, Xiang Embroidery, Cantonese Embroidery and Shu Embroidery. During the event, Cantonese Embroidery artists will organize workshops to teach visitors how to make the embroidery.

Time: 9:30 a.m.- 1 a.m., 2:30 p.m.-4 p.m., June 10

Venue: Guangzhou Xiupin Company

Address: Guangxiu Building, 171 Dunhe Lu, Haizhu district

Booking: Follow the WeChat account of“廣州繡品工藝廠有限公司”

Clay sculpture

Clay sculpture is a method of Lingnan traditional architectural decoration. This event, which includes a sculpture exhibition and workshops about how to make clay sculpture, will kick off at Chen Clan Academy and Shaocheng village at the same time, and visitors are welcome to join any one of them.

Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., June 10-11

Venue 1: Chen Clan Academy

Address: 34 Enlong Li, Zhongshan Qilu, Liwan district

Venue 2: Guangzhou Shaocheng Village Clay Sculpture Art Company

Address: Jianshe Beilu, Xinhua Jie, Huadu district

Booking: 13719168417

Hong Quan

Hong Quan, a typical style of Southern Fist (also Southern Boxing), which is a form of traditional Chinese kungfu with a history of 400 years, ranks first among the five boxing styles in Guangdong proivince. Apart from the historic story of Hong Quan, people also can learn some Hong Quan forms to experience the charm of Chinese kungfu, and foreign visitors are welcome to participate as well.

Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., June 10

Venue: Juying Kungfu

Address: Zhuer Donglu, Baiyun district

Booking: 13544501114

