
法國 婚姻 美國 政治 中國日報網 2017-04-29



It's an improbable love story that, in some countries, would violate social norms. 這個愛情故事十分不可思議,在很多國家可能會有違社會倫理。

A teenage student falls in love with his high school teacher and vows to marry her. Eventually, he does. 一個高中生愛上了他的女老師,並且發誓要迎娶她。最終,如願以償。

That's the story of the couple who could become France's next president and first lady. 這是有望成為法國下一任總統的競選者和他的夫人之間的故事。

Emmanuel Macron's victory in the first round of the French election has sparked global interest in Brigitte Trogneux, the frontrunner's wife and former teacher. 伊曼紐爾•馬克龍在法國總統大選首輪獲勝,使得全球開始關注布里吉特•特羅涅,她是馬克龍的現任夫人,以及前任老師。




Macron, now 39, met Trogneux, now 64, when he was in high school in the northern French city of Amiens. By the time he was 17, he said he would marry her. But Macron's parents didn't approve of their son's romance with the teacher, who was married and had three children at the time. His father told Trogneux to back off until his son was at least 18, Reuters reported, citing a new book on the candidate. 據路透社報道,一本有關馬克龍的新書中提到,馬克龍現年39歲,布里吉特現年64歲,兩人在法國北部城市亞眠的一所高中相遇。那時,17歲的馬克龍就發誓要娶她。但是馬克龍的父母並不贊同兒子的決定,因為布里吉特已經結婚,並且是3個小孩的母親。他的父親希望布里吉特不要和馬克龍有任何牽扯,至少在18歲之前離他遠點。

"I cannot promise you anything," Trogneux tearfully replied, according to the book "Emmanuel Macron: A perfect young man" by Anne Fulda. 安妮•福爾達撰寫的《馬克龍:完美的年輕人》書中說,布里吉特含淚回覆他的父親:“我不能答應你什麼。”

It's not clear when a serious romance began between the two. 二人何時正式確立關係,我們尚不可知。

"Nobody will ever know at what moment our story became a love story. That belongs to us. That is our secret," she was quoted as saying. Macron eventually married his longtime love in 2007, after Trogneux was divorced. He was 29 at the time; she was 54. 書中援引布裡吉特的話說,“誰也不知道到底在什麼時間,我們的故事就發展成了愛情故事。這是我們兩個人的事。我們的小祕密。”2007年,布里吉特離婚後,馬克龍終於娶到了他相戀已久的愛人。那一年,馬克龍29歲,布里吉特54歲。

But he made sure to get the blessing of Trogneux's three adult children first. 不過,他在婚前先明確得到了布里吉特三個已成年孩子的同意。

"When he decided to marry my mother, because he told her he would marry her, he came to see us and told us that he wanted to marry our mother," Trogneux's daughter Tiphaine Auzière told BFMTV. “他之前告訴過我母親要娶她,但當他真的決定要這麼做的時候,馬克龍找到我們,告訴我們他的想法。”布里吉特的女兒蒂費納在接受法國24小時新聞臺採訪時說道。

"It was a strong act because not everybody would have taken this precaution and had asked us before. He made sure to know if it would be something that her children would accept." “這個舉動很重要,因為不是每個人都會未雨綢繆,事先詢問我們。他要清楚地知道,她的孩子們能否接受。”

But Philippe Besson, a friend of the couple, acknowledged that not everyone was so accepting of their relationship. 但是這對夫婦的好友菲利普•貝鬆透露,不是每個人都能夠完全接受他們的關係。

"They both had to face hostile looks, even the reluctance of their respective families and also the view of our society about the age difference," Besson told BFMTV. "Especially when the woman is older, (it's) always suspicious." “他們雙方都要面對惡意的眼神,甚至是來自雙方家庭的阻撓,當然還有我們這個社會對於年齡差異的偏見。尤其是女方的年齡偏大的時候,總讓人覺得心懷不軌。”貝鬆告訴法國24小時新聞臺。



While such a relationship could affect campaigns in other countries, most people in France aren't really blinking. "Basically it's a non-issue," CNN Paris correspondent Jim Bittermann said. "You have to ask yourself why Americans make such a big deal about it. Does it affect the way they govern?" 在其他國家,這樣一段關係可能會影響選舉,但是大多數的法國人對此連眼睛都不眨一下。美國有線電視新聞網的巴黎記者吉姆•比特曼說:“基本上,這都不是事。你要自問一下,為什麼美國人把這個當成大事,這對他們的執政方式有影響嗎?”

In France, what some would consider "scandals" are common in politicians' personal lives. President François Hollande has been spotted riding a moped back and forth from his mistress' apartment. 在法國政界,那些被稱為“醜聞”的事件在政治人物的個人生活中是很常見的。現任總統弗朗索瓦•奧朗德曾被爆出騎著電動車數次造訪情人的公寓。

Former President Jacques Chirac reportedly spoke openly about his affairs, and former President François Mitterrand had children with his mistress. 法國前總統雅克•希拉剋曾經公開談論他的婚外情,前總統弗朗索瓦•密特朗與情婦有私生子女。

Bittermann said he suspects the 25-year age difference between Macron and Trogneux -- and the fact that the woman is the much older one -- is what's really raising some eyebrows. "I suppose there might be laws in the US involving statutory rape as a minor, but they weren't carrying on as a couple when Macron was a student and she was his teacher," Bittermann said. "That's just where they met." 比特曼說,他懷疑是兩人之間25歲的年齡差,尤其是布里吉特比馬克龍年長這件事引起了一些人的非議。他說:“我覺得,美國可能有未成年人強姦罪的相關立法,但他們是師生關係時並非情侶。學校只是他們相遇的地方。”

To put things in perspective, US President Donald Trump is 24 years older than Melania Trump -- who's also his third wife. But few people are making a fuss about their relationship. 相比之下,美國總統唐納德•特朗普比第一夫人梅拉尼婭•特朗普(也是他的第三任夫人)年長24歲。但是很少有人對此大驚小怪。

And while Macron and Trogneux have certainly garnered headlines in French tabloids, many of the stories are simply curious in nature -- not critical. 儘管馬克龍和布里吉特這段戀情登上了法國小報的頭條,但是大多數報道僅僅是為了滿足人們的好奇心,而不是評頭論足。

"I think she's been pretty well accepted," Bittermann said. "The issue has not been raised at all. It's not like it's an issue that people would vote on... It's not like a secret." “我覺得大眾已經完全接受布里吉特了。根本就沒有引起任何問題。這也不是什麼需要人們投票表決的政治議題… 這也不是什麼祕密。”比特曼說到。

If anything, Macron's relationship with his wife may be helping his political profile, Bittermann said. One friend of the couple told him Trogneux has a calming effect on the novice candidate. 如果硬說有什麼話題的話,馬克龍和他妻子的這段愛情可能幫助他樹立了政治形象,比特曼說。據這對夫婦的一位朋友透露,布里吉特能夠安撫這位政壇新手。

"In a way, having her around gives him an air of more maturity." “從某種程度上來說,有她在身邊能夠使馬克龍看起來成熟很多。”


