
讀書 比爾·蓋茨 賈德·戴蒙 旅行 博鰲亞洲論壇 2019-06-22


I always like to pick out a bunch of books to bring with me whenever I get ready to go on vacation. More often than not, I end up taking more books than I could possibly read on one trip. My philosophy is that I’d rather have too much to read on a trip than too little.

If you’re like me, you’re probably starting to think about what’s on your summer reading list this year—and I can’t recommend the books below highly enough.



None of them are what most people think of as a light read. All but one deal with the idea of disruption, but I don’t mean “disruption” in the way tech people usually mean it. I’ve recently found myself drawn to books about upheaval (that’s even the title of the one of them)—whether it’s the Soviet Union right after the Bolshevik revolution, the United States during times of war, or a global reevaluation of our economic system.

If you’re looking for something that’s more of a typical summer book, I recommend Graeme Simsion’s The Rosie Result. (And if you haven’t read the first two books in the Rosie trilogy, summer vacation is the perfect time to start!) I also can’t resist a plug for Melinda’s new book The Moment of Lift. I know I’m biased, but it’s one of the best books I’ve read so far this year.



1.《劇變》(Upheaval),賈雷德·戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)著

蓋茨一直是戴蒙德的忠實讀者,這位作者1997年的作品《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》(Guns, Germs and Steel,中文版已由上海譯文出版社出版)是蓋茨最喜歡的幾本書之一。在《劇變》中,戴蒙德闡述了人們對於生命中的種種危機的反應。關於戴蒙德對6個國家的人們如何應對重大挑戰、並在面對逆境時如何學會適應的觀察,蓋茨如此寫道:“這聽著有點壓抑,但我在讀完這本書後,對於我們解決困難的能力反倒更樂觀了。”

I’m a big fan of everything Jared has written, and his latest is no exception. The book explores how societies react during moments of crisis. He uses a series of fascinating case studies to show how nations managed existential challenges like civil war, foreign threats, and general malaise. It sounds a bit depressing, but I finished the book even more optimistic about our ability to solve problems than I started.


2.《九品脫》(Nine Pints),蘿絲·喬治(Rose George)著


If you get grossed out by blood, this one probably isn’t for you. But if you’re like me and find it fascinating, you’ll enjoy this book by a British journalist with an especially personal connection to the subject. I’m a big fan of books that go deep on one specific topic, so Nine Pints (the title refers to the volume of blood in the average adult) was right up my alley. It’s filled with super-interesting facts that will leave you with a new appreciation for blood.


3. 《莫斯科紳士》(A Gentleman in Moscow),埃默·托爾斯(Amor Towles)著(中文版2018年由湖南文藝出版社出版)


It seems like everyone I know has read this book. I finally joined the club after my brother-in-law sent me a copy, and I’m glad I did. Towles’s novel about a count sentenced to life under house arrest in a Moscow hotel is fun, clever, and surprisingly upbeat. Even if you don’t enjoy reading about Russia as much as I do (I’ve read every book by Dostoyevsky), A Gentleman in Moscow is an amazing story that anyone can enjoy.


4. 《戰爭年代的總統》(Presidents of War),邁克爾·貝思克勞斯(Michael Beschloss)著


My interest in all aspects of the Vietnam War is the main reason I decided to pick up this book. By the time I finished it, I learned a lot not only about Vietnam but about the eight other major conflicts the U.S. entered between the turn of the 19th century and the 1970s. Beschloss’s broad scope lets you draw important cross-cutting lessons about presidential leadership.


5. 《資本主義的未來》(The Future of Capitalism),保羅·科利爾(Paul Collier)著


Collier’s latest book is a thought-provoking look at a topic that’s top of mind for a lot of people right now. Although I don’t agree with him about everything—I think his analysis of the problem is better than his proposed solutions—his background as a development economist gives him a smart perspective on where capitalism is headed.






