英語天天樂 Kind neighbor

英語 傢俱 S.H.E 教育 賀丞山人 賀丞山人 2017-10-03

英語天天樂 Kind neighbor

Kind neighbor

Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s apartment was full of luggage, packages, and furniture and boxes.

Both of them were very busy when they heard the door bell ring. Mrs. Jones went to open it and she saw a middle-aged lady outside. The lady said she lived next door. Mrs. Jones invited her to come in and apologized because there was no place for her to sit.

“Oh,that’s OK,” said the lady. “You don’t have to be formal with me. I just come to welcome you to your new home. Do you know, in some parts of this city neighbors are not friendly at all. There are some apartment houses where people don’t down any of their neighbors, not even the ones nest door. But in this building everyone is evry friendly with everyone else. We are like one big happy family. I’m sure you’ll be very happy here.”

Mr. and Mrs. Jones looked at each other in surprise. Then Mrs. Jones said, “But madam, we are not new dwellers in this apartment. We have lived here for two years. We’re moving out tomorrow.”


瓊斯夫婦的公寓裡堆滿了行李、包裹、傢俱和盒子。他們倆正忙得不可開交,忽然聽見門鈴響了。瓊斯太太找開門,看到一位中年婦女站在門外,她說她是住在隔壁的鄰居。瓊斯太太邀請她進來,並向他道歉說屋裡太亂,沒地主坐。那婦人說道:“噢,沒關係,你不用跟我客氣。我是來歡迎你們搬到這裡來的。你要知道,達個城市有些地方鄰居之間很冷漠,根本就不相往來,就連隔壁人家都不認識。可是在我們這棟樓裡,大家都非常友好和睦, 我們就像一個大家庭一樣,我相信你們在這裡會住得愉快。


