
英語 教育 英語聽說讀寫背 2017-05-18


1. 看見 see→catch sight of

2. 遇見 meet→come across

3. 遭遇 meet with→encounter

4. 擁有 have→possess

5. 提高 develop / improve→promote

6. 替代 replace→substitute

7. 面對 face→be faced with

8. 容忍 bear→put up with

9. 解決 solve→deal with / cope with

10. 決定 decide→determine / make up one’s mind

11. 考慮 consider→take into account / consideration

12. 應該 should→be supposed to

13. 理解 understand→make sense of / figure out

14. 使用 use→employ / make use of / take advantage of

15. 道歉 apologize→make an apology

16. 記住 remember→bear / keep in mind

17. 發生 happen→occur / come about

18. 想起 occur→think of / come up with

19. 感謝 thank→appreciate

20. 幫助某人 help sb →do sb a / the favor

21. 節省 save→set aside

22. 參觀 visit→tour / pay a visit to

23. 分發 hand out→distribute

24. 站起 stand up→get to one’s feet

25. 習慣於 be used to→be accustomed to

26. 一定 be sure to→be bound to

27. 為……做準備 prepare for→make preparations for / be prepared for

28. 反對 be against→object to

29. 厭煩 be bored with→be fed up with

30. 忙於 be busy in (with)→be occupied in (with) / be buried in / be engaged in

31. 聞名 be famous for→have a reputation for

32. 感到舒心 feel comfortable→feel at ease

33. 美化學校 make our school beautiful→beautify our school

34. 置若罔聞 refuse to listen to→turn a deaf ear to

35. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth →make it

36. 想做某事 want to do sth →seek / intend / desire to do sth

37. 照看 look after→attend to

38. 盡力做某事 try one’s best to do sth →spare no effort to do sth

39. 向某人尋求幫助 ask someone for help→turn to sb for help

40. 我認為 I think→in my opinion / as far as I’m concerned

