
軟件 美國 雲計算 筆記本電腦 一名中小學教師 2017-06-08

很久沒有聊聊信息化的話題了,這個系列的話題很多人都喜歡看,證明信息技術在教育領域的發展的確很重要。今天看見一篇英文,講述了未來10年的教育技術的滅亡和發展,其中也提到了教育信息化的發展方向,引用過來,翻譯一下,大家可以看看。作者是:By Dian Schaffhauser, Rhea Kelly

Top 10 Education Technologies that Will Be Dead and Gone in the Next Decade

In our 2016Teaching with Technology survey, faculty members offered their predictions on what the future holds for technology in teaching — including what hardware and systems will bite the dust over the next 10 years.


The technologies that exist in classrooms today won't necessarily be the same ones that are around in 10 years. In particular, the days of desktop computers and laptops are numbered, according to educators in Campus Technology's 2016 Teaching with Technology survey. The survey polled faculty members across the country about their use of technology for teaching and learning, their wish lists and gripes, their view of what the future holds and more.

10年後課堂教學技術和今天的未必一樣。美國高等教育資訊網站Campus Technology調查顯示,臺式電腦和筆記本電腦都已“時日無多”。《2016教育技術》調查收集分析了美國各地教師的教學技術使用情況、他們的期待和無奈以及對未來一些看法。




In an open-ended question, respondents were asked to predict what education tech would die over the next decade. Desktop computers were mentioned by 29 percent of the 408 people who suggested anything at all. That type of tech won hands-down by a margin of nearly 2-to-1 compared to the next most popular choice: clickers, referenced in 16 percent of the votes.



However, desktop computers came in fifth when we asked people to specify which classroom tech they wished would die. The top choice there was the learning management system, followed by student mobile devices and apps; social media; clickers; and overall incompatibilities among applications, hardware and data.




Many of the same items showed up on both lists, but people were also more creative as they pondered what they'd kill off. For example, many proposed doing away with limitations (on wireless coverage, storage space and other capacities) as well as wiring and cabling in any form. We also personally enjoyed these suggestions for possible elimination:


  • "A zillion logins";

  • "Online virtual lab experiences without 'real' hands on";

  • Websites that sell research papers;

  • Having to "goad" students to participate or students not installing software for the class; and

  • "Inflated administrative affection for bloated applications."


Despite those gripes, higher education faculty are an overwhelmingly optimistic bunch when it comes to pondering the years to come. A full 97 percent said they believe that technology will play a positive role in education in the future.And while respondents were dreaming big, we also asked them to predict which emerging technologies would become important to education in the next decade. The two that blew all other suggestions out of the water were augmented and virtual reality and 3D anything — scanning, printing and design. These two categories were referenced many more times than any other type of technology.




As a reminder that institutions vary widely in timeframe for their adoption of technologies, many of the categories that some faculty would like to put out to pasture are the same ones that instructors at other campuses can't wait to get their hands on. Among those referenced multiple times on both sides of the argument: mobile devices, social media, clickers and learning management systems.


Or, as one faculty member in Kansas pointed out, "All past and present instructional technology is valuable. Depending on availability, there is no obsolete instructional technology. Because of diverse subject matter, it's difficult to identify or assess how valuable a given technology is to others."


