
英語 Rain FLOW 長春暴雨 Panda每日分享 2019-08-18

1、little bitty stinging rain綿綿細雨

bitty口語詞,微小的,少量的 a little bitty housse一個極小的房子

2、big old fat rain 瓢潑大雨, 又大又肥的雨

3、rain that flow in side ways 橫掃的暴雨,方向不定的大雨

4、how is the weather tomorrow?明天的天氣怎麼樣呢?

=what is the weather like tomorrow?

5、what does the weather report say? 天氣預報是怎麼說的呢?

=what is the weather report for tomorrow?

6、what is the wind speed today? 今天的風速怎麼樣呢?


7、it's fine today。今天是個好天氣。

=it's a lovely day.

8、it's sunny but quite cold。天氣晴朗,但感覺氣溫比較低,很冷。

9、it's doesn't look too promising。看起來天氣不會好轉了

10、it has been raining all (the) week in shanghai. 上海整個星期都在下雨.

11、it's a shower.下了雷陣雨.

12、it's drizzling . 一直在下毛毛細雨。drizzle-毛毛雨

13、it's raining cats and dogs. 下起了瓢潑大雨.

14、it is begining to spot. -間斷小雨,英式英語,淅淅瀝瀝的雨。

15、it's beginning to let up 雨逐漸減小了。let up 終止,減少,減緩,是一種趨勢。

let out租出去,rent出租

16、the wind is getting up。起風了

17、the wind is dropping風逐漸減弱了/風開始減弱了。


