“Watch your mouth!”不是“看你的嘴”,說錯可是會惹上麻煩的

英語 CET 莊冬昕 教育 必克英語 2018-12-07



“Watch your mouth!”不是“看你的嘴”,說錯可是會惹上麻煩的

Let somebody down.

這個口語表達的意思是:to fail to help or support somebody as they had hoped or expected,也就是“讓某人失望”的意思。

“Watch your mouth!”不是“看你的嘴”,說錯可是會惹上麻煩的


-I'm afraid he lets us down badly.


-I promise that our new product won't let you down.


-Don't let me down and I won't let you down either.


A long shot.

這個口語表達的本意是打球時的“遠投”“遠射”,既然是遠投遠射,成功的機率就很小,這個口語表達的意思就是“可能性不大的事情,成功希望不大的嘗試”,an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying.


-Just hang in there. Although it's a long shot, I got your back.


-It's a long shot, but it just might work.


-The deal is a long shot, but you have nothing to lose.


Good for you !

當別人告訴你他得到一份新工作,或是升職加薪了,或是在考試中取得了好成績,你就可以用 Good for you! 來祝賀他,相當於:Congratulations.


- You bet! I got a new job!

- 沒錯,我有了新工作。

- Good for you.

- 恭喜啦。

- I have passed CET 6. It's kind of a no-brainer.

- 我英語六級通過了,小菜一碟而已。

- Good for you.

- 恭喜你啊!

某人做了件對他自己很有益的事,你也可以用Good for you來表示認同。

- I wanna hit the gym everyday.

- 我打算每天去健身房鍛鍊。

- Good for you.

- 不錯啊~!

You never can tell.

這個口語表達的意思是 It is impossible to be certain about something. 也就是“很難說,誰也不知道,誰也沒把握”的意思。


- He often zoned out in class, and sometimes played hooky, but still got good grades.

- 他經常上課注意力不集中,有時還逃學,不過就這樣還能取得好成績。

- The boy might turn out to be a genius. You never can tell.

- 說不準這個男孩能成為一個天才。

Hang in there.

這個口語表達的意思是 Keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult. 就是“堅持下去,忍耐一下,有困難也不要放棄”。


-Just hang in there. The physical training is tough but it's worth it.


- Everything is in such a mess. I can't seem to get things done right.

- 一切一團糟,好像我做啥都不對。

- Hang in there. Things will work out.

- 耐心點兒,一切都會好起來的!

Watch your mouth !

這個口語表達的意思是 Pay attention to what you are saying! Do not say anything rude! 就是“注意言辭,不要說髒話,嘴巴放乾淨點兒”。


-Hey, keep your shirt on. Watch your mouth! This is not the right occasion.


-Don't blow it. Watch your mouth! Complaining about your boss can land you in hot water.


Get out of hand.

這個口語表達的意思是“失去控制”相當於 get out of control.


-We left when the crowd began to get out of hand. A group of people seemedto go nuts and started pounding our car.


-I'm dealing with customers who have let their debts get out of hand around the clock. I've had enough.



“Watch your mouth!”不是“看你的嘴”,說錯可是會惹上麻煩的





