
空軍 梟龍戰機 殲-31 F-35 阿狼看世界 2017-03-31


This is not a discussion regarding the forthcoming JF-17 Block-III, but a later (and, to be clear, hypothetical) variant. Investment in the FC-31 could be tied to extending its technology to the Thunder. For example, besides a similar onboard electronics suite and munitions inventory, the future JF-17 could utilize the WS-13E turbofan, which – as per some analysts – powers the second FC-31 prototype. Smokeless exhaust and a higher thrust rating would be welcome additions to the JF-17. In parallel, indigenous efforts could be made to improve the airframe, and in the process, gradually build competency in a few critical areas, such as composite aerostructures and flight control. This would be a long-term effort, but it can align with the PAF’s call for indigenization in next-generation aircraft. The future Thunder that could replace the current Thunder in the PAF fleet two decades from now could potentially reflect that effort.


這裡並不是在討論即將到來的JF-17 Block-III批次,卻也和它的後續改進有關。在FC-31上的投資將會很大程度上將其衍生的技術應用在“雷電”上。比如說,除了相似的航電系統和火力配備之外,正如一些分析家所言,未來JF-17也會配備FC-31第二臺原型機上所裝備的渦扇-13E發動機。無煙排氣和更高的額定推力使其的它加入到JF-17上將會是一個很好的選擇。同時,本土化效應同樣會提升機體結構強度,並且在過程中,逐漸建立在一些關鍵點,諸如機體佈局和飛控等領域的製造能力。這種長期效應與巴空軍對於本土化的呼籲不謀而合。未來的新“雷電”將會取代其舊有版本並在巴空軍繼續服役二十年,這也從側面印證了這種效應的潛在優點。

The SAC FC-31 deserves consideration, but it would be premature, at least today, to argue that the PAF will certainly select the platform. However, as the platform develops, it would be difficult to see another scenario, especially since the FC-31 is among a scarcely few next-generation platforms in development, and among three to be on the market in the 2020s (the others being the F-35 and Sukhoi T-50). Beijing moving to back the program alone would be key to its success, and considering the dearth of options on the market for non-NATO air arms, it would be surprising to see Beijing leave AVIC to develop the fighter on its own or to depend on an external funding source. When options are scarce, the market has shown its willingness to embrace analogous Chinese solutions. This was seen in the armed drone space. The FC-31 could be a defining product for the Chinese aviation industry, one Beijing would be wise to support.






