
英國 馥蕾詩 寶姿 今天慢慢慢 2019-09-13






Britain could experience shortages of some fresh foods for weeks or even months if the country leaves the European Union without a trade deal.


  • experience shortages of
  • shortage可變名詞不足;缺少;短缺

A British food industry group made the warning Wednesday.


  • food industry group 食品行業組織
  • a+group可數名詞集體;群體;團體
  • make the warning發出警告=warn

It said, if Britain withdraws from the EU without a trade agreement, fresh food may be left to go bad on trucks at ports.


  • withdraws from脫離,退出
  • without a trade agreement未達成貿易協議
  • fresh food 生鮮食品
  • go bad變質、腐爛
  • on trucks 卡車上
  • at ports港口

Tim Rycroft is the Chief Operating Officer of Britain's Food and Drink Federation.

蒂姆・萊克羅夫特(Tim Rycroft)是英國食品和飲料聯合會的首席運營官。

  • the Chief Operating Officer of 首席運營官
  • Federation聯合會可數名詞(社團或組織的)同盟,聯盟,聯合會 A federation is a group of societies or other organizations which have joined together, usually because they share a common interest
  • league, federation, union, alliance 這些名詞均含“聯盟、同盟、聯合會”之意。
  • league → 普通用詞,指為了共同的利益而建立的地區性、全國性或國際性的聯合組織,也指民間或半官方組織的聯盟。a group of people, clubs, or countries that have joined together for a particular purpose, or because they share a common interest.
  • federation → 泛指用條款固定下來的一切聯合,尤指聯邦政府。
  • union → 普通用詞,指由若干個體結成的一個統一的整體。強調其永久性。When two or more things, for example countries or organizations, have been joined together to form one thing, you can refer to them as a union .
  • alliance → 普通用詞,指對雙方均有利的任何聯盟。單數名詞聯盟;聯合體
  • 可數名詞(國家或政黨的)聯盟,同盟 An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.




Britain could experience shortages of some fresh foods for weeks or even months if the country leaves the European Union without a trade deal.


  • experience shortages of
  • shortage可變名詞不足;缺少;短缺

A British food industry group made the warning Wednesday.


  • food industry group 食品行業組織
  • a+group可數名詞集體;群體;團體
  • make the warning發出警告=warn

It said, if Britain withdraws from the EU without a trade agreement, fresh food may be left to go bad on trucks at ports.


  • withdraws from脫離,退出
  • without a trade agreement未達成貿易協議
  • fresh food 生鮮食品
  • go bad變質、腐爛
  • on trucks 卡車上
  • at ports港口

Tim Rycroft is the Chief Operating Officer of Britain's Food and Drink Federation.

蒂姆・萊克羅夫特(Tim Rycroft)是英國食品和飲料聯合會的首席運營官。

  • the Chief Operating Officer of 首席運營官
  • Federation聯合會可數名詞(社團或組織的)同盟,聯盟,聯合會 A federation is a group of societies or other organizations which have joined together, usually because they share a common interest
  • league, federation, union, alliance 這些名詞均含“聯盟、同盟、聯合會”之意。
  • league → 普通用詞,指為了共同的利益而建立的地區性、全國性或國際性的聯合組織,也指民間或半官方組織的聯盟。a group of people, clubs, or countries that have joined together for a particular purpose, or because they share a common interest.
  • federation → 泛指用條款固定下來的一切聯合,尤指聯邦政府。
  • union → 普通用詞,指由若干個體結成的一個統一的整體。強調其永久性。When two or more things, for example countries or organizations, have been joined together to form one thing, you can refer to them as a union .
  • alliance → 普通用詞,指對雙方均有利的任何聯盟。單數名詞聯盟;聯合體
  • 可數名詞(國家或政黨的)聯盟,同盟 An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.

He said, "We're not going to starve, but there will be shortages of fresh food and some specialist ingredients. It's going to be a little bit unpredictable."


