
英語 雅思 文學 教育 解憂雜貨鋪mini 解憂雜貨鋪mini 2017-09-20

誇大:exaggerate 替換詞:overstate

抵消:counteract 替換詞:offset, cancel out

拆除:tear down 替換詞:knock down, pull down

加速:accelerate 替換詞:speed up, precipitate

佔優勢:predominate 替換詞:dominate

分辨:distinguish 替換詞:differentiate, discern

限制:restrain 替換詞:constrain, confine

開展:launch 替換詞:conduct, carry out

承擔:assume 替換詞:shoulder, accept

頒佈, 制定:enact 替換詞:enforce, promulgate, map out

影響:influence 替換詞:impact, pervade

差異:difference 替換詞:distinction, gap

交流:communicate 替換詞:exchange, associate

接觸:have access to 替換詞:make contact with, keep in touch with

優先:give priority to 替換詞:put…into first place

節約:economize 替換詞:conserve, cherish

面臨:be faced with 替換詞:be confronted with

注意:beware 替換詞:prevent, guard against

腐蝕:erode 替換詞:wear away, corrode

欺騙:deceive 替換詞:cheat, defraud

衝突:conflict 替換詞:shock, tension

驅使:prompt 替換詞:spur, incite

貪婪的:acquisitive 替換詞:money-oriented, materialistic

自私的:self-centered 替換詞:selfish, inconsiderate

體諒的:considerate 替換詞:understanding, sympathetic

冷漠的:indifferent 替換詞:apathetic, aloof

奢侈的:wasteful 替換詞:luxurious, extravagant

過分的:excessive 替換詞:extravagant, exorbitant

激烈的:intense 替換詞:fierce, vigorous

嚴厲的:stringent 替換詞:rigorous, rigid

與…相關:be related to 替換詞:be associated with, be linked to

難以置信的:unbelievable 替換詞:incredulous, virtual

驚人的:extraordinary 替換詞:marvelous, spectacular

有抱負的:ambitious 替換詞:aggressive, aspirant

固有的:inherent 替換詞:nature, innate

穩定的:steady 替換詞:stable, constant


