百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了

音樂 提雅斯多 舞蹈 音樂節 民生與消費 2017-04-06




百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了Jay Hardway出生在德盧內市的一個小鎮上,14歲開始製作音樂。18歲之前一直在酒吧進行小演出而後在俱樂部演出。這顆本名為Jobke Heiblom的明日之星被世界領先的最獨立舞曲唱片公司斯賓尼唱片公司(Spinnin’ Records)一眼相中。該公司旗下著名音樂人有阿弗洛傑克(Afrojack)、馬丁·蓋瑞斯(Martin Garrix)、西德尼·桑普森(Sidney Sampson)和NERVO(澳大利亞姐妹組合)。

Born in small town Drunen, Jay Hardway started producing music when he was fourteen years old. Starting with small gigs in pubs by the time he reached 18 years of age he was playing for bigger crowds in clubs. The rising star, whose real name is Jobke Heiblom, was also noticed by Spinnin’ Records, the worlds leading most independent dance record label and is now represented by ACE Agency, whose roster includes big names such as Afrojack, Martin Garrix, Sidney Sampson and NERVO.

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了傑•哈德韋(Jay Hardway)在其短暫職業生涯中已取得了巨大成功,他確實是一個特別的人。他與神奇男孩馬丁•蓋瑞斯(Martin Garrix)合作的舞曲以及他最近發佈的單曲都獲得了現場來自全球各地大品牌的支持。

With big successes already achieved in his still short career, Jay Hardway is proving to be a special one. His collaborations with wonder boy Martin Garrix are big dance floor bangers, receiving worldwide support from the biggest names in the scene as well as his solo work, which he recently released.

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了受Tiësto’s DJ-ing、阿弗洛傑克(Afrojack), Laidback Luke 和Vato Gonzalez作品啟發,他一直努力發展自己的技能。經過四年大量艱苦工作和創作後他發佈了多首曲子。2013年3月與馬丁•蓋瑞斯合作發佈的“Error 404”到達Beatport排行榜第16位。與馬丁·蓋瑞斯的成功合作使他倆再次聯手推出“Wizard”。“Wizard”獲得了世界上知名DJ們的支持,一週內在YouTube上獲得360萬播放量,單曲發佈前一週就已佔據DMC Buzz榜首,發佈兩天發佈後飆升至Beat port 榜首,成為2013年最熱EDM之一。2014年傑發佈他的首支單曲“Bootcamp”,在Beatport排行榜上獲得很好排名。但2014年遠不止於此!有了之前的一些酷炫合作,他經常發表炫目的“靈感”播客視頻,在拉斯維加斯Hakkasan俱樂部的大型演出和紐約Electric Daisy Carnival(EDC電子音樂節)、Dance Valley和MTV Mobile Beats音樂節上嶄露頭角。可以肯定這個男孩正在開啟他的偉大事業!

Inspired by Tiësto’s DJ-ing, and by the productions of Afrojack, Laidback Luke and Vato Gonzalez, he developed his own skills. Four years later, after doing lots of hard work and producing, Jay Hardway has multiple releases on his resume. His track ‘Error 404’ with Martin Garrix, released in March 2013, reached #16 in the Beatport chart. The collaboration with Martin Garrix was such a big success that the two teamed up again on ‘Wizard’. With support from the biggest DJ’s in the world, 3,6 million views on YouTube in one week, a #1 position in the DMC Buzz Chart a week before release, and a phenomenal #1 position on Beat port two days after the release, ‘Wizard’ has become one of 2013, biggest EDM hits. In 2014 Jay dropped his first solo track ‘Bootcamp’, which ended up high in the Beatport chart. And that’s not all for 2014! With some cool collaborations ahead of him and, his frequently posted impressive ‘Inspire’ podcasts and big gigs in clubs like Hakkasan Las Vegas and festivals al around the globe like Electric Daisy Carnaval New York, Dance Valley and MTV Mobile Beats it’s safe to say that this boy is set for great things!

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了

百大DJ JAY HARDWAY,荷蘭音樂天才駕著馬車就來了

2017/04/06 SPACE CLUB