  • starve捱餓suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death.
  • shortages of短缺
  • a little bit一點
  • specialist ingredients特定食材
  • unpredictable難以預測
  • predictable
  • predictably
  • predictability

"Given that food very often is perishable...we expect that there will be some selective shortages of food in the weeks and months following no-deal Brexit," Rycroft said."There will be some shortages and price rises."


  • Given 鑑於
  • perishable(食物)易腐爛的,易變質的
  • cherish動詞珍愛;珍惜;疼愛
  • selective 選擇性的;有選擇的;選取少量的
  • following no-deal Brexit在無協議脫歐後
  • price rises漲價




Britain could experience shortages of some fresh foods for weeks or even months if the country leaves the European Union without a trade deal.


  • experience shortages of
  • shortage可變名詞不足;缺少;短缺

A British food industry group made the warning Wednesday.


  • food industry group 食品行業組織
  • a+group可數名詞集體;群體;團體
  • make the warning發出警告=warn

It said, if Britain withdraws from the EU without a trade agreement, fresh food may be left to go bad on trucks at ports.


  • withdraws from脫離,退出
  • without a trade agreement未達成貿易協議
  • fresh food 生鮮食品
  • go bad變質、腐爛
  • on trucks 卡車上
  • at ports港口

Tim Rycroft is the Chief Operating Officer of Britain's Food and Drink Federation.

蒂姆・萊克羅夫特(Tim Rycroft)是英國食品和飲料聯合會的首席運營官。

  • the Chief Operating Officer of 首席運營官
  • Federation聯合會可數名詞(社團或組織的)同盟,聯盟,聯合會 A federation is a group of societies or other organizations which have joined together, usually because they share a common interest
  • league, federation, union, alliance 這些名詞均含“聯盟、同盟、聯合會”之意。
  • league → 普通用詞,指為了共同的利益而建立的地區性、全國性或國際性的聯合組織,也指民間或半官方組織的聯盟。a group of people, clubs, or countries that have joined together for a particular purpose, or because they share a common interest.
  • federation → 泛指用條款固定下來的一切聯合,尤指聯邦政府。
  • union → 普通用詞,指由若干個體結成的一個統一的整體。強調其永久性。When two or more things, for example countries or organizations, have been joined together to form one thing, you can refer to them as a union .
  • alliance → 普通用詞,指對雙方均有利的任何聯盟。單數名詞聯盟;聯合體
  • 可數名詞(國家或政黨的)聯盟,同盟 An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.

He said, "We're not going to starve, but there will be shortages of fresh food and some specialist ingredients. It's going to be a little bit unpredictable."


  • starve捱餓suffer greatly from lack of food which sometimes leads to their death.
  • shortages of短缺
  • a little bit一點
  • specialist ingredients特定食材
  • unpredictable難以預測
  • predictable
  • predictably
  • predictability

"Given that food very often is perishable...we expect that there will be some selective shortages of food in the weeks and months following no-deal Brexit," Rycroft said."There will be some shortages and price rises."


  • Given 鑑於
  • perishable(食物)易腐爛的,易變質的
  • cherish動詞珍愛;珍惜;疼愛
  • selective 選擇性的;有選擇的;選取少量的
  • following no-deal Brexit在無協議脫歐後
  • price rises漲價

Officials of large food companies warn that leaving the EU, known as Brexit, could cause shortages because they may be unable to fill warehouses before the Christmas holiday.


  • cause 導致
  • cost 成本/花費
  • court法院
  • called稱為
  • fill warehouses裝滿倉庫

The British food industry employs 450,000 people. The industry says Brexit may be the country's greatest challenge since World War II.


  • employs sb僱傭xx,有……僱員

Britain had planned to formally leave the EU on March 29 of this year.


  • formally 正式
  • normally正常地

But the British Parliament failed to approve a deal negotiated with the 27 other member states.


  • failed to 未能
  • approve a deal批准協議動詞批准;認可;通過 If someone in a position of authority approves a plan or idea, they formally agree to it and say that it can happen
  • member states成員國
  • leaves the European Union without a trade deal.
  • withdraws from the EU without a trade agreement
  • no-deal Brexit

