
英語 莊冬昕 語言本能 教育 能動英語 能動英語 2017-10-10



• be pleased to 樂意做某事

e.g.: Glenn will be pleased toknow that I have a plan to address this.

• used to be 過去曾經是

和這個詞組比較相近的還有一個詞組:be used to習慣於

e.g.: Even though you should be used to it by now, it is still stressful, but there is hope yet.

e.g.: The country is much less vulnerable to external shocks than it used to be.

• be trapped in 被困在

e.g.: Without these mitigating factors, people in depressed areas could easily be trapped ina cycle of stagnation.

• be guilty of 犯有…罪

e.g.: You will soon be guilty ofstrategy malpractice.

• be unworthy of 不值得,辜負

e.g.: We must never be unworthy ofour teachers’ untiring and sincere teachings.

• soak up 汲取(知識等)

e.g.: The plantations soak upradiation and prevent its spread to groundwater.

• strive to 努力做某事

e.g.: I strive tobe best at what I do.

• more or less 或多或少

e.g.: So far, they are all more or lesson track.

• be noted for 以…而聞名

e.g.: The author states the points that should be noted forconcept design of high-rise buildings by combining the features of structural design.

• by any means 無論如何

e.g.: On the other hand, this does not diminish the positive results by no means.

• pull through 渡過難關,恢復健康

e.g.: I am sure the guys and Argentine football will pull through.

• place emphasis on 重視;強調

e.g.: To build a better future for Macao, we should place emphasis onboth inheritance and innovation.

• give top priority to 優先考慮

e.g.: We will continue to give top priority tothe employment of university graduates and key groups.

• be addicted to 對…上癮;沉溺於

e.g.: Pregnant women who use heroin risk giving birth to small babies who may be addicted toheroinand suffer withdrawal symptoms.

• have no sense of 不知道

e.g.: It has often been said that a man with no memory can have no sense ofself.

• bringto an end 使結束

e.g.: The legislation will bring to an endcenturies of discrimination against women.

• be bound to 必然,一定要

e.g.: It therefore views any suggestion that it should be bound tocurb its emissions as a threat.

• talk someone out of 說服某人不做某事,勸某人放棄


• a scarcity of 缺乏,缺少

e.g.: While adult stem cells are readily available for researchers, embryonic stem cells are not because of scarcity ofeggs.

• in accordance with 依照;與…一致

e.g.: The authorities have said they are investigating and prosecuting cases in accordance withthe law.

• be bent on 專心致力於,一心想要

近義詞:dedicate oneself to

• deal with 處理

e.g.: She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal withher fear.

• be confined to 僅限於

e.g.: Their use ought to be confined tothose who have a insurable interest in the bonds of a country or company.

• tend to 傾向於

e.g. This policy tends tothe improvement of economic results.

• compete with 與…一較高下

e.g. They decided to compete withus.

• specialize in 專門研究…

e.g. The team today consists of over 200 employees that specialize intechnology, design, operations and marketing, among other areas.

• attach importance to 予以重視

e.g. In life, we attach importance towhether an "intention" is good or not and this is reproduced online.

• be tolerant of 對…寬容,能夠容忍…

e.g. You don’t need to be tolerant ofthose who share your opinions, or whose behaviour you approve.

• be impressed with 對…印象深刻

e.g. They were riding slower than she had with Alex, so it took them longer to get there, but the men were impressed withthe attraction.

• make a hasty decision 做出草率的決定

e.g.It is harmful for you to make a hasty decision.

• take advantage of 利用

e.g.Please take advantage ofthese if you have any questions or doubts


• on bad terms with 與…關係不好

e.g.Jack seems to be on bad terms with his colleagues.

• be essential to 對…是必不可少的

e.g.In fact, regularly stepping back from the projectat hand can be essential tosuccess

• be faced with 面對

e.g. However , I am counting on the fact that the forthcoming Council will not be faced withsomething of this nature.

• meet the needs of 滿足…的需求

e.g.Water available here cannotmeet the needs ofall.

• make a fuss about 小題大做

e.g.Don't make a fuss aboutsuch a small thing.

• reflect on 反思,回顧

e.g.We should often reflect onour past mistakes.

• serve as 充當…,起…作用

e.g. He was served asa general.

• up-to-date information 最新信息

e.g.These techniques let you draw more visitors to your site and also provides them withup-to-date information.

• an ideal solution 理想的解決辦法

e.g. This makes it an ideal solutionfor cramped indoor growing.

• lay the foundation打下……的基礎;奠定了……的基礎

e.g. You shouldlay a foundation, even if you can't finish the project.






