
人工智能 浙江大學 機器人 雲計算 浪潮新聞 2017-05-23

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,浙江大學人工智能研究所所長吳飛教授表示,目前大眾對於人工智能存在諸多誤讀,很多人認為機器能夠控制人類,這純屬杞人憂天,因為即便是會下圍棋的阿爾法狗,未必會指揮交通。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, Professor Wu Fei, director of Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Zhejiang University, said, right now the public have some misunderstanding of artificial intelligence. Many people think machines can control human, and it is suffer from imaginary fears. Because even if it is AlphaGo,it can play chess but may not be able to direct traffic.



Wu Fei believed that each of artificial intelligence machines and human has their own strong points. The advantages of machines are memory, searching, calculating. And human is better than machines in many aspects like logical deduction, intuition even drawing inferences about other cases from one instance and others. Meanwhile, human is master switch of intelligence system forever, and machines can’t control human. Besides that, any artificial intelligence system which is remarkably outstanding in a vertical field, is difficult to move to other fields.



In recent years, with the development of high and new technology such as cloud computing, big data, mobile internet and others and the application of rich market scenes, artificial intelligence constantly goes deep into many fields like automobile, finance, management, medical treatment, entertainment and others, is being paid attention to by great many people of various circles at home and abroad. But in the mean time, human intelligence is challenged, surpassed even replaced by artificial intelligence, and it is becoming general anxiety in human society.


Wu Fei believed, now the three fields of artificial intelligence are growing fastest, man-machine dialog, vision computer, robots. We can’t develop artificial intelligence out of application and applying it mechanically. The developing of artificial intelligence must be linked closely with scenes to succeed.

(中國網記者 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 餘樂)

