
建築 文物 可可西里 旅遊 中國日報網 2017-07-18



Unesco’s World Heritage List 2017 is out, with 21 new places receiving the prestigious accolade of being declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. 聯合國教科文組織公佈2017年世界遺產名錄,21處文物古蹟與自然景觀獲得殊榮,成為新近入選遺產地。

Essentially the Oscars for sites of natural beautiful or cultural significance, the Unesco World Heritage List is reappraised every year at the annual committee meeting. 聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄堪稱自然景觀與文物古蹟領域的奧斯卡,聯合國教科文組織世界遺產委員會年度會議每年對該名錄重新評估。

The 2017 edition was held in Krakow from July 2 to 12. The 41st session of the World Heritage Committee decided which of 33 nominated sites, including six natural sites, 26 cultural and one that was proposed both as a natural and cultural site, were worthy of being named World Heritage Sites. 2017年世界遺產委員會年度會議於7月2日至12日在波蘭克拉科夫舉行。第41屆聯合國教科文組織世界遺產委員會決定了候選的六個自然景觀、26個文物古蹟、一個文物與自然雙重遺址中哪些值得列入世界遺產名錄。

Some 20 places were added to the list, among them China's Gulangyu historic international settlement in Fujian province and Hoh Xil in Qinghai province. They now sits alongside the likes of the Great Barrier Reef, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon and the Great Wall of China. 名錄新增了大約20處遺址,其中包括中國福建省的鼓浪嶼國際歷史社區和青海省的可可西里。他們現在與大堡礁、泰姬陵、美國大峽谷、中國長城一樣被列入了世界遺產名錄。

Gulangyu Island is located on the estuary of Jiulong River facing the city of Xiamen. Its heritage includes a settlement composed of 931 historical buildings, representing a variety of local and international architectural styles, natural sceneries, historic roads and gardens. Gulangyu is an exceptional example of cultural fusion. 鼓浪嶼位於九龍江入海口處,與廈門市隔水相望。被列入世界遺產名錄的鼓浪嶼國際歷史社區由931座歷史建築構成,裡面包含各種本土風和國際化的建築、自然風景、古老道路以及園林。鼓浪嶼是文化融合的典範。


Hoh Xil is a region in the northwestern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. As the world's largest, highest and youngest plateau, it hosts many endemic species and is home to more than 230 species of wild animal, including the wild yak, wild donkey, white-lip deer, brown bear and the endangered Tibetan antelope. 可可西里位於青藏高原西北部。作為世界上最大、最高、最年輕的高原,這裡有許多特有物種,還是野生犛牛、野驢、白脣鹿、棕熊以及瀕危藏羚羊等230多種野生動物的棲息地。




1、中國:青海可可西里Qinghai Hoh Xil, China

2、蒙古、俄羅斯:外貝加爾山脈景觀Landscapes Of Dauria, Mongolia, Russian Federation

3、阿根廷:盧斯阿萊爾塞斯國家公園Los Alerces National Park, Argentina


1、巴勒斯坦:希伯倫/哈利勒老城Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town, Palestine

2、安哥拉:姆班扎剛果歷史中心Mbanza Kongo, vestiges of the capital of the former Kingdom of Kongo, Angola


3、厄立特里亞:非洲的現代主義城市:阿斯馬拉Asmara: a Modernist City of Africa,Eritrea

4、南非:蔻瑪尼文化景觀Khomani Cultural Landscape,Republic of South Africa

5、柬埔寨:代表古伊奢那補羅文華景觀的三波坡雷古考古遺址Temple Zone of Sambor Prei Kuk, Archaeological Site of Ancient Ishanapura,Cambodia

6、中國:鼓浪嶼:歷史國際社區Kulangsu: A historic international settlement, China

7、印度:艾哈邁達巴德歷史城區Historic City of Ahmadabad, India

8、伊朗:亞茲德歷史城區Historic City of Yazd , Islamic Republic of Iran


9、日本:神宿之島、衝之島宗像及相關遺產群Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata, Japan

10、克羅地亞、意大利、黑山:15至17世紀威尼斯共和國的防禦工事Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro

11、丹麥:格陵蘭島亞北極區農業文化景觀:庫加塔Kujataa Greenland: Norse and Inuit Farming at the Edge of the Ice Cap, Denmark


12、法國:塔普塔普阿泰考古遺址Taputapuātea, France

13、德國:施瓦本侏羅山擁有最古老冰河時期藝術的洞穴Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura, Germany

14、波蘭:塔爾諾斯克山鉛銀鋅礦及其地下水管理系統Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine and its Underground Water Management System, Poland


15、俄羅斯:島城斯維亞日斯克聖母昇天大教堂和修道院Assumption Cathedral and Monastery of the town-island of Sviyazhsk, Russian Federation


16、土耳其:阿弗羅狄西亞Aphrodisias, Turkey

17、英國:英格蘭湖區The English Lake District, United Kingdom


18、巴西:瓦隆古碼頭考古遺址Valongo Wharf Archaeological Site, Brazil

