用英語學英語口語訓練:a long-distance relationship 異地戀

英語 To LOVE 教育 英語老師覃冠平 英語老師覃冠平 2017-10-09

用英語學英語口語訓練:a long-distance relationship 異地戀

用英語學英語口語訓練:a long-distance relationship 異地戀

學英語口語,絕不是“使用中文”,即,是為了使用中文“知道”a long-distance relationship的中文是什麼意思,然後再舉起舉幾個帶中文翻譯或解釋的英語例句,然後就以為自己“學”到會用a long-distance relationship了。這樣一來,就會讓我這個“篤信”用英語學英語的人傻傻分不清你這是在學中文還是在練英語了。


我們的想法是:a long-distance relationship能直接用英語給我們帶來怎樣的一個“微話題”以後見到a long-distance relationship就能“說英語”。這本身就是一種英語口語及其練習。

1. URead 體驗英語:

What is a long-distance relationship?

Loving from a distance.


2) UTalk 自己跟自己說英語,使用英語:

Well when we say two people are having a long-distance relationship, or are in a long-distance relationship,we mean they are loving each other from a distance.


A long-distance relationship is to love from a distance.


用英語學英語口語訓練:a long-distance relationship 異地戀

1) URead 體驗英語:

What is a long-distance relationship?

a romantic relationship between two people who live far apart and so cannot see each other very often on a frequent basis.

2) UTalk 自己跟自己說英語,使用英語:

Well when we say you have a long-distance relationship, we mean you and your boyfriend, or yoyr girlfriend are living far from each other,for example, you live in this city, he or she lives in another city, so you can not see each other every day.

表達a long-distance relationship的To live far from each other的這麼好的英語,讓你自己想自己說,你想不起來,也說不出沒關係,但是,“見到”以後你能“學”“用”同步,現學現用起來就OK!

1) URead 體驗英語:

21 Best Tips On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work

Many people believe that long distance relationships are never going to work out.

How to survive a lobg-distance relationship?

2) UTalk 自己跟自己說英語,使用英語:

Well when we talk about a long-distance relationship, we can say sonething like:

A long-distance relationship will WORK,or will not WORK.

We can also say something like:

How to survive a long-distance relationship, that is the sane as saying: How to maje a long-distance relationship work (out)?




Absence makes the heart grow fonder


Love knows no distance


用英語學英語口語訓練:a long-distance relationship 異地戀

