通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

賽車 GPS 韓國 帆板 帆船之都青島 帆船之都青島 2017-09-01
通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則




通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

1、 規則

1.1 2017-2020年國際帆船競賽規則(RRS)所定義的規則;

1.2 國際帆聯 (ISAF)3級離岸賽條例(OSR)






2、 參賽選手通知

2.1 參賽者通知將張貼在競賽委員會設立的官方公告欄上。

2.2 如有可能,下水碼頭附近將設臨時公告欄。


3、 航行細則的更改



3.3 競賽日程的變化,將在其生效的前一天21:00之前公告。

4、 岸上信號

4.1 岸上信號將展示在官方信號旗杆上。


4.3 岸上展示Y旗時,在水上整個過程規則40適用。此處更改了規則第四部分前言。


5.1 競賽日程如下:2017年7月16日通過郵件和或微信來進行船隻抽籤。

通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則


5.3 計劃在青島和木浦各舉行3輪場地賽,總計6輪場地賽。9月17日和23日當天15:00之後將不再發出場地賽預告信號。






8.1 場地賽為迎尾風場地,航線(見SI附件B)比賽均是左舷繞標。

8.2 場地賽時競賽委員會將在預告信號發出之前,在起航船白板上寫出1標的羅盤方位和將要行駛的航線。(通過VHF公告)

8.3 拉力賽預告信號之前,當起點信號船上展示綠三角旗時,所有的帆船需右舷繞過一標,之後,繼續向下一航段行駛。

8.4 拉力賽時,各參賽船隻起航後,在通過組委會設立的每一個航點的經度線時,應對通過時的經緯度座標點及手持GPS時間進行拍照並在紙上自行記錄通過時間。到岸後應向競賽委員會提交通過每一個航點經度線詳細時間的紙質記錄並將照片上傳官方微信群。 各船通過每一航點經度線和從航線那側通過終點線(門標)的照片(有詳細的經緯度座標和GPS時間)必須足夠清晰以至於競委會可以輕鬆讀出相關數據。如果競委會宣佈縮短一個賽段的比賽,以80%的帆船通過的最近的一個航點經度線,記錄該賽段的比賽成績。

No.1航點 36°02.000’N 120°37.000’E

No.2航點 35°50.000’N 121°35.000’E

No.3航點 35°40.000’N 122°25.000’E

No.4航點 35°30.000’N 123°10.000’E

No.5航點 35°20.000’N 124°00.000’E

No.6航點 35°10.000’N 124°45.000’E

終點線 (門標):34°58.000’N 125°50.000’E

34°57.000’N 125°50.000’E

8.5 參加拉力賽的帆船需要保留船上GPS航跡備查。


8.7 所有GPS時間設定為北京時間(避免混亂)。


9.1 場地賽標識為約1.2米高的橙色圓柱形充氣浮標。

9.2 起、終點標分別為升起橙色信號旗的RC船及其左側的浮標。



場地賽(36°3.251’N, 120°22.777’E為暗礁)和拉力賽競賽區域有漁網。請注意瞭望規避。


11.1 起航線為起航船上橙色“START”旗旗杆和起航標之間的連線。



11.4 競賽委員會將在起航信號發出後,將會嘗試通過VHF77頻道上播報違反起航規則的帆號或船首號。未能播報或未能按時播報不能成為要求補償的理由。本條更改規則62.1(a)。



12.1刪除規則33 (a) (2)和(b)。如果改變下一段航線,競賽委員會(RC)將移動原有的標誌(或終點線)到新的位置。









通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

15.2 在一標時限內沒有參賽船隻通過一標或在終點時限內沒有參賽船隻到達終點,則該輪競賽將被放棄,此條更改了規則35。




16.1 《抗議表》可在檢錄處領取。《抗議表》和《要求補償表》或《重新審理表》應該在規定時限內遞交至檢錄處。


16.3 抗議通知將在抗議時限結束後20分鐘內貼出,以通知審理的各方和證人。審理將在仲裁室進行。

16.4 按照規則61.1(b),競賽委員會或仲裁委員會提出的抗議將張貼在公告欄上,以通知相關船隻。

16.5 違反本細則18、19、21、23、24和27不能作為帆船抗議的依據。此處更改規則60.1(a)。仲裁委員會對於違反這些條例可能做出輕於取消資格的懲罰。在本細則規定的加以處罰的縮寫將被記為DPI。

16.6 在比賽安排的最後一天,要求重新審理的請求可以按以下條件提交:




