
美國 back-on 沃爾瑪 環境汙染 讀身邊故事 2017-06-12

Me: "How many times have you been on trash picking hikes with Green Foot?"




Zac:“ I’ve been on six hikes with Green Foot. The first was February not too long after I arrived in Shenzhen. The other hikes I’ve been on are: Wu Tong Shan on (May 21) Nanshan, Guangming hike, Dongxichong, Phoenix Mtn., and one other which I can’t remember the name. ”




Me:“ Why did you join Green Foot? "


Zac:I joined Green Foot simply because I wanted to do something that has a positive impact on the environment. I had heard about the group from one of my American teacher friends. I was really excited about it. I live in Bao’an so I had to wake up a bit early for a Saturday morning.



In a group chat with my friends we were texting each other asking for updates on each other’s locations. Someone mentioned that we needed to bring trash-bags. Oh, no! I forgot to pick up some. I thought, “it’s okay. There’s a Wal-mart on the way there. I can just get off the metro and pick up some bags on the way.” Someone from the group chat mentioned that we shouldn’t be any more than 15 minutes late or they might leave us behind. Wal-Mart is quite big so I was running around frantically looking for trash bags and bananas (my usual choice for a Green Foot lunch). I found the trash bags and put them in my backpack forgetting that it might look like I was stealing them. Imagine that – a foreigner stealing trash bags! One of the store workers saw me and noticed I had stashed the trash bags in my backpack. She called over to a manager and pointed at me. He got on his radio to notify security.



Wow. I might be arrested now for stealing trash bags of all things! I gestured that I was sorry and took them out again and proceeded quickly to the checkout line. I got back on the subway and made it there in plenty of time. May I mention here that this was before I had figured out how long it takes to get from one metro stop to another so I had overestimated how long the subway ride would take. The thing I really like about Green Foot is that it can be influential on other hikers who are not in our group. We can lead by example. And doing a simple thing such as picking up trash with other people, if done by so many, could possibly have a huge impact on the environment. ”



Zac: "我之所以參加綠腳丫活動,是因為我想做一些對環境產生積極影響的事情。我從一位當老師的美國朋友那知道這個群體的。我真的很興奮。我住在寶安,所以我不得不在星期六早起。在與朋友的群聊中,我們發送短信,向對方詢問最新活動進展。有人提到我們需要自帶垃圾袋。噢,不!我忘記拿了。我想:“沒關係,路上有家沃爾瑪。我可以在地鐵處下車,在路上買一些垃圾袋。“群裡有人提到,我們不應該遲到15分鐘以上,否則綠腳丫們可能會按時出發,把我們留在那。



沃爾瑪很大,所以我瘋狂地尋找垃圾袋和香蕉(通常參加綠腳丫爬山活動的午餐)。我發現垃圾袋,把它們放在我的揹包裡,忘記了它可能看起來像我在偷竊他們。想象一下 - 一個外國人偷垃圾袋!其中一個店員看到我,注意到我把垃圾袋藏在我的揹包裡。她打電話給一位經理,還指著我。他收到安全通知警告。天吶!我現在可能會因為偷垃圾袋而被捕。我表示我很抱歉,把它們拿出來,迅速到了收銀臺。我趕緊重新乘坐地鐵,並提前到了集合地點。不得不提,這是在我想出從一個地鐵站到另一個地鐵站需要多長時間之前,所以我高估了地鐵車程所需時間。我真正喜歡綠腳丫的是,它可以影響不是我們團隊中的其他徒步旅行者。我們可以以身作則。如與其他人一起撿垃圾的簡單小事,如果我們都這麼做,那對環境就會產生巨大的影響。 ”



Me:“How do you think of environment problems of China?”


Zac: " I think that the biggest problems are in bigger cities in the north such as Beijing. At least in terms of air quality it’s obviously not very good. However, most people know about this. I didn’t really know about trash waste in the beach and mountain areas until I went on the hikes with Green Foot. I’m really glad though that I’ve met so many young people who are all very passionate about the environment. It gives me hope and it’s inspiring. "

Zac:“我認為最大的問題是像北京那樣的北方大城市。很明顯, 至少在空氣質量方面不是很好。 然而,大多數人都知道這一點。 我其實不知道海灘和山區地方的垃圾浪費,直到我參與綠腳丫的徒步旅行。 我真的很高興,我遇到了那麼多關愛環境的年輕人。 它給了我希望,特別鼓舞人心。”



Me: " What’s the difference between China and USA in terms of the environment?"


Zac: " I come from a coastal city in North Carolina and people generally do a very good job of keeping the beaches clean. I’ve been on a few hikes in North Carolina and Colorado and I think that people try to use waste bins a bit more than in China. The USA could do a lot better in other areas though. I think that per capita the USA might be the worst polluter in the world and this of course is saddening.



But, once again this is why I wanted to join a group such as Green Foot – it makes me feel really good to know that I can, with my own two hands, help to clean and protect the earth. I certainly wish that in the USA we could find some alternative sources of fuel that have zero carbon. Obviously the recent news that Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris agreement is very troubling.



When the government fails to abide by certain agreements it puts more pressure on individuals to organize themselves to do it on their own. This can make those individual groups stronger in some ways because they are forced to be steadfast in their convictions. As soon as I heard the news that Trump would withdraw from Paris I said to myself – “Well, I’m definitely going on that hike tomorrow to Donxichong.” It of course proved to be the most difficult hike of all. "



Zac: “我來自北卡羅來納州的沿海城市,人們通常在保持海灘的清潔方面做得很好。我在北卡羅來納州和科羅拉多進行了幾次徒步旅行,我認為中國人應該更好地利用垃圾箱。美國在其他地區也可以做得更好。我認為美國人均可能是世界上汙染最嚴重的國家,這當然是令人不安的。但是,再一次,這就是為什麼我想加入綠腳丫這樣的團隊,這讓我感覺很好,知道我可以用自己的雙手幫助清理垃圾和保護地球。我當然希望在美國,我們可以找到一些零碳燃料的替代來源。顯然,最近有消息說特朗普決定退出巴黎協議是非常令人困擾的。當政府不遵守某些協議時,給個人施加更大的壓力,組織自己去做。這樣可以使這些個別團體在某些方面更強大,因為他們被迫堅定信念。一聽到特朗普將從巴黎退出的消息,我對自己說:“我明天要去參加東西衝撿垃圾活動。”結果證明,東西衝穿越是所有爬山撿垃圾活動中最難得一次。”



Me: " What are some other ideas you have that GF could start doing to spread ideas to more people about caring for the earth? "




Zac : " Banning plastic bags in SZ, creating a zero carbon footprint life-style, cycling everywhere and not using cars, and etc. "




In fact, on environmental issues, everyone has their own ideas, just look at one person; a group compounds the problem - differing ideas make it almost impossible to completely solve the great country's environmental problems. Zac proposed ideas - some feasible, some not feasible - but through dialogue with him, there is no doubt that he gives us more ideas. I also think like him, hoping to participate in Green Foot activities, to expand influence, and, as our numbers grow, we could share with others from all over the world the cause that has brought us together - protecting our earth.






