
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)111-120
111That which ends in exhaustion is death,but the perfect ending is in the en...
教育 2017-06-06
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)171-180
171Either you have work or you have not.When you have to say, “Let us do some...
Rain 雞湯 教育 2017-06-07
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)261-270
261Let your music,like a sword,pierce the noise of the market to its heart.讓你...
INFINITE 雞湯 教育 2017-06-14
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)121-130
121I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.我把在那些已逝去的世...
教育 2017-06-03
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)241-250
241Thou hast led me though my crowded travels of the day to my evening’s lone...
動物 教育 2017-06-13
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)141-150
141When i travelled to here and to there,i was tried of thee,o road,but now w...
音樂 雞湯 教育 2017-06-09
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)251-260
251The night’s silence,like a deep lamp,is burning with the light of its Milk...
教育 2017-06-13
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)131-140
131I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart,―i cannot see them...
教育 2017-06-03
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)51-60
Eyes are raining for her,heart is holding umbrella for her,this is love.——Tag...
桃絲熊 雞湯 教育 2017-05-27
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)221-230
221The storm is like the cry of some god in pain whose love the earth refuses...
雞湯 教育 2017-06-12
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)21-30
21They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.那些把燈背在背上的人,把他們的影子投到了自己前面。22That exist is a perpetual surpris...
教育 2017-05-22
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)191-200
191The bow whispers to the arrow before it speeds forth― “Your freedom is min...
音樂 Rain 教育 2017-06-08
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)161-170
161The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies.蛛網好像要捉露點,卻捉住了蒼蠅。16...
靈魂樂 雞湯 教育 2017-06-07
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)91-100
91The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass.大地藉助於綠草...
音樂 教育 2017-06-01
泰戈爾 Stray Birds(飛鳥集)61-70
61Take my wine in my own cup,friend.It loses its wreath of foam when poured i...
雞湯 教育 2017-05-31
蟾蜍 南瓜 美女 2019-09-18
蛤蟆油的功效與作用 蛤蟆油怎麼吃好
蛤蟆油指雪蛤油、林蛙油,有很好的藥用功效,那麼蛤蟆油的功效與作用有哪些?蛤蟆油怎麼吃好?下面我們來看看吧。 蛤蟆油是雌蛤蟆蛙輸卵管的乾製品,有很高的營養價...