16.7 在最後一個系列賽競賽日,以競賽委員會、仲裁委員會的決定為依據的補償申請應該在該決定公告後的30分鐘內提出。此條更改規則62.2。

16.8 國際仲裁委員會的裁決為最終裁決。




17.3 總成績出現平分將以最後一段拉力賽(木浦至青島)成績領先者獲勝。如果仍舊評分,以第一場拉力賽(青島-木浦)成績領先者獲勝。如仍舊評分,則以場地賽成績最好名次獲勝。如因故沒有拉力賽成績則以附錄A8打破平分。



17.6 完成單一輪次比賽本次帆船賽成績有效。











20.3 比賽期間參賽船隊不得以租用器材質量的優劣和出現的器材故障等原因作為提出抗議和要求補償的理由。





















28.1 參加賽事的參賽者完全自擔風險。參見RRS4,參賽決定。組織機構對賽前、賽時或賽後的任何裝備損壞或個人受傷 或死亡不承擔任何責任。

28.2 參賽者在賽前應該簽署組委會要求的《免責聲明書》。參見附件D

29. 保險


通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

1、 Rule

1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2020(RRS);

1.2 ISAF Offshore Special Regulations(OSR)for Category 3 will apply.

1.3 From sunset till sunrise, a boat shall comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea(IRPCAS), and replace Part 2 (RRS)。

1.4 The Notice of Race (NOR)and its supplementary notice;

1.5 The Sailing Instructions(SI) and the amendment thereafter.

1.6 No national prescriptions will apply.

1.7 If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence

2、 Notices to Competitors

2.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board(s).

2.2 If possible, there will be a temporary notice board at the launching ramp.

2.3 The Race Committee(RC) will inform all the information posted in the notice board by Wechat software. Each team can add the Wechat numbers offered by the RC. However, all the notices about the race subject to the official Notice board.

3、 Changes to Sailing Instructions

3.1 Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted 90 minutes before the warning signal on the day it will take effect.

3.2 Under special circumstances, if there is any necessity to make amendments to the Sis on the water, the RC may display the flag L with one sound on the RC signal boat 10 minutes before the warning signal, and inform the boats of the changed contents of SIs by radio at the same time. Each team is required to keep listening on VHF 77

3.3 Any change to the schedule of races will be posted by 2100 on the day before it will take effect.

4、 Signals Made Ashore

4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed on the official flag pole.

4.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’is replaced with ‘not less than 40 minutes’in the race signal AP.

4.3 When flag Y is displayed ashore, rule 40 applies at all times while afloat. This changes Part 4 Preamble

5、Schedule of Races

5.1 Dates of racing: July 16th is the day for boats drawing by email and/or we-chat.

通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

5.2 To alert that a race or sequence of races will begin soon, an orange flag will be displayed with one sound for at least 5 minutes before a warning signal is made.

5.3 The regatta is scheduled to have 6 course races both in Qingdao and Mokpo (3 races in Qingdao and 3 races in Mokpo). No warning signal for course races will be made after 1500 on Sept.17th and 23rd .

6、Class Flag

The event flag (white background with black characters “”is used as the class flag.

7、Racing Areas

The location of racing areas both in Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center and Mokpo (Korea). See Attachment A.

8、The Courses

8.1 The diagrams in Attachment B show the courses (Windward & Leeward Courses). All the courses require boats to round the marks to port.

8.2 During the course races, the RC signal boat will display the approximate compass bearing of Mark 1 and the course to be sailed on the white board no later than the warning signal. (Notice by VHF)

8.3 Before the warning signal of the offshore race, when the green triangle flag has been displayed on the signal boat, all the boats shall round the Mark 1 to starboard, then sail to the next leg.

8.4 After starting of an offshore race, each boat is required to record its own time on paper and take photos covering the Lat.Long position and handheld GPS time when crossing the longitudinal line of each waypoint set up by the Organizing Authority(OA). Then when she gets to the shore, she shall submit the paper to the RC with the detailed time of crossing the longitudinal line of each waypoint and upload the photos to the official Wechat group .All photos of crossing the lines and finishing line( gate marks) from the previous course side must be clear enough with GPS time and its detailed Lat Long position so that the RC can easily read the data. If the RC decides to shorten the course, basing on the latest waypoint while 80% of the boats crossed the longitudinal line of it, the RC will decide that the result of each boat will subject to the time of their crossing the line of the latest waypoint.

Waypoint No.1 36°02.000’N 120°37.000’E

Waypoint No.2 35°50.000’N 121°35.000’E

Waypoint No.3 35°40.000’N 122°25.000’E

Waypoint No.4 35°30.000’N 123°10.000’E

Waypoint No.5 35°20.000’N 124°00.000’E

Waypoint No.6 35°10.000’N 124°45.000’E

Finishing Line (Gate Marks):34°58.000’N 125°50.000’E

34°57.000’N 125°50.000’E

8.5 Each boat joining the offshore races is required to keep its GPS track for scrutiny.

8.6 During the offshore races, the RC may shorten the courses or abandon the races basing on the reasons mentioned in RRS32. The RC will notify the teams by VHF77 or satellite telephones.

