
藥品 美國 畜牧業 動物 豬ok 2017-05-02

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will conduct a national study focusing on how antimicrobials are being used on swine operations in the country.



The study will be carried out by the USDA’s National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS), in collaboration with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). It will last from May through August 2017.

該研究將由美國農業部國家動物衛生監測系統(NAHMS)與國家農業統計局(NASS)合作進行。 它的持續時間是從2017年5月到8月。

As explained in a USDA information sheet, the study represents a new data collection and reporting effort for NAHMS, intended to be repeated biennially. In particular, the study will examine antimicrobial use and stewardship practices on swine nursery and grower-finisher facilities with a capacity of at least 1,000 head.

正如美國農業部的一份資料表所述,這項研究代表了NAHMS的最新數據收集和報告工作,每兩年更新一次。 特別是,這項研究將檢查容量至少為1000頭的育肥豬場在生長期的抗生素使用和管理做法。

Background of antimicrobial reduction plan


The USDA Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan, released in 2015, recommended that USDA agencies perform enhanced monitoring of antimicrobial use in food-producing animals.


In addition, beginning on 1 January 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiated policy changes regarding the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals. These changes included:

此外,從2017年1月1日起,食品和藥物管理局(FDA)改變了一些關於在食用動物中使用抗菌藥物的政策。 這些更改包括:

1. Eliminating the use of medically important antimicrobials for growth promotion purposes in food-producing animals, and


2. Requiring veterinary oversight for use of medically important antimicrobials in animal feed or water.


13 US swine states involved


Swine nursery and grower-finisher operations with an inventory of at least 1,000 head in 13 major swine states, including of course Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana and North Carolina to name a few. They will be contacted and asked to provide information on antimicrobial use and stewardship practices. No biologic testing will be performed.

在13個主要養豬州中,包括愛荷華州,內布拉斯加州,伊利諾斯州,印第安納州和北卡羅來納州等豬群的1000頭以上的豬場將被聯繫並要求提供有關抗菌使用和管理實踐的信息。 但不進行生物檢測。

The timeline for the study will be as follows:


• In May 2017, representatives from NASS will contact swine operations to inquire about their interest in participating in the study. NASS’ role will be to obtain producers’ consent for study participation.


• Beginning July 2017, swine producers who agreed to participate in the study will be contacted by APHIS personnel to schedule an in-person interview, which will be conducted by an APHIS veterinarian.


• Data collection will end in August 2017.


How the US pork industry will benefit


The US swine industry will benefit from the study in various ways, the information sheet informed. Firstly, information on antimicrobial-use practices will provide transparency to consumers and others regarding why antimicrobials are used in swine feed and/or water.

美國豬業將以各種方式從研究中受益。 首先,關於抗菌藥物使用實踐的信息將為消費者和其他人提供關於為什麼在豬飼料和/或水中使用抗菌藥物的知情度。

Secondly, information will also be provided on the percentage of operations using specific antimicrobials in swine feed and/or water.


Lastly, information from this study will provide a national snapshot of antimicrobial stewardship practices, such as record-keeping related to antimicrobial use and whether a veterinarian was consulted when making the decision to use antimicrobials.