8.7 All GPS time shall be Beijing Time” (avoiding the confusion)


9.1 The course marks will be 1.2m high orange cylindrical inflatable buoys.

9.2 Start and Finish marks are the RC signal boat displaying an Orange flag and its pin end buoy.

9.3 The pin end buoy(the starting line & finishing line) will be an orange triangle inflatable buoy

10. Obstructions

There are fishing nets in the areas for offshore & course races in addition to the submerged rocks 36°3.251’N, 120°22.777’E. Please keep watching to avoid them.

11、The Start

11.1 The starting line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the RC signal boat and the port-end starting mark.

11.2 After the starting sequence, the support boats shall keep clear of the starting area.

11.3 A boat starting later than 4 minutes after her starting signal will be scored Did Not Start without a hearing. During the offshore race, the time is within 2 hours after the starting signal except that the RC agrees to her late start. This changes rule A4.

11.4 After the starting signal, the RC will attempt to broadcast the sail number or bow number of the OCS boat by VHF77. Failure to make a broadcast or to do it in time shall not be grounds for a request for redress. This changes rule 62.1(a).

11.5 The starting way in Mokpo is to be confirmed upon the sea condition there.

12、Change of the Next Leg

12.1 Rule 33(a)(2) and (b) are deleted. To change the next leg of the course, the RC will move the original mark (or the finishing line) to a new position.

12.2 Boats shall pass between the RC boat signaling the change of the next leg and the nearby mark, leaving the mark to port and the RC boat to starboard. This changes rule 28.1.

13、The Finish

13.1 The finishing line of the course races will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on the RC boat (with blue flag flying) at the starboard end and the port-end finish mark. The starting line is also the finishing line.

13.2 Basing on considering the time for results notice and other factors about the continuance of subsequent races, the RC may award finishing times/points for the teams that lagged behind and have not finished for the offshore races. Each team shall sail to the habour directly after receiving the notification. This changes RRS35 and RRSA4.1.

14、Penalty System

Rule 44.1 is changed so that Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty, including 1 tack and 1 jibe.

15、Time Limit and Target Time

15.1Time limit and target time of the course races:(minute)

通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

15.2 If no boat passes Mark 1 within the Mark 1 time limit or no boat finishes within the time limit, the race will be abandoned. This changes RRS35.

15.3 For course races, boats failing to finish within 15 minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish without hearing(DNF). For offshore races, boats failing to finish within 15 hours after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish without hearing (DNF). This changes RRS35, RRSA4 and RRSA5.

15.4 The target time is only for reference, which is not the ground for a request for redress. This changes RRS62.1 (a)

16、Protests and Request for redress

16.1 Protest forms are available at the Check In/Out desk. Protests and requests for redress or reopening shall be delivered there within the appropriate time limit.

16.2 Protest time limit is 90 minutes after the protestor has got to the shore;If the protestor has got to the shore from 19:00 to 8:00 of the next day, she can deliver the protest form before 10:00am. The protestor shall notify the protestee as soon as possible.

16.3 Notices will be posted within 20 minutes after the protest time limit to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. Hearing will be held in the protest room.

16.4 Under RRS 61.1(b), the RC or Jury may lodge a protest that will be posted at the official notice board, informing the involved parties.

16.5 Breaches of instructions 18、19、21、23、24 and 27will not be grounds for a protest by a boat. This changes rule 60.1(a).Penalties for these breaches may be less than disqualification if the jury so decides. The scoring abbreviation for a discretionary penalty imposed under this instruction will be DPI

16.6 On the last scheduled day of racing, a request for reopening a hearing shall be delivered:

(a) Within the protest time limit, if the requesting party was informed of the decision on the previous day.

(b)No later than 20 minutes after the requesting party was informed of the decision on that day.

This changes RRS66.

16.7 On the last scheduled day of racing, a request for redress based on a protest committee or jury decision shall be delivered no later than 30 minutes after the decision was posted. This changes rule 62.2.

16.8 Decisions of the International jury will be final.


17.1The Low Point System of Appendix A will apply.

17.2 The total results of each team will be the overall series score of her course races in Qingdao and Mokpo, the score of the offshore race I (Qingdao-Mokpo) and the score of the offshore race II (Mokpo-Qingdao). Each offshore race will be scored double points and cannot be excluded. The course races are scheduled to have 3 races in Qingdao and 3 races in Mokpo. When fewer than 4 races, a boat’s series score will the total of her course race series. When 4 to 6 races have been finished, a boat’s series score will the total of her race series excluding her worst score.

17.3 If there is a total result tie, the one with better score in the last offshore race (Mokpo-Qingdao) will win. If a tie still remains, the one with better score in offshore race I (Qingdao-Mokpo) will win. If a tie still remains, the one with the best score(s) in course races will win. If there is no offshore race, a tie will be broken according to the Appendix A8.

17.4 After the provisional results are posted, anyone who has doubts about his or her place or score shall fill in the results inquiry form and deliver.

17.5 DNC、DNS、OCS、BFD、UFD、DNF、RAF、DSQ、DNE、DGM will be scored one point more than the number of boats entered in this regatta.

17.6 One race is required to be completed to constitute this regatta.

18、Safety Regulation

18.1 A boat that retires on the water shall notify the RC as soon as reasonably possible. Besides the GPS system rigged on the boat, each boat joining the offshore races shall be installed with the Positioning System provided by the OA,which is a boat positioning system and needs to be kept on all the time during the races.

18.2 All competitors shall fill in and sign the Standard Inspection Card (OSR Appendix C), which is required by the OA.

18.3 After finishing the offshore race I in Korea,each boat shall follow the waypoints in Attachment D to Mokpo safely.

19.Replacement of Crew or Equipment

19.1 Replacement of crew is not permitted in a single race. If replacement of crew is needed between races, she shall notify the race committee.

19.2 Request for substitution of damaged or lost equipment shall be made to the committee at the first reasonable opportunity.

20、Equipment and Measurement Checks

20.1 All sailors shall comply with RRS78 all the time. Equipment shall be kept in order and well preserved during the regatta.

20.2 Follow the regulation of the measurement. In order to comply with the class rules and sailing instructions, the boat or equipment may be checked at any time. While on the water, boats shall follow the instructions of the RC equipment inspectors or measurers by sailing to the designated area for inspection at once.

20.3 During the competition, no boats are allowed to lodge a protest or request for redress basing on the quality and the break down of chartered equipment and etc.

21、Identification & Advertisement:

21.1 Boats shall display the bow numbers on both sides of bow and the conspicuous place at the stern, which are offered by the OA.

21.2 Boats advertising on her hull, sail and mast shall comply with the Advertisement Law of ISAF Code 20 and the NOR of this regatta.

22、Official boats

RC boat----white background with blue “RC”letters flag

Jury boat---- white background with blue “IJ”letters flag.

Rescue & Marshall boat----white background with black“MARSHALL”letters flag

Media boat----green background with black “MEDIA”letters flag.

VIP boat----white background with blue“VIP”letters flag

23、Support boats

Team leaders, coaches and other support personnel shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal until all boats have finished or retired or the race committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment.

24、Trash Disposal

All boats trash may be placed aboard support and RC boats.

25.Haul-out restrictions

Keels boats shall not be hauled out during the regatta unless they get the prior written permission of the RC.

26.Diving Equipment and Plastic Pools

Underwater breathing apparatus and plastic pools or their equivalent shall not

be used around keelboats between preparatory signal of the first race and the

end of the regatta.

27、Radio Communication

The OA of this regatta will use VHF77 for communication. All boats for offshore races shall keep listening VHF16.

28、Disclaimer of Liabilities

28.1 l Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The OA will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the regatta.

28.2 All sailors participating in the regatta shall sign the Disclaimer of Liabilities required by the OA before the races.

29. Insurance

Each competitor shall be insured with the valid third-party liability insurance required by the Notice of Race.

通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則


通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

帆船之都青島 騰訊企鵝號【https://kuaibao.qq.com/s/MEDIANEWSLIST?chlid=5630378】

帆船之都青島 今日頭條號【http://m.toutiao.com/profile/50945953983/】

帆船之都青島 搜狐公眾號【http://mp.sohu.com/profile?xpt=c29odW1wYTJiOGhhQHNvaHUuY29t】

帆船之都青島 愛青島專題【http://wap.qtv.com.cn/】

帆船之都青島 藍睛 專題【http://a.app.qq.com/o/simple.jsp?pkgname=com.sobey.kanqingdao】


通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則

全媒體,全平臺,政能量。帆船之都融媒體矩陣建設進行中,請下載今日頭條、天天快報、愛青島、搜狐新聞、藍睛 手機APP客戶端,關注【帆船之都青島】政務號。


通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則通知2017第二屆遠東杯國際帆船賽 航行細則



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